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Rio Ferdinand

Eastend 75

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Thing is, he always tweets comments and then withdraws them. This isn't the first team he's done it and if what he wrote wasn't dodgy why withdraw and then try to explain it later.

Surely what each person has wrote can be interpreted differently by people so fa can say your charged as in the Suarez case.

Wouldn't surprise me if he was behind his brother going to court and getting revenge on terry was the reason behind it. He should look closer to home like evra who for some reason is always involved in some racist case, surely no smoke without fire.

About time the fa stamped down on all this twitter lark and charge people with disrepute.

How can one person be charged on twitter for racist comments (muamba case) whilst people can go on twitter and threaten to kill people (Alan Davies hillsborough comments) and get off with no charge. Law should be changed I reckon.

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i cant stand rio ferdinand....fact is terry was proved not guilty, having seen the footage live on sky sports when it happend i agree with terry's argument...ferdinand is just stirring up crap and as far as i am concerned his endorsement of the choc ice quote is just as racist as anything terry said...

not guilty get over it

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Ferdinand is a complete tool. Clearly hasn't got the intelligence to see his comment is just as racist as the one Terry was alleged to have made.

Only difference was Ferdinand's was aimed more against whites, so probably his tiny brain is telling him that's all right then. KNOB

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Oh my god did you see that girl! Her tan is like sooooo fake. I can't believe it, and her boyfriend, i heard that he's been seen with another girl. Like oh my god, she had the same colour hair as me too. My hair colour is new, why thank you it does look natural doesn't it babes.

Oh i'm sorry this isn't the footballers wives forum? Hard to tell.

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From the written judgement:

"The defendant does not deny that he used the words, “**** off, **** off”, “******* black ****” or “******* knobhead”. His case is that his words were not uttered by way of abuse or insult nor were they intended to be abusive or insulting. "

If Terry wasn't such an utter scumbag, that might wash.

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Couldn't agree more apparently it was rios pr manager who got anton to pursue it it's def rios beef with terry that made anton do it and to say that about cole Wat a ****** hope he gets charged

I thought that it was the Crown Prosecution Service who decided to take the case to Court, after the alleged racist comments were reported by an off-duty policeman?

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Oh my god did you see that girl! Her tan is like sooooo fake. I can't believe it, and her boyfriend, i heard that he's been seen with another girl. Like oh my god, she had the same colour hair as me too. My hair colour is new, why thank you it does look natural doesn't it babes.

Oh i'm sorry this isn't the footballers wives forum? Hard to tell.

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I do find Rio taking the moral high ground hilarious. This is after all an England player banned by his own FA for a lengthy period for deliberately and cynically avoiding a statutory drug test. Hardly an icon of moral fibre............

I think they call it blood being thicker than water, nothing to do with morals or high ground. Terry has been found not guilty and that was the decision of the magistrates, which is fine that's justice, but as the PFA have quite rightly said the whole episode has left a nasty stain on the prem and whatever the rights and wrongs of what was or wasn't said on that day and in whatever context Terry said what he said it was ill advised and the added expletives made it worse than it needed to be. Winding up/sledging is all part of the game but sometimes it goes too far as in this and the Suarez case it proves that footballers need to be far better educated to deal better with similar situations.

Anyway talking about episodes here's one.


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I think they call it blood being thicker than water, nothing to do with morals or high ground. Terry has been found not guilty and that was the decision of the magistrates, which is fine that's justice, but as the PFA have quite rightly said the whole episode has left a nasty stain on the prem and whatever the rights and wrongs of what was or wasn't said on that day and in whatever context Terry said what he said it was ill advised and the added expletives made it worse than it needed to be. Winding up/sledging is all part of the game but sometimes it goes too far as in this and the Suarez case it proves that footballers need to be far better educated to deal better with similar situations.

Anyway talking about episodes here's one.


Don't get me wrong, in my opinion, any racism is unacceptable, and you'd expect Rio to support Anton. What I was commenting on was Rio's actions/comments re Ashley Cole. Calling another black man a choc ice/coconut/Uncle Tom is regarded as highly insulting and judgmental......not really that unlike JT's reported comments to Anton, although less legally problematic.

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Don't get me wrong, in my opinion, any racism is unacceptable, and you'd expect Rio to support Anton. What I was commenting on was Rio's actions/comments re Ashley Cole. Calling another black man a choc ice/coconut/Uncle Tom is regarded as highly insulting and judgmental......not really that unlike JT's reported comments to Anton, although less legally problematic.

Agreed but Cole has put himself into that position by his highly confusing/selective evidence.

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Lets see if all the anti racism campaigners kick off over this. If they don't, we'll know the whole racism issue is just an excuse to attack white people and play the race card to gain an unfair advantage in society.

Yeah, calling someone a '******* black ****' isn't an issue at all.

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Yeah, calling someone a '******* black ****' isn't an issue at all.

So you're saying it's only racist if white people say it? But black people can use racial slurs to their hearts content?

p.s. Terry was found INNOCENT, unlike the racist lowlife Ferdinand.

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So you're saying it's only racist if white people say it? But black people can use racial slurs to their hearts content?

p.s. Terry was found INNOCENT, unlike the racist lowlife Ferdinand.

No, I'm not, your suggestion was that the whole trial was an "excuse to attack the white people", which is absolute bollocks considering the defence admitted he said it.

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