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Have We A Ally In George?


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Well just look what George is suggesting, no more minority preferences.

Candidate plans an old-fashioned political rally


Monday, July 02, 2012newspaper_user_small.jpg

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ARCHITECT George Ferguson, the independent candidate seeking to the Bristol's first elected mayor, is urging people to tell him what their priorities are for the city.

He is hosting a summer jamboree at the Creative Common Big Top at Temple Meads on Wednesday from 6.30pm to 8.30pm to bring his supporters together and those interested in expressing their views and meeting him.

  1. 3929226.png
    George Ferguson, an independent candidate for city mayor

Mr Ferguson described the event as a "good old-fashioned political rally" which would include the launch of a campaign song written and donated by Bristol singer and supporter – Sarah Menage – and her highly popular band, Menage a Quois.

Mr Ferguson said: "It will be fun for all and I hope it will be welcoming in the summer. However more importantly it is an opportunity for me to listen to what people have to say and to expand on my vision. All are welcome who associate themselves with Bristol. My aim is to make everyone in Bristol feel included in the governance of the city. As an independent mayor who puts Bristol first in all decision making, I shall be answerable to the people of Bristol in contrast to a party candidate who will always be answerable to his or her party.

"As an important symbol of change – it is my intention to rename The Council House, which implies that it belongs to the council, to that of Bristol City Hall which belongs to the people. It is significant that Bristol's council decided to claim 'The Council House' for itself when most great English cities have a Town Hall or City Hall that is seen as belonging to the city."

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i wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

with him it's self interest before everything else.

He's say whatever it takes to get in and then wriggle like an eel in a tin

loathsome self publicist

I agree.

He will do what ever he can to get elected then as soon as he's in he will start pedaling his own agenda.

Do not trust this man.

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Guest Craven arms

What about Simon cook,he's 12/1 with the bookies and the lib-dems haven't even announced there candidate yet,surely he'd have 40.000 votes straight off.

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What about Simon cook,he's 12/1 with the bookies and the lib-dems haven't even announced there candidate yet,surely he'd have 40.000 votes straight off.

Why? The Lib Dem have screwed up the stadium plans. They care more for their lentle munching chums in Southville then the rest of Bristol.

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What I don't get is why you guys in Bristol voted for a mayor? You did it to take the piss? Huurhah, yeah that'll be funny *ticks mayor box.* Without a single moments consideration about the consequences. Well, not so funny now is it?

So what do they do in the 21st century? I hope they no longer wield any real power or influence as the highest ranking government official and only attend to ceremonial and civic duties. All seems bit archaic to me, and expensive. Enjoy your indulgence.

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Red pants George, speaks with forked tongue. Here is the out spoken opponent of first Tesco,then Sainsburys plans for moving to the City ground. Claiming he was thinking of the traders in North street. Yet HE was the one who moved into North street in Direct competition to the bars and cafes in North street. Yet even though he opposed Sainsburys, he was pictured in the Evil Post as being instrumental in getting money for the investment in East street. Which was part of Sainsburys plans in the first place. Self publicist ,Yes. Supporter of CITY ? NO NO and more NO ! Do not fall for his Bull. He supports the village green brigade. Unfortunately , the Evil post are taking his side, So BEWARE. The wheels of the publicity machine are turning. :redcard:

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Red pants George, speaks with forked tongue. Here is the out spoken opponent of first Tesco,then Sainsburys plans for moving to the City ground. Claiming he was thinking of the traders in North street. Yet HE was the one who moved into North street in Direct competition to the bars and cafes in North street. Yet even though he opposed Sainsburys, he was pictured in the Evil Post as being instrumental in getting money for the investment in East street. Which was part of Sainsburys plans in the first place. Self publicist ,Yes. Supporter of CITY ? NO NO and more NO ! Do not fall for his Bull. He supports the village green brigade. Unfortunately , the Evil post are taking his side, So BEWARE. The wheels of the publicity machine are turning. :redcard:

Very good, precisely why he should be ruled out for Mayor. oh my god though the thought.. and the consequences for the Club.

