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Bristal Palace

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Whilst the majority would think that it's between us and coventry for the final relegation spot I was wo dering about Barnsley. Their form has been horrendous and have a very tough run in. If we are able to beat them and depending on the cov result on monday they could be right in it. Thoughts?

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They need just 1 win and they are safe. and we know that any team can beat anyone on their day.

Personally think they are well safe. Between us and Cov for the final spot me thinks.

Oh, you've quietened down a wee bit.

We could be 3 points off them if we win Monday, and they still have to come to the Gate. Their GD might be reachable also. Not out of it.

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All we can do is focus on our games.

But if we can beat them at our place there is "only" a 3 point delta that we need to overcome tomput them behind us.

We need to win tomorrow and if we manage this whilst Barnsley also lose at Blackpool... They are going to be looking right over their shoulders at us!

Come on you reds!

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They need just 1 win and they are safe. and we know that any team can beat anyone on their day.

Personally think they are well safe. Between us and Cov for the final spot me thinks.

This will go all the way I think. Indeed anyone can beat anyone in this division on their day. Who would have thought we would get 6 points off Southampton? I think we are "capable" of winning all our remaining home games, yes all of them, if we get some luck and play our best. But if our attitude is wrong we could lose them all as well. Winning tomorrow is a must. Any points gap at this stage could affect confidence in teams hoping to catch us. I think Barnsley are just too far away to be dragged in but we need to focus on ourselves. While its still in our hands we have to be confident. Winning at Forest gives us a boost, we must not throw it away against Coventry.

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I dont know I havent looked, but by reading comments on here they look pretty safe, I do think tho that it is going to be either us or Coventry, but saying that, if we win tomorrow Forst could be dragged back into, were only four points behind them now

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Win tomorrow, point against Brum or Wham and a win against Barnsley and we will be safe. I don't think we will do it but I never believed we could battle for all 3 points yesterday.

Win away at Blackpool. Easy.

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