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The Justice System


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Just reading about the bristol guy who was driving a car he shouldn't of with no Insurance goes through a red light and knocks this women over and then leaves her whilst going to pick up his benefit money. AND HE ESCAPES PRISON. Seriously this country is an absolute joke. Not saying i agree with the welsh bloke and his twitter comments on Muamba but he gets sent to jail and this scumbag escapes. Why?

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Just reading about the bristol guy who was driving a car he shouldn't of with no Insurance goes through a red light and knocks this women over and then leaves her whilst going to pick up his benefit money. AND HE ESCAPES PRISON. Seriously this country is an absolute joke. Not saying i agree with the welsh bloke and his twitter comments on Muamba but he gets sent to jail and this scumbag escapes. Why?

Very odd that he escaped a prison sentence - perhaps he knew the judge? Or maybe there's not enough prison places now that the spare prison spaces are filled with people from last years riots?

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