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Tony Blair, Super Crook With Teflon Underpants....

Mr Mosquito

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We all know that our politicians are well known for sub criminal and criminal behaviour (fraudulent expense claims etc). Tony Blair is - most probably - the biggest ever political villain in that category. Tony Blair was a witness at the Leveson Inquiry yesterday and I'm just wondering why he's not on trial himself given what the protester that stormed the hearing said......

As Mr Blair looked on, he said: "JP Morgan paid him off for the Iraq war. Three months after he invaded Iraq, they held up the Iraq bank for 20 billion. He was then paid six million dollars every year and still is from JP Morgan six months after he left office. This man is a war criminal."

See the video here: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/protester-storms-blairs-leveson-hearing-114644862.html

Anyway, well done to yesterday's protester for highlighting the payments that Tony Blair is receiving from the JP Morgan banksters. Also, I wonder how much Tony Blair is receiving from the European Union for selling Britain's border control down the river to the EU despots.

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Maybe because it is unsubstantiated rubbish?

Or someone making up stories, a bit like the NIMBY's

You can't just put someone on trial becasue some one decides to shout something at someone. We would all be in jail.

there is always a conspiracy theroy to be had somewhere. it is more likely he is a Ike reptile

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They guy is the best prime minister we have ever had

Teflon Blair, rides it in for the good times, then buggers off when he sees his spending has caused melt down in the country. brown gets all ths shite from Blairs initial leadership. No wonder we had it so good under him, we constantly were spending way above our means.

Labour in killing off the economy shocker.

And no I have no preference over any political party, they are all as bad as one another!

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I'm not a fan of the guy and his presidential style of leadership, but having been to Westminster twice when he was PM he was certainly a slick operator in the dispatch box, (Maybe this was Alastair Campbell in the microphone though!). He obviously saw the impending financial mess, yet didnt take the risk of stopping Labour's borrowing for fear of cutting services and thus losing votes. As it was he took the Prime opportunity to leave before all this set in and stitch Gordon Brown up good and proper!

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I can't understand the love and adulation for Tony Blair in some of the replies above. I believe there is a case for the lawyer Tony Blair to answer. Plenty of fancy court houses built during the Blair regime at massive expense to the general taxpayer, it's nigh time that Tony Blair was brought to trial for his criminality in one of his fancy new courthouses.

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Maybe because it is unsubstantiated rubbish?

Or someone making up stories, a bit like the NIMBY's

You can't just put someone on trial becasue some one decides to shout something at someone. We would all be in jail.

there is always a conspiracy theroy to be had somewhere. it is more likely he is a Ike reptile

Selling us out to the EU is not though. The bloke should be done for treason and swing from the highest tree in Westminster. Scottish c u next Tuesday.

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Selling us out to the EU is not though. The bloke should be done for treason and swing from the highest tree in Westminster. Scottish See you next Tuesday.

What has that got to do with the Iraq war and jp Morgan?

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Nothing apart from showing that he can not be trusted. He sold out the Uk after promising us a referendum. He should hang for that.

well that is different to some bloke shouting rumours with no factual evidence.

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Nothing apart from showing that he can not be trusted. He sold out the Uk after promising us a referendum. He should hang for that.

Well written, in years gone by Tony Blair would have swung from the hangman's noose for his High Treason. Under English constitutional law, Parliament has no power to give governance to a foreign power (i.e. the EU) unless we have been defeated in war. Thus the signing of the Treaty of Rome and the Lisbon Treaty by some of our politicians was nothing short of treason. As far as I'm concerned, all the politicians that have handed control of the UK to the EU are guilty of High Treason. Let's remember that our Soldiers, sailors and airmen fought in two terrible world wars to stop a single European Federal State from taking over Great Britain.

Remember the words of Marcus Tullius Cicero 106 BC - 43 BC: A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.

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I have a feeling he'll be prime minister again within 10 years :o

I think he's the most hated since Thatcher and many will look forward to his final demise much like they are with the Baroness.

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I think he's the most hated since Thatcher and many will look forward to his final demise much like they are with the Baroness.

Margaret Thatcher could be a nasty piece of work at times especially with her venom toward the coal miners' union but at least she was reasonably honest and she did protest at Britain's massive contributions toward the EEC project. Whereas, Tony Blair is a known liar (he told lies to get us at war with Iraq), a criminal (bankrolled by the JP Morgan banksters) and an out and out EU loving traitor that sold Britain out to the EU project. I never thought I'd ever write that a British Prime Minister could be worse than Thatcher but Scotsmen Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were most definately far worse Prime Ministers than Thatcher.

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