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Atmosphere Tonight - Good On Us.


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Scarves or no scarves, Eastend, or not in the Eastend - I don't care.

I honestly believe that we as fans should be proud of ourselves tonight, and can't help but feel that we were what made the difference in the players heads not dropping and Brett getting the equaliser. Lets face it, the penalty was never a penalty, and we should have only been 1 down.

Well done everyone, the atmosphere was the best i've heard it for quite some time. Credit where its due.

And now you can all shoot me down and get back to being negative.

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Agreed the atmosphere was great in the 2nd half and a special mention should he made to the atyeo for the reception they gave the players at the end of the 1st half.

As for the pen.....stonewall! Not sure if Fontaine was fouled in the lead up to it but he had a mighty grub on his shirt and basically pulled him down!

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Whilst im happy you believed the atmosphere was better, Im sorry i couldnt revel in it because after all the hype over this ( which im fully behind) I could'nt help feel a little disappointed..

Ok we are two down.Thats enough to deflate anyone but when we got it to 2-2 I really believe the ground would erupt. Which it did for all of up to three minutes after Pitmans equaliser...then it just fizzled out .

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Whilst im happy you believed the atmosphere was better, Im sorry i couldnt revel in it because after all the hype over this ( which im fully behind) I could'nt help feel a little disappointed..

Ok we are two down.Thats enough to deflate anyone but when we got it to 2-2 I really believe the ground would erupt. Which it did for all of up to three minutes after Pitmans equaliser...then it just fizzled out .

That was just the tension for our third :)

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Awful atmosphere, and I blame it entirely on the match presenter.

When the players came out, One For The Bristol City was only played once with 'Come on you reds' being spoken over the speakers. Seriously, that was a atmosphere killer and the crowd support was non-existent for most of the match because of it.

Then seriously. Drink up me cider at half time when City have been playing awful. Seriously, WTF?

I tried my best to get some support going in the Dolmon but no one was feeling it and I gave up after half time. Well done to the East end though, lots of noise!

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Am i missing something here - i thought the atmosphere was good, i actually heard A & B dolman have a go, the east end was quality and tried so hard, scarve waving was good from the EE but felt more could have taken part throught the ground, DL tried very hard to get the ground going, i dont know what else you downers want the club to do, they are trying there best to create an atmosphere, get off there case and dare i say it join in

( what did the atyeo look like, i was sat in it and couldnt tell, me an my little un were waving our colours - i thought the atmosphere was ok and fair play to all those who made an effort - its very easy to come on here and moan and bitch about it but if you cant be arsed to put the effort in they cannot make any comments, sorry but its as simple as that for me

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Am i missing something here - i thought the atmosphere was good, i actually heard A & B dolman have a go, the east end was quality and tried so hard, scarve waving was good from the EE but felt more could have taken part throught the ground, DL tried very hard to get the ground going, i dont know what else you downers want the club to do, they are trying there best to create an atmosphere, get off there case and dare i say it join in

( what did the atyeo look like, i was sat in it and couldnt tell, me an my little un were waving our colours - i thought the atmosphere was ok and fair play to all those who made an effort - its very easy to come on here and moan and bitch about it but if you cant be arsed to put the effort in they cannot make any comments, sorry but its as simple as that for me

Atyeo looked 100 times better than it would have without. Need more though! Tell those around you about it and get more of them and it would look amazing!

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Whilst im happy you believed the atmosphere was better, Im sorry i couldnt revel in it because after all the hype over this ( which im fully behind) I could'nt help feel a little disappointed..

Ok we are two down.Thats enough to deflate anyone but when we got it to 2-2 I really believe the ground would erupt. Which it did for all of up to three minutes after Pitmans equaliser...then it just fizzled out .

Thats because the game was finished.

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Scarves or no scarves, Eastend, or not in the Eastend - I don't care.

I honestly believe that we as fans should be proud of ourselves tonight, and can't help but feel that we were what made the difference in the players heads not dropping and Brett getting the equaliser. Lets face it, the penalty was never a penalty, and we should have only been 1 down.

Well done everyone, the atmosphere was the best i've heard it for quite some time. Credit where its due.

And now you can all shoot me down and get back to being negative.

agree there Dolly, it was hard after the early goal but i felt we all tried our best and at times during the game it was pretty good - ref was a **** though!!

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Atyeo looked 100 times better than it would have without. Need more though! Tell those around you about it and get more of them and it would look amazing!

cheers for info, how many scrarves could you see in atyeo? if everyone keeps bringing them then maybe it will become the norm, which would be awesome, i reckon people feel a bit embarrased or reserved about flying their flags or scarves, i suggest a downing of two or three pints of blackthorn before entering the ground, lose your inhibitions and get waving, i will be taking mine every game from now on in - if it helps even a fraction !

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Could see plenty of scarves in Atyeo from Dolman. I had mine. EE had loads of scarves. There was some singing, obviously more towards end. :yahoo:

Thought the build up to the game was different enough and better than before, club made a real effort at least if DaveL wants to shout COYR across the speaker then good on him, better than doing nowt.. Liked the way the team was announced earlier too and them starting drink up thy zider on the chorus.

Dunno....some people want to sing some people don't, up to them.. Don't give up after half time..?

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Agree with you Dolly, summed up the night with my thoughts on Forza revolution. Cannot believe the negativity, really is incredible.


Not being negative for the sake of it, but where I was stood, atmosphere was non existent. It really was shocking - mind you I was stood in my usual space near the toilets..... maybe it was better behind the goal - I assume that's where you were?

