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Why Miller Subbed


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He was one of our best players on the pitch, the only striker who jumps for the ball in a challenge (robbo and rougier stand there and wait for it to drop to them) he won us free kicks all over the place, showed great skill at many times. If anyone should have been subbed it should have been Woodman, who was completely ineffective for the whole match, that one subsitution cost us the game, when we needed to attack and win long balls played upfeild, the one player who would have done the job was off the feild (I'm off to reply to a wilson out post to continue my rant)

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Guest BCFC Bu$$man

Lee Miller played absolutley bolox and we needed somthing to give us motivation so murray came on thats a good decision in my books

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I think we must have been watching different Lee Miller's then because I thought he was rubbish.
Miller was one of are best players today won alot in the air won us alot of freekicks around the box and was very good on the floor it makes me think was you at the game ? because he put in alot of effort aswell he just never got alot of service.
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Miller was one of are best players today won alot in the air won us alot of freekicks around the box and was very good on the floor it makes me think was you at the game ? because he put in alot of effort aswell he just never got alot of service.
Yea i totally agree

I think we must have been watching different Lee Miller's then because I thought he was rubbish

yes i agree we were obiviously watching different lee millers, btw i was watching the one in cardiff, where were you?

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Guest butterflybairn

frankly from what i saw of the game - and you might not appreciate the views of an outsider - you lot couldn't buy a decent cross. i've read on here about rougier and having seen him play in scotland i was surprised to see people rave about him. i think you guys seriously need to look at the overall formation.

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Guest oldred

Miller today had a chance to be a hero ! Instead he played like a parks player, Didnt win one header and looked way off the pace, Perhaps the hype some people believe got to him. He won a few dubious free kicks but was the most disapointing of a bad bunch.

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I thought he did all the things that Peacock does well. Held the ball up, passed the ball well. So in that respect I don't think he should have been taken off. BUT because he hasn't played much lately, perhaps he was nackered? :me?:

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Guest falkirk for ever
:me?: Dont think Miller was the worst he did look half hearted though he didnt look match fit ,hard lines to BCF know how gutted you must all be ,know what it was like for us last year with no promotion then lost half a team but there was no variety in your corner kicks Brighton cleared everything, thought Rougier was mince cant cross and lost ball all of the time ,(he was crap in Scotland) there was too much long ball play and BCF tried to walk ball into net instead of having a go , your midfield left everything to docherty and hid, your support at the game was immense , but think you need changes to go that one step further.
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Guest bristolbred

How could you expect him to play like some sort of Maradona, the way Wilson has treated him??. :Rage: :Fume:

He tried his best, and was probably not 100% match fit. But at least he gave it his best chance!!. :me?:

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I tend to look at Miller as a forward I'd love to play with. He works hard, wins loads of freekicks, and holds the ball up very well. I'd agree he probably isn't a good a finisher as Peacock at the moment but I think he is surely a better team player.

It really showed today when they took him out. I'd like to see him on the pitch with some combo of Roberts, Murray,Goodfellow,Lita and Rougier. Let him feed the speed.

After he came out there ws no one that could hold the ball outside of Docs and really Docs holding the ball isn't going to help us score.

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Guest Bristol_Babe

I totally agree with the majority of people here. Lee Miller had a bloody good start in a long while. I had a bet on him to score and was a bit sh!tted up when he got taken off., but if he had stayed, he would have scored easily.

I reckon Danny only took him off because those Brighton tosspots kept taking him out.

Though, it was still a bad substitution as Woodman should have come off and Murray on, putting Rouge up front in a 4-3-3.

Still... never mind... :me?::(

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Guest millerbairn

I agree with you Bristol Babe. If Miller had been given longer he wouldve if not scored himself, set a goal up.

As a supporter from Falkirk, i was pleased to see him being started, he is excellent in the air. Not surprised to see him being kicked up and down the pitch though. Some things never change :me?::(

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Just my 2 penny worth, i thought we looked a much poorer side when lee Miller went off. he was doing the 'peacock role' ie holding the ball up and winning Fk's well until then. i guess it was because he was knackered, not his fault he hasn't played, and the pitch tends to be quite draining of players. Rougier wasn't a shadow of himself today. Doc was again a star.

Brighton was nothing special, a one-man-team if there ever was one and a diving **** at that. This is not sour grapes , I thought the same when they visited the Gate earlier .

Time to build on next seasons team. Auto is a MUST. We can't be put through this again.

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To be perfectly honest he was crap. He played like a player who has not played for god knows how long, and he had the worst attacking midfield display i have seen for city in a long time behind him. Doc was awesome and did his job, tins looked as if he was ready to take a bat to Rougiers and Woodmans faces before he came off, those two let us down, neither made anything apporaching a descent run, Tinnion was getting obvioulsy frustrated at the complete lack of well anything from Rougier or Woodman.

I do not blame Miller for his poor performance today, he like Robbo tried but when all we could do was ask tinman to play balls over the top because frankly 2 people were not doing their job at all, Rougier and Woody, and 2 were only doing half their jobs, Hill and Carey. There was no hope for us when both wingers couldn't be bothered to make runs, and neither full-back overlapped on anything approaching a regular basis.

I'm not sure however if they were told not to get down the flanks much, especially Carey and Hill, as both on many occasions were sat in positions where they would normally overlap every time, yet didn't and it was obvious they were deliberately holding back, now wheather this was because they were told to or because they were just having a mare i do not know.

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Guest blairhater


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