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Evening Post - Page 11!


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This letter from 'Toteend Tony':

At long last we are seeing that Rovers get the stadium they've deserved for years. By the coverage in the evening post it looks great, i can't wait.

Now i don't want to pour water over the fireworks, but, why only 22,000 seats?

it's a fact that Rovers have the biggest following in the West, you just have to look at the amount of fans Rovers have taken to the big events, i.e Wembley/Cardiff.

Compare that with others and it's obvious that with a bit of success Rovers would require a bigger stadium. I can remember back from the 60's when crowds of 20-30,000 were the norm.

Now we have the right manager i'm sure we will see those successful days return to the Gas.

They are bloody brilliant!!!

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TOTEND TONY is living in a Dream World, I can remember when City and Rovers were getting 20,000 plus at third Division South Games, it was back in the early 1950s. At that time the only Game on TV was the Cup Final, and very few people had TV anyway. So it was either Second half Commentary on the old light programme, and that could be any match, even Scottish, or you went to watch you home town team, some would be at Eastville one week and Ashton Gate the next, oh how time have changed. The cost about 2/6d or 12.5p.

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TOTEND TONY is living in a Dream World, I can remember when City and Rovers were getting 20,000 plus at third Division South Games, it was back in the early 1950s. At that time the only Game on TV was the Cup Final, and very few people had TV anyway. So it was either Second half Commentary on the old light programme, and that could be any match, even Scottish, or you went to watch you home town team, some would be at Eastville one week and Ashton Gate the next, oh how time have changed. The cost about 2/6d or 12.5p.

Since 19 SIXTY the gash have only had TWO, yes TWO seasons where their average crowd was above ours and one of those was our first season (of only two) in the bottom tier!

So suck on 'ee BellendTony!

The trouble is ,it gets published in the Evil Rag and it automatically becomes fact.

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TOTEND TONY is living in a Dream World, I can remember when City and Rovers were getting 20,000 plus at third Division South Games, it was back in the early 1950s. At that time the only Game on TV was the Cup Final, and very few people had TV anyway. So it was either Second half Commentary on the old light programme, and that could be any match, even Scottish, or you went to watch you home town team, some would be at Eastville one week and Ashton Gate the next, oh how time have changed. The cost about 2/6d or 12.5p.

He also seems to miss the point that 22,000 is larger than 20,000?!

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Toteend Tony is only doing what alot of Gasheads do, spout nonsense that even they know is rubbish because they think if they say it enough times people will actually believe it. "Bigger club than City blah blah blah, More fans than City blah blah blah, Best Club anthem/ fans/ badge in the World...definately better than City blah blah blah". Take that bellend who was on here the other day in the 'fans' thread for example.

Always telling us what they are DEFINATELY gonna do in future (how many times have we heard they are going to swap divisions with us next year?).

It's called an inferiority complex.

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Bristol Rovers will Only get 22,000 people in their Stadium if Bristol Rugby don't come to Ashton Vale ..... Or unless they Play against Man Utd, Man City, Arsenal, Chelsea, Barcelona or Real Madrid .... #FACT

Or if City go there in a Cup and we take 18,000. :yes:

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Like his nickname, living in a dream world with his tank top and flairs. He'll be telling us next that they had 15,000 at the mud heap for the visit of AFC Wimbledon on Saturday with 5,000 locked out.

I'd get your carer to up your medication Tony and stop licking windows.

We have a duty of care to protect the vulnerable members of the community

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Since the 50s, Rovers have only beaten our average attendance on 9 occasions. When they have, it's been by two or three thousand at the most.

On the other hand when we were in the old first division (4 years) our attendances were up to 10 thousand more than theirs, and have been regularly in recent years, as well as the other fifty odd years when we regularly got 2/3 thousand more than them.

Their glory years were in the fifties and some of them are still stuck there.

The only reason they took as many as they did to Wembley is because thousands of juveniles and grandparents boosted the numbers.

We took far more adults to our matches, resulting in less kids going. They've seen our attendances at those matches, realised how good they actually are (remember the mickey mouse quotes) and tried to beat BCFC in whatever they can, so took the kids, the wives and granparents. Nothing wrong with them going though, before I'm slated.

Just have a look at the matches involving MU and Liverpool and see if there are any kids.

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This letter from 'Toteend Tony':

At long last we are seeing that Rovers get the stadium they've deserved for years. By the coverage in the evening post it looks great, i can't wait.

Now i don't want to pour water over the fireworks, but, why only 22,000 seats?

it's a fact that Rovers have the biggest following in the West, you just have to look at the amount of fans Rovers have taken to the big events, i.e Wembley/Cardiff.

Compare that with others and it's obvious that with a bit of success Rovers would require a bigger stadium. I can remember back from the 60's when crowds of 20-30,000 were the norm.

Now we have the right manager i'm sure we will see those successful days return to the Gas.

They are bloody brilliant!!!

blah blah, smash and grab, didn't rovers win the war and went on to be the most successful team ever? . . . no it's definately a nightmare as I've just remembered two of the most handsome chappies your ever likely to meet, Archie Stephens and Carl Saunders

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blah blah, smash and grab, didn't rovers win the war and went on to be the most successful team ever? . . . no it's definately a nightmare as I've just remembered two of the most handsome chappies your ever likely to meet, Archie Stephens and Carl Saunders

Who can forget Danny Baker's "Ugliest Footballers" chart, won by Gash's own Kenny Hibbitt!

To quote DB, " Wow Mrs Hibbitt, what a catch! I bet he's on the team coach now as we speak, laughing along with us!".....classic.

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