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A Public Radio Broadcaster Starting To See Sense?

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Just to prove that our allegedly local broadcaster has more of our money than sense

Listening to BBC Gloucestershire of the Dark sides game with it totally biased commentary..

What do we get?

The high pitched squeals of some one whose name escapes me

BBC Gloucestershire now takes the home teams radio commentator

SAVING our public broadcaster money

So maybe our local radio station should do the same and adopt a similar policy

for the our game against Leicester on saturday

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So you want to listen to a Radio Leicester commentator who won't know our player's names well, or much background and will totally dwell on the home side? And say Cole Skusay probably!

It doesn't really cost a lot of money to send one match up to the game with a portable kit and book an ISDN line from the ground.

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have to disagree, NTTDS. i think having our own commentators gives more insight onto the team, and you get moments like the announcement of the sam baldock signing via adam baker that you wouldn't get if you had some journalist based elsewhere who has never heard of us

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The BBC plan as part of the cutbacks due to the freezing of the license fee included using a single commentator at football games to cover both sides. As has already been eluded to, it was a terrible idea with no thought as to the value of local commentary (luckily it was overruled in a review), the bias and focus on the specific local team being covered. NTTDS is incredibly short sighted to assume that the majority of BCFC fans would prefer to listen to a BBC Radio Leicester commentator harping on about Anthony Knockeart's goals in midweek.

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We are lucky to get any away commentary at all....

Mark my words the day is nigh when it will be cut fully by BBC and only way to hear any commentary will be on line ....

But ...dont panic as full coverage of the Boat race and one man and his dog will continue unabated ....as will the multi £m costume dramas to keep the mrs happy

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We are lucky to get any away commentary at all....

Mark my words the day is nigh when it will be cut fully by BBC and only way to hear any commentary will be on line ....

But ...dont panic as full coverage of the Boat race and one man and his dog will continue unabated ....as will the multi £m costume dramas to keep the mrs happy

as a bcfc player subscriber i do not consider myself "lucky" to be getting a service i am paying for

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Costume dramas are bloody popular - look at that one on ITV whose name I forget. Beeb has to justify its existence all the time on a national level. Unfortunately most people are armchair Premier League 'supporters'. MOD is worth 10 league shows in ratings - as is reflected by the production values.

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Firstly we don't have any local radio commentators,Ed Hadwin was a Swindon town commentator for a long time

and Richard Hoskins roots are from Cornwall and the West Midlands

So that leaves us with our own Bristol City fan Brendon Mitchell

The bone heads from our local broadcaster does not want any one to be known as Mister Bristol City, Mister Bristol Rovers etc

Although the bone heads in charge don't have a problem with Chris Spittles doing either Commentary or doing the summariser

since the season started with Yeovil Town

The bone heads at Radio Bristol don't even have a problem with ITS rugby commentary being assigned to only one person

Andy Champion for Bristol and Andrew Sheridan for Bath Rugby

How Brendon must feel climbing into the Rovers commentary box to commentate on a Rovers match

and have to sit along side a Rovers follower for more than TWO HOURS is beyond me

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.... How Brendon must feel climbing into the Rovers commentary box to commentate on a Rovers match

and have to sit along side a Rovers follower for more than TWO HOURS is beyond me

I'm sure he's very professional and just gets on with it!

We won't see any real change whilst 20p is still there... Wonder how long it is before his pension kicks in?

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So you want to listen to a Radio Leicester commentator who won't know our player's names well, or much background and will totally dwell on the home side? And say Cole Skusay probably!

It doesn't really cost a lot of money to send one match up to the game with a portable kit and book an ISDN line from the ground.

I often listen to the other side's commentary on the web, and I've always found it very interesting. It gives a fresh perspective on our players and our performance. I'd recommend it.

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I often listen to the other side's commentary on the web, and I've always found it very interesting. It gives a fresh perspective on our players and our performance. I'd recommend it.

Trouble is, they don't know much about the team, other than what they've read in two minutes of cribbing before the match - hence Kolo Skusay etc etc.

Say what you will about Hoskins, he does follow Bristol City news, live in the area and know what the fans are saying.

The fact he's from Cornwall is neither here nor there. He's not behind the mic to be a cheerleader for the club, just to let you know what is happening on the pitch. And doing that is a real skill. I tried it once (on a non-league game) and was fricking hopeless!

As others have pointed out, although football fans make up 100% of this board, we are not 100% of the population so I think we are lucky that local radio gives as broad a coverage of local football as it does in this time of budget cuts. It could easily all stop.

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How Brendon must feel climbing into the Rovers commentary box to commentate on a Rovers match

and have to sit along side a Rovers follower for more than TWO HOURS is beyond me

It's called getting experience, I'm sure Brendon one day hopes rather than being a one team commentator of perhaps going on to greater things. Commentating on Yeovil, Bath, Rovers etc gives him a vastly better experience than just City.

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I can understand the "one commentator" thing at a national level. As much as I enjoy hearing different commentators and voices, it does seem a lot of extra expense for 5 live to go to send 2 commentators and a summariser to games. The TV channels have always made do with one commentator for 90 minutes and I would have thought they have bigger budgets than the radio channels.

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But ...dont panic as full coverage of the Boat race and one man and his dog will continue unabated ....as will the multi £m costume dramas to keep the mrs happy

Good news there, I love One Man and HIs Dog

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Firstly we don't have any local radio commentators,Ed Hadwin was a Swindon town commentator for a long time

and Richard Hoskins roots are from Cornwall and the West Midlands

So that leaves us with our own Bristol City fan Brendon Mitchell

The bone heads from our local broadcaster does not want any one to be known as Mister Bristol City, Mister Bristol Rovers etc

Although the bone heads in charge don't have a problem with Chris Spittles doing either Commentary or doing the summariser

since the season started with Yeovil Town

The bone heads at Radio Bristol don't even have a problem with ITS rugby commentary being assigned to only one person

Andy Champion for Bristol and Andrew Sheridan for Bath Rugby

How Brendon must feel climbing into the Rovers commentary box to commentate on a Rovers match

and have to sit along side a Rovers follower for more than TWO HOURS is beyond me

Try listening to some other local stations, BBC Radio Coventry is a prime example from last season I remember, and you might afford BBCRB a bit more respect.

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