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I am no Homophobic (as in - hate gays) but Brighton is THE gay capital of the UK - FACT.

So naturally - all football fans will associate the local club with this - even if the squad are 100% straight.

I was at the Amex on 14th Jan and any so called "anti-gay" chants from City fans were just a bit of friendly banter based on what I have said above.

Relax, it's just a bit of fun.

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I am no Homophobic (as in - hate gays) but Brighton is THE gay capital of the UK - FACT.

Would poking fun at the large Asian population in Bradford when at Valley Parade be fine then?

All morals aside, it's the shocking double standards. The thread on a similar topic to this the other week was an absolute joke.

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Would poking fun at the large Asian population in Bradford when at Valley Parade be fine then?

Yes. It would be a bit tired and boring and one would be quite entitled to not find it funny but it's not racist at all.

All morals aside, it's the shocking double standards. The thread on a similar topic to this the other week was an absolute joke.

Some people struggle with the differences between humour based on a stereotype and discrimination. They are markedly different things.

You can make a joke about gays liking Wham or Scots being tight or the English being lager swilling drunks or Bristolians being funny sounding bumpkins, that's fine.

But you can't treat an individual differently based on those stereotypes, that would be prejudice. You would be judging someone unfairly and that is discrimination.

The distinction isn't that difficult to make.

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What a load of boll**ks. Anyone who watched that "Gay Footballers" doc would have seen that they take the banter in good spirit. Its "banter" thats all it is. Same as us being called "Wurzels" or "Sheep shag*ers" etc. What has this country become?

On a different note, why should a footballer come out and say he's gay? Its a load of rubbish. Why do we need to know anyway? I really don't give two hoots if a player is gay, bisexual, hetrosexual a swinger... Who cares and quite frankly is none of our business anyway.

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What a load of boll**ks. Anyone who watched that "Gay Footballers" doc would have seen that they take the banter in good spirit. Its "banter" thats all it is. Same as us being called "Wurzels" or "Sheep shag*ers" etc. What has this country become?

On a different note, why should a footballer come out and say he's gay? Its a load of rubbish. Why do we need to know anyway? I really don't give two hoots if a player is gay, bisexual, hetrosexual a swinger... Who cares and quite frankly is none of our business anyway.

a pc mad country where people get sued for sneezing and others get stabbed for looking at you wrong

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What a load of boll**ks. Anyone who watched that "Gay Footballers" doc would have seen that they take the banter in good spirit. Its "banter" thats all it is. Same as us being called "Wurzels" or "Sheep shag*ers" etc. What has this country become?

On a different note, why should a footballer come out and say he's gay? Its a load of rubbish. Why do we need to know anyway? I really don't give two hoots if a player is gay, bisexual, hetrosexual a swinger... Who cares and quite frankly is none of our business anyway.

Spot on Badger. This countrys getting a bit boring now, where you have to love everyone and tread on egg shells incase you offend someone. I was at Brighton and there fans were happy to give it out themselves, its a bit of banter. Its what makes going to Football enjoyable. As its certainly not the action on the field, as if it was, I would get myself a sky subscription and watch the EPL/La Liga/Bundesliga. Football in general is becoming a bit of a joke, its a non contact sport where the crowd are expected to sit there in silence, clapping like your brainless at a goal rather than showing the passion its really about.

On a side note however, the Derby fans chanting about Forest's chairman, although in the heat of the moment at a Derby, was not on.

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I can see both sides to this.

I would hope that most fans who have been chanting anything homophobic are doing so in jest against the stereotype of Brighton itself, much in the same way that we are called farmers and the Welsh sheep shaggers etc.

But because of the society we now live in, people are cracking down on this sort of thing, years from now, we may look at homophobic chanting in the same way now that we think that racist chanting from the 70's and 80's was deplorable, however, at that time it was the norm.

Society constantly changes, what we currently consider as banter in 20 years time may have been considered supremely offensive, even if you an individual do not currently mean to cause any offense.

Where will it stop though? In 20 years time you may not be able to say anything about any group of any society in some sort of utopian civilization that some may want, but football and sport at it's core is based on conflict, not necessarily malicious conflict or that which be designed to cause harm, but based on that fact that you have a rivalry because someone or something is different from you, be it the way they play the game, the fact they are higher in the table than you or because they play in blue and white quarters, currently where the opposition is from and what they represent is part of that rivalry, but it may not be for much longer.

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I'm straight but have gay friends and they generally take the piss out of themselves, in a way SOME black/asian people also do, i couldn't give a toss what someone does in their private time and the same applies to my favourite sports stars, as has already been said, why look to force somebody to come out? everybody has things they wish to keep secret and if they arn't harming anybody then they are every bit entitled to.

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The world has gone funking mental!

There are SO MANY openly gay people now, are "they" really a minority? Do people really hide it still?

I've spent a fair bit of time in Brighton and to be honest, apart from Kemptown, the gay population doesn't seem that large.

For my sins I live in C*****f, a city which has a huge and growing gay population, I wouldn't be surprised to see it take over from Brighton as the gay capital in years to come, I guess it's a haven for young homosexuals who come from the small valley towns to come out and be themselves?!?!?! I digress!

Who knows what Cardiff will sing at Ashton Gate in years to

come when they inevitably go 1-0 up........1-0 to the gay sheep shaggers?!?!!.............

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