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I Assume That We Have All Done Our Bit......?!

Bar BS3

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After trawling through page after page after page of (mostly) utter rubbish on here and with people all chipping in with their opinion of who we should, shouldn't or would like to be able to sign. People questioning the time it takes to make signings and concern over the budgets that are and aren't available to Del for transfers.

Can we all assume that the most vocal of you all have done your bit in enabling the club to set it's budgets buy buying your season tickets....?

Me and those that sit around me all have.

Just thought it would be interesting to see who out of those that are the most scathing about our transfer activity have actually done nothing to help it...?!


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After trawling through page after page after page of (mostly) utter rubbish on here and with people all chipping in with their opinion of who we should, shouldn't or would like to be able to sign. People questioning the time it takes to make signings and concern over the budgets that are and aren't available to Del for transfers.

Can we all assume that the most vocal of you all have done your bit in enabling the club to set it's budgets buy buying your season tickets....?

Me and those that sit around me all have.

Just thought it would be interesting to see who out of those that are the most scathing about our transfer activity have actually done nothing to help it...?!


Well said mate. I did find it amusing that one poster earlier , was complaining about City wasting money on Mark Wilson (if indeed he signs) and then went on to say he had not renewed his Season Ticket !!

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You get this every year at every club in the world, its just people have an I want it now! mentallitiy and can't see the bigger picture,

People think we are loaded because of lansdown who bank rolls the club yet acuse him of not getting the cheque book out,

We are playing it safe in the market, the longer free agents are out of work the less money they start to demand in wages and signing on fees thats why you don't see them move until the end of the window,

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I have season ticket, so what, big deal.

The club and fans should shift away from this mindset that a season ticket in some way makes you superior or more loyal. A season ticket is no badge of honour.

Clubs often earn their critism.

a season ticket does make you more loyal imo as your there week out through thick and thin but it doesn't give you the right to look down at non season ticket holders

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Well said mate. I did find it amusing that one poster earlier , was complaining about City wasting money on Mark Wilson (if indeed he signs) and then went on to say he had not renewed his Season Ticket !!

I assume your refering to me?

No, I haven't renewed yet, first time in 15 or so years I haven't renewed at this stage, whether or not I do renew remains to be seen and depends on what happens in the next few weeks.

Reason I haven't renewed is that I dont understand the current path the club is going down, I'm not expecting promotion or even play-offs and I'm not expecting us to go spend crazy money on transfer fees, I also understand that the club needs to arrest club losses each season,

However I don't see the club signing players like Morris or going for olders player like Busaky, Wilson, as progressing the club in the right direction, Old heads who will take a salary and then leave at a later date for nought. We need to be going for more players like Cunningham and actually looking at lowers leagues for players who can add quality and maybe a big transfer fee at later date if sold, however We've even told was not even looking there.

I've told the club why I've not renewed to date and they have accepted that, that's good enough for me, I dare any other fan to challenge my loyalty.

Whether I do actually renew or not remains to be seen, at this rate however I'll be likely POTD, pick and choosing games.

I await the expected petty one liners of abuse,

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a season ticket does make you more loyal imo as your there week out through thick and thin but it doesn't give you the right to look down at non season ticket holders

Second that statement, you are right it doesnt give us the right to look down our noses at anyone its a persons choice if they buy one or not and not everyone can afford one nowaday to be fair, but it does bug me when there is a big cup game when people who never go start moaning about the availibilty of tickets. Maybe if you cant afford a season ticket just pick up yourself a membership as this gives you so good deals and still enjects some money into the club we all love.

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It is crass to suggets a season ticket make a fan more loyal. Thre are fans who attend more away games than home due to being resident away from the West country.

The views of all fans should be important. There is a point there. The club should be one big community, but there is very little acknowledgement of the contribution fans make by BCFC.

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I assume your refering to me?

No, I haven't renewed yet, first time in 15 or so years I haven't renewed at this stage, whether or not I do renew remains to be seen and depends on what happens in the next few weeks.

Reason I haven't renewed is that I dont understand the current path the club is going down, I'm not expecting promotion or even play-offs and I'm not expecting us to go spend crazy money on transfer fees, I also understand that the club needs to arrest club losses each season,

However I don't see the club signing players like Morris or going for olders player like Busaky, Wilson, as progressing the club in the right direction, Old heads who will take a salary and then leave at a later date for nought. We need to be going for more players like Cunningham and actually looking at lowers leagues for players who can add quality and maybe a big transfer fee at a larger if sold.

I've told the club why I've not renewed to date and they have accepted that, that's good enough for me, I dare any other fan to challenge my loyalty.

Whether I do actually renew or not remains to be seen, at this rate however I'll be likely POTD, pick and choosing games.