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Scarves or no scarves, Eastend, or not in the Eastend - I don't care. I honestly believe that we as fans should be proud of ourselves tonight, and can't help but feel that we were what made the difference in the players heads not dropping and Brett getting the equaliser. Lets face it, the penalty was never a penalty, and we should have only been 1 down. Well done everyone, the atmosphere was the best i've heard it for quite some time. Credit where its due. And now you can all shoot me down and get back to being negative.

Some of us are generally quite positive Dolls....;) especially when we know, finally, we have the right manager back in place. It was marvellous to listen to the commentary tonight.. especially that last 20 minutes where it seemed we pummelled em... more of that please Companero Derek.

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Was in the Ee tonight and thought the atmos was quality!! Constant singing for 90 mins. The Atyeo, Dolman and Williams were as bad as ever though, I just don't understand it

I remarked to those I was stood with that I heard the Atyeo and Dolman on several occasions. I am quite close to the front of the EE though, so that probably helps.

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Dolman and Atyeo were the best I've heard for a loooooong time. And From the Dolman, Atyeo looked decent with their scarves, as did the EE.

EE were obviously doing a lot, but from Block B, you couldn't really hear them. Not knocking the EE at all, you could see that you lot were proper going for it for the majority of the second half, but I guess it's just where I was sat.

Fair play to everyone, thought it was a great improvement.

Hope everyone who took scarves, takes them against Blackpool which hopefully will encourage more people in weeks to come to bring their own!!

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Was in the Ee tonight and thought the atmos was quality!! Constant singing for 90 mins. The Atyeo, Dolman and Williams were as bad as ever though, I just don't understand it

It must have something to do with the noise projection, sat in E block atyeo and we could hear the EE, a section of the dolman at times, the williams from where we were sat was quiet but it was a great improvement IMO to the games before, even the atyeo at times was much better in short periods nothing sustained but much improved.

Events during the game and the team performance are all catalysts for the atmosphere i agree but there was a marked improvement last night from 75% of the stands. As everyone knows its hard to generate an atmosphere when your isolated within a group or on your own surrounded by lets say a few of the older generation, not all mind, i had some 50+ ers sat behind me last night saying i was getting a bit excited umm yea thats the point.

Nobody is saying or asking every fan who walks through the door to give 100% vocally and go crazy when were one nil down but people have to realise that we are in a situation and collectively we can try and do something about it, the City staff tried last night, it was different but thought the ideas were there and more of the same please - we all have something to build on, the team has to play their part (before anyone says it) but we have to move forward, even if it helps 2% the scarfs are one small thing, as other posters have also said if we have ideas, proposals etc we need to be all in agreement as a collective group including the club, the only way we can improve Ashton Gate is with numbers & a bit of marketing, if the EE lads/lasses are the loudest in the club then surely it would a good idea to listen to them or mirror there ideas, move forward as a group and lets turn some of the Negativity into positivity.

larger combined numbers = louder voice & clout = more things done = better atmosphere -

soapbox removed !!

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Dolman and Atyeo were the best I've heard for a loooooong time. And From the Dolman, Atyeo looked decent with their scarves, as did the EE.

EE were obviously doing a lot, but from Block B, you couldn't really hear them. Not knocking the EE at all, you could see that you lot were proper going for it for the majority of the second half, but I guess it's just where I was sat.

Fair play to everyone, thought it was a great improvement.

Hope everyone who took scarves, takes them against Blackpool which hopefully will encourage more people in weeks to come to bring their own!!


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I remarked to those I was stood with that I heard the Atyeo and Dolman on several occasions. I am quite close to the front of the EE though, so that probably helps.

It must have something to do with the noise projection, sat in E block atyeo and we could hear the EE, a section of the dolman at times, the williams from where we were sat was quiet but it was a great improvement IMO to the games before, even the atyeo at times was much better in short periods nothing sustained but much improved.

Events during the game and the team performance are all catalysts for the atmosphere i agree but there was a marked improvement last night from 75% of the stands. As everyone knows its hard to generate an atmosphere when your isolated within a group or on your own surrounded by lets say a few of the older generation, not all mind, i had some 50+ ers sat behind me last night saying i was getting a bit excited umm yea thats the point.

Nobody is saying or asking every fan who walks through the door to give 100% vocally and go crazy when were one nil down but people have to realise that we are in a situation and collectively we can try and do something about it, the City staff tried last night, it was different but thought the ideas were there and more of the same please - we all have something to build on, the team has to play their part (before anyone says it) but we have to move forward, even if it helps 2% the scarfs are one small thing, as other posters have also said if we have ideas, proposals etc we need to be all in agreement as a collective group including the club, the only way we can improve Ashton Gate is with numbers & a bit of marketing, if the EE lads/lasses are the loudest in the club then surely it would a good idea to listen to them or mirror there ideas, move forward as a group and lets turn some of the Negativity into positivity.

larger combined numbers = louder voice & clout = more things done = better atmosphere -

soapbox removed !!

I was at the very back corner of the Ee, which probably explains why I couldn't really hear the other 3 stands. Fair play to the Atyeo I was impressed with how many had scarves and the reception they gave the players at the end of the 1st half when they needed us most. I've heard that a fair few in the Dolman were giving it a go too, especially A and B block so full credit to them for that, but as I've said it was very difficult for me to hear due to being in the back corner of the Ee.

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