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The turn our will be so slow he'll probably win. The labour guy going for the black vote seems just as bad.

Why shouldn't a candidate go for the black vote? If I were standing I would. I'd also go for the white vote, the green vote the pink vote the brown vote and the ****ing blue vote.

No offence mate, but you don't live in Bristol, neither do a lot of the people who have chosen to share their opinions on this. I'll vote for any candidate that proposes a road toll for all car users coming into Bristol from outside the Authority. If you want to pollute and block up our city, then pay for for the privilege. Invest the money raised in Sports facilities for Bristolians.

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Why shouldn't a candidate go for the black vote? If I were standing I would. I'd also go for the white vote, the green vote the pink vote the brown vote and the ****ing blue vote.

there's FAR more pressing matters than pandering about the naming of the Colson Hall affecting Certain ethnic groups for starters. Maybe I should of phrased it better

No offence mate, but you don't live in Bristol, neither do a lot of the people who have chosen to share their opinions on this. I'll vote for any candidate that proposes a road toll for all car users coming into Bristol from outside the Authority. If you want to pollute and block up our city, then pay for for the privilege. Invest the money raised in Sports facilities for Facilities

and watch retail in Bristol die. Not to mention even more business relocate. There's more people in greater Bristol than Bristol itself. Your not a lib dem councillor are you? Their inward looking self interest robbed Bristolians of a tram system because they wouldn't play ball with south glos.

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Other way round actually. The South Glos council changed its mind and wanted the terminus moved from Almondsbury to Cribbs.That meant the consultants had to produce another report which confirmed that the Cribbs option was uneconomic. That wasted so much time that the government by then had halted any more tram schemes to save money.

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Sorry to piss on the fire mate but, it was a labour run authority of Bristol that wouldn't play ball with the lib dem south glos council and vice versa.

The whole situation has been manipulated by succesive governments. While we have a concuction of different political parties bordering each other and fighting over the same pot, jack shit gets done, with little finance having to be directed this way, as opposed to up north.

We need a greater Bristol council that will properly represent the conurbation and reliant towns of Bristol.

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Other way round actually. The South Glos council changed its mind and wanted the terminus moved from Almondsbury to Cribbs.That meant the consultants had to produce another report which confirmed that the Cribbs option was uneconomic. That wasted so much time that the government by then had halted any more tram schemes to save money.

Any risk of a link? That's not how I remember it being told to me.

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Sorry to piss on the fire mate but, it was a labour run authority of Bristol that wouldn't play ball with the lib dem south glos council and vice versa.

The whole situation has been manipulated by succesive governments. While we have a concuction of different political parties bordering each other and fighting over the same pot, jack shit gets done, with little finance having to be directed this way, as opposed to up north.

We need a greater Bristol council that will properly represent the conurbation and reliant towns of Bristol.

A transport authority maybe, but there's no way anyone in BANES South Glos or North Som would vote to join Bristol.

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Sorry to piss on the fire mate but, it was a labour run authority of Bristol that wouldn't play ball with the lib dem south glos council and vice versa.

The whole situation has been manipulated by succesive governments. While we have a concuction of different political parties bordering each other and fighting over the same pot, jack shit gets done, with little finance having to be directed this way, as opposed to up north.

We need a greater Bristol council that will properly represent the conurbation and reliant towns of Bristol.

Got your facts wrong. It was South Glos council dragging their heels and changing the route of the tram and terminus. That's why the tram system didn't get built .

However I do agree with you general points .

Other users have claimed that Banes ,south Glos and north Somerset would not vote to join Bristol .

Well that decession would not be down to them it would be taken by central Goverment as it was in 1973 and 1994 . But this is not on the table to merge all these councils but what is proposed is that the organic Spread of Bristol is taken under one council control which is a very sensible idea and will come about with in the next decade .

