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Just want to say thanks to those involved making them I have enjoyed them all this season they have all been very good, one question though will they carry on next season or is that it.

Thanks! Its great to know that people have been enjoying listening to them.

With regards to is it going to carry on... well as it stands, I hope so! David Lloyd and myself have done the podcasts in the second half of the season as a trial, if they were successful then the club were going to look at making it a permanent thing.

Its really important to get feedback from fans in order to get the podcasts back for next season as its feedback from the fans that will help the people that make the decisions at the club give us the green light and hopefully provide that little bit of vital funding that we need to keep it going.

So please give us as much feedback as you can - good or bad, so that we can hopefully get them back next season and make sure they are delivering the best content that we can!

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Podcasts have been good but the Media department shouldn't forget their other jobs.......even the smallest ones.


The podcasts are actually separate from the media department. I make the podcasts with the help and permission of Adam and the media guys but they dont actually have anything to do with the making of them other than the interviews I do with Adam.

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I think the podcasts are great - love the current content, if it was going to become a permanent feature (which I hope it does) I for one would like to hear from the people who work at the club, those unsung heroes who keep it going on a day to day basis, maybe a weekly feature, minute with person x etc

Latest interviews with Del and Doc are always welcome - community updates - and maybe some stuff thats not on player / website (the Brain of Bristol perfect example)

Maybe a fans segment - interview a fan a week or similar

Keep up the good work

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