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Ashton Gate United

Forza Revolution

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Following the match last night, I feel really positive about the potential for fans backing and actively getting involved in improving the atmosphere in the Ateyo and Dolman! I thought the respective stands making the effort to bring scarves and get behind the team shows they are willing to try and improve things! Forza revolution is all about improving atmosphere in the Ateyo, Dolman & if possible the Williams (We can all dream).

The East end have set a very high standard and any advice from them is always welcome. (I have already been in contact with a couple of key members). The amount of work put in by the EE and the battles they have had to face to get where they are now could teach us all and save us some valuable time and efforts! Forza Revolution are always welcome to positive Ideas, thoughts and suggestions! As many of the EE have suggested it is crucial to co-ordinate, so lets unite and see what we can achieve! We are slowly building up a few people who are willing to get behind this cause and we want as many as possible (more the merrier).

Any ideas for the next home game?


Below are some quotes from the players and mgr post match last night:

"The team is united" , "Everyone believes in what he is trying to do here" , "they (supporters)have to stay with us",

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Same again for me...hopefully with a larger attendance. The East End sounded as loud as it has done all season last night from the Williams. Scarves looked good. Pre match music MUCH better and David LLoyd needs some congrats for his efforts. My views anyway. Next home game more fans, scarves, noise ....and 2 up front from the off !!!...

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same here im up for it here in the sleepy atyeo :surrender: would like to see more scarves and flags will dig out a couple in the loft . what happened to the spirit of 76 flag or the red and yellow one that used to hang from the dolman in the old you tube videos and come to that the big red pride of bristol one that appears at 3lions flag day ??

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people who dont use these forums have no idea its happening

people forget this forum equals about 5%/10% of people at the game last night

thats why it took the EE so long, posters, word of mouth etc, it will take time, hell i remember being in the east end with 100 people

Exactly! If we want to make any plans I think we should get it as far and wide using whatever we can, particularly the likes of facebook and twitter. So when we know what it is we want to do, we need to get that moving!

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"Get your scarves out" was posted on the official BCFC website but to be fair it was only suggested a couple of days prior to the match.

Therefore this did not give many time to become aware of the idea! If everybody keeps taking there scarves along then eventually it should catch on!

If anybody is keen to become involved with FORZA REVOLUTION then go for it! The idea is for everybody and anybody! If you have a facebook then feel free to post this thread or any ideas such as scarf night? If you have twitter then spread the word and make as many people as possible aware! I do not have twitter but have noticed many #Forzarevolution tweets! Whatever you want to do! As I have said, this group was started for everyone to make suggestions, post ideas and hopefully aim to improve atmosphere! A few people have pm'd me who want to get involved! The greater numbers we have the more we can achieve!


Success demands a greater effort

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There are always flyers up in the eastend promoting this sort of stuff. That would be really helpful. It could be posted everywere to make sure everyone knows what we are trying to do. If someone creative could nock one of them up?

yep been doing it for a long time, maybe some could join in and build on what is already started as well as doing other stuff like scarfs, any one is welcome to display their flags..

Next eastend flag day will be the home game with Blackpool 25-2-12 email request about the netting has been sent to the clubs safety officer

(well in advance) so we hope we can find out what blocks we will have and where the netting will be that saturday at mid-day.



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If we were to do that then co-ordinating with the East end is essential as they already produce great flyers and have so much experience & contacts.

Before we plan anything for the next home match let's co-ordinate with the East end. They may already have something planned and if we can get involved and attempt to spread it around the ground then we are all working for the same cause! Keep all ideas going on this thread and let's see what we can come up with.

Anything planned in the Eastend for up and coming matches?


"It is much better to set up an objective, even if it is beyond your reach, than it is to give up the struggle at the outset"

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If we were to do that then co-ordinating with the East end is essential as they already produce great flyers and have so much experience & contacts.

Before we plan anything for the next home match let's co-ordinate with the East end. They may already have something planned and if we can get involved and attempt to spread it around the ground then we are all working for the same cause! Keep all ideas going on this thread and let's see what we can come up with.

Anything planned in the Eastend for up and coming matches?


