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After Sleeping On It

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We are all disappointed after last night, however I don't see any real cause for panic just yet. We however went wrong in a number of key areas.

1) Priority: Although Del said this was his strongest team, we all know that was BS. He played a team he hoped would win, whilst keeping some fresh for the florist game. And if someone game you a choice between beating the Gills or Florist, it's not a difficult question.

2) Selection: Although affected by point 1, the selection was poor. Forget how well people played for now, as for me a massive flaw was the centre of midfield. Neither Jody or pearson is a ball winner, far from it. We started with a player (Jody) who I feel can only played in a 3 man midfield as he lacks the legs and size (not questioning effort) to win the ball. Pearson, although he can run with the ball, is by no means strong or physical. This led to us being unable to clear as we could never win the 2nd ball. Game got better once Marv came on and started bullying, although it was too little too late.

The other puzzler was Skuse at RB as he could have gone some was to answering the above in CM. But as no faith in Byran, we had 2 players out of position at FB. And don't get me started on Woolford (see below).

3) Woolford: Our only attacking threat really in the 1st half, linked up well once or twice...even managed to get a corner past the first man, but at fb was woeful, numerous slices and didn't know the position (not his fault).

4) It's the cup: I know we say it every year but the cup will always do this as little teams will always fight harder and put bodies on the line and no one can argue that. It's easy to moan (don't get me wrong I did plenty of moaning last night I can tell you) that there was no effort from our lads but there must be some serious psychological thing that means our team and others when it comes to cup games vs smaller teams.

5) Performances: Following on from point 4, some of the lads we acceptable, most were not, to save time I will list the players who were acceptable (few were good). The rest were dross.




Wooly (first half)

Maybe Albert (not given enough ball)

6) Movement: Too many passes to feet last night, and as Gills were pressing, they easily dispossessed/halted our pace-less attacks. No one ran for each other, even to make space. Very static, very slow...very league 2.

7) Gillingham: Credit where credits due, they turned up, played football, tried hard, left with a result. Fair play lads

8) Balotelli (why always me, or in this case, us): Why always us...over to you

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Guest Ashton1

yep pretty much right.

Not our first team at RB, LB, GK and CM

We need to sort Central Defence with a signing or Loan ASAP and a quick quality striker to go up with Stead.

Hopefully the RB will be sorted for Saturday and will free up Skuse.

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I don't think that we should panic just yet, as the league season hasn't even started!

I personally think Derek didn't seem too fussed about the league cup judging the side he put out and Skuse going in defence!

It's the same every season in the league cup, it will never change! Time to get behind the team for saturday as booing isn't going to help for confidence before the league season hasn't even started!

I'm still confident we will do better than last season!

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Guest Mr Wendall

I'm glad someone has pointed out Woolford was our only threat - seemed that people were quick to jump on his back last night. But at left back? What was Del thinking, get Bryan on.

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I'm glad someone has pointed out Woolford was our only threat - seemed that people were quick to jump on his back last night. But at left back? What was Del thinking, get Bryan on.

I saw it the other way round but then I'm normally overcritcal of woolford I thought he gave the ball away far to much in the first half but made a nausance of himself in the second at left back cutting out a few attacks,

I was behind the goal but thats how I saw it,

he would get another run out if I was in charge I'd like to see what he can do with cunningham behind him, as he may be able to concentaite on the attacking side of the game rather then worrying about defending,

as robbo pointed out Foster wasn;t that great a left back although he was decent at right back,

food for thought thats for sure

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