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Blue And Red Quarters


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I think the Gas should adopt this as their new kit for next season. On their forum they are banging on about signing David James. How many more of our ex players are they going to sign? It must be up to double figures in the past five seasons or so. It used to be rare for players to move between the clubs but now the Gas know any City player would hugely improve their squad. Clarkson for example will be their best player next season.

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It was just a question on a forum, most people who replied to the thread said they would not want him..

I think the person who started the thread was just pointing out that we need a keeper and a goalkeeper coach and he "could" be a good option...

99.9999% not happening though..

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It will be interesting to see how good a manager David James actually is. He talks a good game but it is a very different thing to lead from the front yourself. Despite what some of them are saying I am sure the Gas would be delighted if they could sign James and I am sure at League Two level he would still be one of the best.

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