"It is much better to set up an objective, even if it is beyond your reach, than it is to give upthe struggle at the outset"

Well they already have a flag day planned for the blackpool game. But that couldnt be held in any of the other 3 stands because the club wouldnt allow it. In the eastend there is the netting and back of the stand, but the other 3 stands are surrounded by advertising banners, which are not allowed to be obscured. So if you put a flag down you would be told to move it!

So leave the eastend to have the flags, and the rest of the ground go for scarves?

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Well they already have a flag day planned for the blackpool game. But that couldnt be held in any of the other 3 stands because the club wouldnt allow it. In the eastend there is the netting and back of the stand, but the other 3 stands are surrounded by advertising banners, which are not allowed to be obscured. So if you put a flag down you would be told to move it!

So leave the eastend to have the flags, and the rest of the ground go for scarves?

Let's see what Ciderhead and the rest of the east end suggest? Looking at Cider heads latest post on this thread he is keen for us all to get involved. Which is exactly what we need.

This thread is open for suggestions, but that picture of the city fans with scarves has really inspired me and reiterates how good this could look if everybody in the ground gets involved. I reckon that picture could be used in someway to inspire and promote plans for the next home match! Anyway, let's see where this thread goes and what the Eastend have planned. Can't help but imagine a sea of red scarves in Ashton Gate and even better than that them all being swung in a foreign style above fans heads when we score!

If we can get all four stands bringing them allong a creating anything like that shown in the picture above then we are on the road to something special here!

FORZA REVOLUTION - Bring your scarves

The future is unknowable, but the past should give us hope

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My suggestion is, when the players are walking out we should all hold our scarfs up and sing "we'll keep the red flag flying high".

I like the old picture of everyone holding there scarfs up, but even then we had one grumpy old git who didnt want to join in, can you spot him?

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So far the club have fully supported this movement from the fans and I think they could really help with the scarves.

How about a reasonable promotion on scarves for the Blackpool game? Dave L, is this possible?? A season ticket holder discount, specifically on scarves? Or selling them by the turnstyles? A fans initiative and marketing opportunity for the club shop. I recon they would sell for a fiver.... They could even send out one of their emails or texts regarding the promotion??

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David L is posting a blog or a write up on the website tomorrow. Will be interesting to see how he feels it went, I have a feeling it will be positive!

He has been good as responding to queries on this forum so will have to wait and see what his views are!

I reckon this idea could and will go all the way! Get your scarves and flags out for Blackpool! Just in time for a Hollowhead visit.

Once we have lots of views, suggestions and ideas and have discussed further with Ciderhead and the EE we can go ahead making this idea common knowledge!

Spread the word!

FORZA REVOLUTION- The good times are coming back to AG

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i do find the educational classes via the internet on "how to cheer at a football match" most odd! But then i am from a different generation where passion was not an issue. Often i have witnessed fights breaking out between city fans of the Enclosure and the Eastend. This was in the early 80's thou.

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Anyone watch the Milan vs Arsenal match last night?

What was it they all held above their head prekick off behind one of the goals? Looked like plastic bags? Whatever it was, looked cheap, would be great if we could get something similar done in the Ateyo with "BCFC" or "Always Believe" in the Dolman.

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Anyone watch the Milan vs Arsenal match last night?

What was it they all held above their head prekick off behind one of the goals? Looked like plastic bags? Whatever it was, looked cheap, would be great if we could get something similar done in the Ateyo with "BCFC" or "Always Believe" in the Dolman.

That is a club organised thing, the same as city have done before for red and white nights. The first time they did it they just did it in the Atyeo and blocks A&B of Dolman. But for Palace in the playoffs I think everyone had one? Looked impressive last night because of the size of that stand! Not enough seats in the atyeo for it to look as impressive! Adds colour though...


This was against Rotherham back in 2005, only 12,000 fans there that night!

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I would be more than happy to design some posters for the other 3 stands if people want to supply content and organise the print.

That would be great mate.

Main content:

Possibly the old picture of the city scarves in this thread?

Something to do with bringing scarves, flags and the bloody atmosphere!

V Blackpool 25/02/12

Put on there something to do with getting the message out there!

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