I await the expected petty one liners of abuse,

Not sure how you can get abuse for this one

Pretty much sums it up for a lot of people. The fare on show hasn't been great for some time, and it's tough times out there. Those that can afford it and renew, fair shout. Those that simply can't afford it, fair shout. Those, like me, who would simply rather spend Saturday afternoons with their families, fair shout. Those who don't want to get bored (hopefully won't happen under DMac) fair shout

It's a choice, and doesn't make anyone more of a superfan than anyone else

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It is crass to suggets a season ticket make a fan more loyal. Thre are fans who attend more away games than home due to being resident away from the West country.

The views of all fans should be important. There is a point there. The club should be one big community, but there is very little acknowledgement of the contribution fans make by BCFC.

You mean like thinking all the fans for the support after every home game or putting on great deals for season ticket renewals or making kid for a quid or bring a mate for a tenner deal I mean the club never does anything like that do they

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Monkeh the club should be making football as accessible to the biggest number of fans as possible, those deals omit one stand and would be more effective if strategy involved fans.

There should be direct communication with fans to stop all the constant poor PR Atyeo, Gow testimonial etc. If fans were being acknowledged for their contribution the clubs history in the form of its kit fans should have been consulted.

I will love and be bored by the football again this season as I always have, but the club can do much better of the pitch.

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I have season ticket, so what, big deal.

The club and fans should shift away from this mindset that a season ticket in some way makes you superior or more loyal. A season ticket is no badge of honour.

Clubs often earn their critism.

Of course having a season ticket indicates that you are "more of a SUPPORTER" hense the term "Supporter". Those are the people that have pledged support to the club in advance of the new season and it is largely based on the numbers that do so, that clubs are able to budget and work out their finances to make pre season signings.

Of course, not everyone can make every game.

That is not my point. My point is that it's interesting to see how many of those that are demanding signings of a certain quality and in certain numbers, have actually aided the club in being able to make these signings buy purchasing their season ticket.

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Monkeh the club should be making football as accessible to the biggest number of fans as possible, those deals omit one stand and would be more effective if strategy involved fans.

There should be direct communication with fans to stop all the constant poor PR Atyeo, Gow testimonial etc. If fans were being acknowledged for their contribution the clubs history in the form of its kit fans should have been consulted.

I will love and be bored by the football again this season as I always have, but the club can do much better of the pitch.

ahh the ateyo thing the one the withdrew because the listened to the fans or bringing the wedlock stand (away fans permitting) into the bring a friend for a tenner because shock horror they listened to the fans,

You can always write to the club instead of crying on the forum about your concurns as they will write back,

Look at the comunity trust, Forza and East End and try telling me the club deosn't listen to the fans

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I think the club made a big mistake by not putting any early bird prices out.

thats due to the relegation battle we were in at the time, they couldn't really set the prices until we knew what league we were going to be in,

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They have sold 9,500 season tickets (last that I heard) So I dont think it was that big a mistake really.

they are pretty much at the 10k mark now i think I could be wrong but its still a cracking turn out after the season we had

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thats due to the relegation battle we were in at the time, they couldn't really set the prices until we knew what league we were going to be in,

They had set the prices for the season after the play-off final before we played Hull at Wembley

They have sold 9,500 season tickets (last that I heard) So I dont think it was that big a mistake really.

Surely they would have sold a lot more if it was cheaper for people renewing for a short amount of time - these people saying "haven't renewed" would have if it had saved them £70 quid!!

Nevertheless, it'll be good support as always

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I think the club made a big mistake by not putting any early bird prices out.

I disagree. I think one price , irrespective of when you buy it is fairer. Why should I pay more or less than a bloke who sits in the same block as me , just because one of us has more diposable income at a certain time of year.?

Everyone in my block has paid £399 for their season card this year , for some it will be a little more , for some a liitle less. Just like a man who cannot pronounce the letters F , T and H , can't say fairer than that

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I assume your refering to me?

No, I haven't renewed yet, first time in 15 or so years I haven't renewed at this stage, whether or not I do renew remains to be seen and depends on what happens in the next few weeks.

Reason I haven't renewed is that I dont understand the current path the club is going down, I'm not expecting promotion or even play-offs and I'm not expecting us to go spend crazy money on transfer fees, I also understand that the club needs to arrest club losses each season,

However I don't see the club signing players like Morris or going for olders player like Busaky, Wilson, as progressing the club in the right direction, Old heads who will take a salary and then leave at a later date for nought. We need to be going for more players like Cunningham and actually looking at lowers leagues for players who can add quality and maybe a big transfer fee at later date if sold, however We've even told was not even looking there.

I've told the club why I've not renewed to date and they have accepted that, that's good enough for me, I dare any other fan to challenge my loyalty.

Whether I do actually renew or not remains to be seen, at this rate however I'll be likely POTD, pick and choosing games.

