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Controversial Drop-Ball At Forest, And The Will To Win


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I didn't realise (couldn't see) exactly what had happened at Forest in that first half scuffle, but watching it back on Player, one of our lads (Cunningham) tried to take advantage of a drop-ball and cheekily spring through on goal. Although it's hard to condone such a blatantly unsporting gesture, is this green shoots of a desperately needed nasty streak in our squad?

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I didn't realise (couldn't see) exactly what had happened at Forest in that first half scuffle, but watching it back on Player, one of our lads (Cunningham) tried to take advantage of a drop-ball and cheekily spring through on goal. Although it's hard to condone such a blatantly unsporting gesture, is this green shoots of a desperately needed nasty streak in our squad?

To be fair we had the ball before play stopped with them refusing to kick it back to heaton so what Cunningham was right(and funny)
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The ref stops play when we're in possession, there's a drop ball, and Forest won't kick it back to us? What's unsporting there about playing on?

IMO whenever there's a drop ball it should always be contested by both teams. Refs should only stop play for head injuries or injuries that look serious (i.e. the player isn't rolling around acting).

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Talking about the will to win and the highlights. Cole Skuse on the goal. He's jogging back and ends up two yards away from the goal scorer when the shot happens...

6:03-6:10 on the extendeds.

I just watched that on the Sky website - shocking! - if Skuse had shown a bit more conviction and desire to get back (not jogging back at half pace) he would have been perfectly placed to intercept Cox's pass ..his run takes him right into the area that the ball is played into but he arrives too late

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I just watched that on the Sky website - shocking! - if Skuse had shown a bit more conviction and desire to get back (not jogging back at half pace) he would have been perfectly placed to intercept Cox's pass ..his run takes him right into the area that the ball is played into but he arrives too late

Wow i hadn't noticed that. For all his faults one thing you can never usually say about Skuse is that he doesn't put in the effort. That is shocking!

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Just a side note about drop-balls

I found out last night, UEFA's new legislation (to stop unsporting behaviour) is such that all drop balls, contested or uncontested are now indirect - how it stops you passing to a team member I don't know!

It looked as if Forest wouldn't give us the ball back, we wouldn't hand possesion over to them and the referee just gave up and dropped the ball - had Cunningham not done what he did we could have been there for ages!

EDIT: Was told the rule on drop balls - believed it as I was at a League Meeting and don't question why they'd make it up, found it on FA website here number 4

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I just watched that on the Sky website - shocking! - if Skuse had shown a bit more conviction and desire to get back (not jogging back at half pace) he would have been perfectly placed to intercept Cox's pass ..his run takes him right into the area that the ball is played into but he arrives too late

Wrong, He ended up goal side of the scorer ; how was that arriving late??!! Also think there was a trip or stumble involved.

Wow i hadn't noticed that. For all his faults one thing you can never usually say about Skuse is that he doesn't put in the effort. That is shocking!

Wrong watch it again
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Haven't watched the highlights back yet, but from my view at the time, it looked as thought there was a lot of dispute going on. Cunningham seemed to be suggesting it should be our ball, Forest suggesting it should be theirs, and then it appeared Cunningham gesticulated in a manner of "Go on then lets just get on with it".

I even said aloud at this point "FFS just do a contested drop ball ref".

The ref then proceeded to drop it and Cunningham played on.

If the ref had not seen this as fair play he was well within his rights to bring the play back at that point but he didn't, he played on, Cunningham got scythed down (should have been a booking in itself due to it's clear intent), and then Reid raised his hands and shoved our man (should be a red).

How Cunningham got booked in all this I'll never know, but Forest should have had one booked and one sent off.*

*This is of course my view at the time - I'll watch it on Player later and see if that makes any sense!

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Fair play (no pun intended) to Cunningham. I've always wondered what a player would do if it was stoppage time in the final game of the season and we needed a goal to either stay in the league or get into the Play Offs or win the league or something. Would they give the ball back or go for it like Cunningham did then? If it's the latter then what's the difference doing it here? Even if it was unsporting, the ref clearly didn't agree because he allowed play on.

I like seeing a player with the desire to win, whatever it takes. It's been a long time since we've had that sort of bite from players, the sooner we get it back in the club the better.

And as for Skuse, I'm shocked at that. Didn't expect it from him at all. Then again, maybe he or a few of the players have done that on other occasions and we've got away with it but just not noticed? I don't remember anyone mentioning Skuse's failure to defend in the goal before people re-watched highlights?

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Wrong, He ended up goal side of the scorer ; how was that arriving late??!! Also think there was a trip or stumble involved.

Wrong watch it again

Cole Skuse is number 14, in the black boots, the guy chasing back behind the ball, not part of the three already there. At the time the shot is hit he is about 2 yards away behind the play, behind the goalscorer. He is shown for the previous 6 seconds jogging, not sprinting back.

You are either very mistaken, lying or insane. I hope it's the first option.

Is this on the City Player or can it be found elsewhere on-line??


starts at 0:50 with the 5 on 3 break with Cole in the shot at the back jogging back...

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