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Watford Have The Right Idea


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instead of getting ponsy jock after ponsy jock.. what we really need is 4 gigantic defenders who take no shit from nobody- martin taylor may not be the most gifted footballer but he does his job extremely well..

our players got bullied off the ball today, and rightly so as watfords team were huge muscular and played well to their strengths..

You'd think hoof ball aginast 6 ft 9 defenders would stop after the first half.. obviously not..

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instead of getting ponsy jock after ponsy jock.. what we really need is 4 gigantic defenders who take no shit from nobody- martin taylor may not be the most gifted footballer but he does his job extremely well..

our players got bullied off the ball today, and rightly so as watfords team were huge muscular and played well to their strengths..

You'd think hoof ball aginast 6 ft 9 defenders would stop after the first half.. obviously not..

They did have quite a considerable amount of help from mr tactics though.

Against a defence the size of the QE2 and about the same mobility he decides long ball up to pitman and stead is a good idea.

Hell if that's what you need to be a football manager then the 10 year old kid sat next to me may as well be given a go as he seems to understand that long ball against a defence that size may not be the best plan.

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I would start sticking Carey and McManus as our 2 CB's not the biggest of fellas like the watford defenders by they will give as much as they get from any striker. Fontaine looks a bit too soft from the last couple of games.

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