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A transport authority maybe, but there's no way anyone in BANES South Glos or North Som would vote to join Bristol.

I know, that's where and why we have been a backwater for so long.

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Got your facts wrong. It was South Glos council dragging their heels and changing the route of the tram and terminus. That's why the tram system didn't get built .

However I do agree with you general points .

Could you explain how I got my facts wrong please. I said they wouldn't play ball with each other. As in, South glos wanted to terminate at Cribbs, Bristol didn't. I was correcting Barrs Court, who stated that it was a Lib Dem Bristol council, when it was in fact a Labour council of Bristol, at odds with the Lib Dem South Glos council.

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A transport authority maybe, but there's no way anyone in BANES South Glos or North Som would vote to join Bristol.

I would and so would many more I reckon

Our council tax in South Glos is pretty similar to Bristol's, so there's no financial advantage of being separate from Bristol as far as I can see. I'm Bristol born and only live a couple of hundred metres outside of the City boundary in Soundwell, so I'd love to be within a Greater Bristol authority.

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Could you explain how I got my facts wrong please. I said they wouldn't play ball with each other. As in, South glos wanted to terminate at Cribbs, Bristol didn't. I was correcting Barrs Court, who stated that it was a Lib Dem Bristol council, when it was in fact a Labour council of Bristol, at odds with the Lib Dem South Glos council.

South Glos council at the last minute changed their minds on the course of the tram and throw a massive spanner in the works so we lost out on the money because we past the deadline for Goverment money . I don't think on that point we can blame BCC , the fault for no tram system lies at the feet of SGC.

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Then I stand corrected and apologise.

Don't get me wrong he has strong views, certainly on SL's tax exile status - but he does follow City and I've caught him on a Monday morning in the past when walking into work and he'll know the score and where the club are in the league. He only had objections to the Sainsburys application - at the end of the planning meeting he said it was over, shook hands with the opposition and then he's never said anything about it since. If only the AV lot took council decisions and moved on eh.

No idea if he'll win Mayor.. should imagine while he'll have a strong vote around North Street how far outside of it will his vote appeal ?

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I would and so would many more I reckon

Our council tax in South Glos is pretty similar to Bristol's, so there's no financial advantage of being separate from Bristol as far as I can see. I'm Bristol born and only live a couple of hundred metres outside of the City boundary in Soundwell, so I'd love to be within a Greater Bristol authority.

You end up with a Bristol centric agenda though. People in BANES are always complaining there is too much focus on Bath, with ex MP Dan Norris suggesting the creation of a Wansdyke council.

You only need see how South Bristol has been ignored for years. Where DOES the money go in Bristol?

Not to mention Bristol is about to borrow billions, who wants to inherit that debt mountain?

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I did not apportion blame, i merely corrected barrs court about bristol being run by labour at that time. The two councils could not agree and were therefore not playing ball with each other, as i said, So where did i get my facts wrong?

As a point of reference Dawn primarola warned the two councils to sort things out months before the deadline was reached.

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I did not apportion blame, i merely corrected barrs court about bristol being run by labour at that time. The two councils could not agree and were therefore not playing ball with each other, as i said, So where did i get my facts wrong?

As a point of reference Dawn primarola warned the two councils to sort things out months before the deadline was reached.

Ok Rich I take it back. Reading your post I think we agree on this issue .

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Should City supporters not organise protests at each political rally to highlight the politicians failure to support Steve Lansdown in his ambitious plans to give the whole of the South West a stadium to be proud of?

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Should City supporters not organise protests at each political rally to highlight the politicians failure to support Steve Lansdown in his ambitious plans to give the whole of the South West a stadium to be proud of?

But all the political parties did back City's stadium application. It's been stopped by people using the town green legislation. The council tried to get Bristol exempted from town green legislation (as part of the new deal for cities just announced), but were refused because it would take new legislation passed by parliament.

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