I await the expected petty one liners of abuse,

Firstly, I agree with you. I to do not know which direction the club is heading, and ever since Lansdown took a massive step back almost two years ago...I have felt like City is very much like a rudderless ship....just floating and no one knows where its heading.

I've renewed this season (again) but am starting to feel once again....like this club, is failing to strengthen in areas which have been massively problematic over the last few seasons. Centrre midfield....but more importantly in some ways, centre defence.

IF we go into the season without adding a ball winning centre half....I will be extremely pis*ed off! Without the new midfielder we need...I'll be annoyed. Without either.....I'll just feel damn right let down.

With regards your commetns on ages....sorry, but your saying you dont want Buzsaky because he is 30??? 30 is nothing, he could easily add 4 or 5 years of quality football to our team, aswell as educate our youngsters. I dont get this...."hes to old and has no re-sale value".....who cares? surely the most important thing is to improve the team and progress forward. The more we progress...the more people will want to watch...the more money we will make

I'd take a team full of 30 year olds if it meant we'd get to the Play-offs.

I dont care about age, all I want to see if this club recruiting better players and moving forward. Whether the players that help us do that are 18 or 32...it doesnt matter. We've been at a cross roads for the last two years and have been very fortunate with how things have panned out at the end of each season.....this season for me, is huge as I feel we will really start to see over the next 12 months what this clubs real ambitions are

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What a patronising load of bullsh1t OP....

Fans have every right to their views... Whether they have/have not got a season ticket..

I also don't agree with some of the 'lack of signings' drivel that goes on here...

But to question any right to have an opinion because they may not have renewed their ST is crazy.

I left Bristol for Scotland 3 years ago and for obvious reasons not had a ST..

So does that mean I don't have the right to contribute any thoughts on MY club..?

It's great that you have renewed and looking forward to the coming season..

Please allow others to voice their thoughts and argue away but to question whether renewing a ST makes them less a fan is pathetic..

Rant over.. On my hols and it's p1ssing down here in Jockland...

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There's always a danger with this type of thread that it all becomes a bit 'animal farm'. Where does it stop? Atyeo s/t more pricey than Wedlock, Williams dearer than Atyeo, Dolman dearer than Williams etc etc. therefore Dolman s/t holders pay most so must be better fans!? Not forgetting of course the Prawn Sandwich seats in the Premier section..... And what about Trust/Supporters Club//Corporate Hospitality/Foundation members? At the top of the food chain must be the Premier seating s/t holder who s also a member f the Trust and Foundation....oh hold on, what about the family of 4 in the EE who also do away trips and send £500-£1000 a season on replica kit/snacks/programmes/memorabilia etc. See where I am heading? Yeah disappearing up my own arse!!

A POTD supporter who goes to 10 home games would potentially pay more than I have paid for my s/t!!!

It is a sad day when a fellow red says 'that's it, I've had enough'. We may get 10000 s/t holders this season, but had others not voted with their feet it may have been 12500-13000. I don't think any less of my mate who has not renewed despite being an ardent, passionate City fan since the late 60s. I'm just sad that it has reached the point where he feels enough is enough. It's easy, if there aren't economic factors to renew out of habit/ blind loyalty/ naive optimism. It's a lot harder to walk away in frustration. Those people are no less a City fan than I am.

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What a patronising load of bullsh1t OP....

Fans have every right to their views... Whether they have/have not got a season ticket..

I also don't agree with some of the 'lack of signings' drivel that goes on here...

But to question any right to have an opinion because they may not have renewed their ST is crazy.

I left Bristol for Scotland 3 years ago and for obvious reasons not had a ST..

So does that mean I don't have the right to contribute any thoughts on MY club..?

It's great that you have renewed and looking forward to the coming season..

Please allow others to voice their thoughts and argue away but to question whether renewing a ST makes them less a fan is pathetic..

Rant over.. On my hols and it's p1ssing down here in Jockland...

I think that you are missing my point somewhat!

Of course, anyone is entitled to their opinion. The simple FACT is though, that clubs usually, especially those like BCFC, base their transfer budgets on season ticket income and that is the only real, true way that fans/supporters can help the direction of their club at this time of year.

Again, the point of my post was to see whether the often vocal minority who shout loudest about concerns over lack or quality of transfer activity had done their bit by supporting the clubs coffers.

You are an exile and so of course you are unlikely to invest by way of purchasing a season ticket. It was more directed at those that CAN purchase one but haven't and then moan on and on about the club not investing to a level that satisfies them!

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Monkeh if fans were an "active" part of the club the "the ateyo thing" would not happen.

Amusingly after I posted that the club should be accessible to the biggest number of fans possible you have used as an example the stand where club policy will ensure it will not happen, that borders on silly.

There is no obligation for the club to consult support, but much of the "clubs" poor PR is of its own making. Fans are the club.

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