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Edl March Planned For Bristol

Barrs Court Red

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Two marches have been allowed. The LGBT's are offended by the EDL. And the EDL are offended by the LGBT. Why ban one and not the other? You can't want freedom of speech and freedom of expression when it suits you.

You can want a competent council/police force/whoever organises and permits marches to go ahead to not put conflicting marches on at the same day though.

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Like Redhyde says, can't have freedom of speech only when it suits you. If they break the law then of course, but the law is there for everyone and everyone must be treated the same.

I don't agree with the EDL but i blah blah blah their right to blah blah blah and etc..

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Let them march if they want, though ideally not on the same day as an existing event. The best everyone else can do is just ignore them completely. It'll just end up as a few angry people shouting at nobody, being listened to by nobody and being taken seriously by nobody.

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There's free speech, and there's pointless antagonism.

Bristol doesn't have any issues with Islamic nutters, so groups like the edl marching doesn't seem to have a relevant purpose

I get what your saying, and I certainly do not agree with the EDL and their overall stance.

I do however, dont understand why we have a march for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and transgender people?? I dont particularly want them clogging up our streets?

and before anyone calls me a homophobe....nope, not at all, what they do is their business, fair play to him. Why march about it though?? personally I say ban them both....

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There's free speech, and there's pointless antagonism.

Bristol doesn't have any issues with Islamic nutters, so groups like the edl marching doesn't seem to have a relevant purpose

Agreed. The edl is just a vice for faschism and ignorance under a disguise of calling it something else. Its basically an excuse for a load of bnp 'nationalists' to get together and make themselves heard. Things like this should be banned nowadays, we dont live in the 1970's anymore

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I don't like the EDL at all, but they have a right to exist and a right to march, and banning them will just cause more problems.

They've marched in most large cities, and obviously they will have their fair share of supporters in Bristol, so it's understandable that they will want to march there as well.

I can't see why the two events couldn't take place at the same time. Are people suggesting that English nationalists cannot be gay, and gay people cannot be English nationalists?

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So it's ok to hold a march if you're a sexual deviant, but not if you're a nationalist.

Funny country we live in.

Please explain to me how going on a LGBT march to raise awareness and stand up against discrimination is akin to being a sexual deviant? If it wasn't for offensive comments and assumptions like that there would be no need for LGBT groups to exist.

In my mind homophobia is as offensive as racism. Do you share that view or all they all sexual deviants?

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I don't like the EDL at all, but they have a right to exist and a right to march, and banning them will just cause more problems.

They've marched in most large cities, and obviously they will have their fair share of supporters in Bristol, so it's understandable that they will want to march there as well.

I can't see why the two events couldn't take place at the same time. Are people suggesting that English nationalists cannot be gay, and gay people cannot be English nationalists?

Exactly. Obviously both marches side by side wouldn't be a picnic, but why shouldn't a gay person be proud of where they live or of their heritage? Unfortunately for the EDL, many view them as a bunch of ignorant football hooligans. I think a lot of English/British people probably do share some of their views regarding immigration and nationality, yet don't want to be associated with them in fear of being labelled a racist or hooligan. Some might see patriotism as a slightly outdated notion, but I think a sense of pride in where you live and come from can help build a sense of community that's sorely lacking in this country these days.

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Try the UK Resistance - working class action.

They are a small group with a sense of National pride without the drink etc.

Campaigned for John Sentamu to be the new head of the church of England, and for a review of European workers in Lincolnshire etc (cheap labour at below award rates so UK citizens can't compete for work etc) and will be campaigning for the odd council seat soon.

I think a lot of people could identify themselves as part of the lost 'working class' of England and therefore agree with a lot of what UKResistance have to say.

Indeed, there is a lost working class. Let's never ever forget that the Labour Government (1997-2010) went out of their way to persecute football supporters for the most minor misdemeanors like standing instead of sitting at football or having a pre-match pint. At the same time they were turning a blind eye to Muslim paedophile gangs operating against very vulnerable white children OOOOP North. In this respect, Labour are racist against white English working class people.

The Labour government also did everything possible to attack British culture and heritage to the extent that you could be imprisoned for using traditional weights and measures - pounds and ounces - if you were a shop keeper or market trader. I never want to see the hopelessly corrupt lawyer and college lecturer Labour Party fascist EU loving traitor types in power ever again in this country........and I'm white, English and working class by the way.

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