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Cheats ? Technology

Tall King Blox

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We read on this and other Forums the contempt towards players who "cheat"and play the ref, and we see it across our wide screens in super slow mo, with the the added itervention and "pro" annalysis from pundits who in my opinion talk total blox...they have the technology too, with hindsight and multi angles they discect the game into small managable peices...and armed with this they rant on about if he ran there or if he had ran into that area it would be i different game,or "i think he tweaked his toe" after watching it umpteen times in the lounge with a martini and a bag of chilli nobby's nuts,...Peeps just imagine watching our heroes of yesteryear with the advantages that modern footy coverage gives us...Imagine a Gerry Gow tackle in HD SLO- MO..it would be X rated...The crux of this monday rant is...Were our heroes as clean as we remember them or did they get away with it??

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