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26 Hours On!


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26hrs on and I feel even more gutted than I did at this time yesterday!

I can only think of what may have been! However this loss has made me even more commited to supporting this club we all love! i am hurting bad today!

I am not calling for Wilsons head and will support him as long as he is at the club! However I do have some critism of his team selections and his passion that he shows!

We have a very very capable squad and really should be sat here now talking about how we secure staying in the 1st division next season.

In my eyes we were let down yesterday big time! The team just did not turn up!

This is a massive summer for us! We need to get it right!

We not only need a goalscorer but someone who can create chances too Our strikers have had very littlwe service all seaosn Van Nistolrooy would struggle to score in our team! no chances means no goals!

My view of yesterday!

Lee Peacock badly missed...!

Woody/A.Browns pace on the wing was missed massively!

We were crying out for a wide left sided player yesterday Woody was getting a lot of room down the left but had little support and was never given the ball!

We have the 4 best wide players in the division in Murray, Rouge, Brown and Goody and DW played our young left back in left midfield...?????

I will never knock his commitment or desire but Miller is way out of his depth, but again you cannot knock the lad for effort!

We need 11 Tommy D..!

I also question wilsons subtitutions and his bench selection!

82mins- Whiltshire 4 Tinman, Tinman was not havng a blinder but was 100% the game was heading for extra time and did he really expect him to come on and change the game!

Murray for Miller! Should have been a staright swap Murray for Rouge! Rouge was not playing well where as Miller was having a good go, and Rouge is much better wide than upfront!

The game was calling out for Goody...!

This is who I would keep/and not keep..!

Lee P- Must stay on reduced salary! He would be a great player if he had a goalscorer along side him he can make things happen!

Robbo- Again must stay and be played as a striker both he and Lee P have had poor service all season!

Lee Matthews great guy but must be let go!

Joe Burnell 100%commited with a great attitude probably the best at the club but is jst not good enough as this level.

Louis Carey we have to keep him as we have no other right back! If we did have another one or we are able to attract a new one then I would have to say thanks but no thanks!

Matt Hill again will stay but must be used as a centre half not at left back...!

Bell I think will go due to wages however I am a fan!

Rouge I would offer a 1yr deal as i think he could cove for murray and would not cost a fortune in wages.

Amankwah also let him go has potential but is so injury prone and we have to take a risk losing him and paying up the money! Maybe even give him a 1yr deal as cover for carey and loan him out for a season that would lose us some wages for a year and we would be able to call him back we could aslo see if that potential is still there.

Marvin Brown let go

Fortune let go Not sure about both of these players contracts!

Id also make Butler, Miller and Whiltshire avaliable for transfer but I know this would not happen!

I hope this then would allow us to look at the Mansfield playmaker Liam forget his surname and maybe someone like Dion Dublin for a 1yr contract.

What are peoples thoughts

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We not only need a goalscorer but someone who can create chances too Our strikers have had very littlwe service all seaosn Van Nistolrooy would struggle to score in our team! no chances means no goals!

We were crying out for a wide left sided player yesterday Woody was getting a lot of room down the left but had little support and was never given the ball!

We have the 4 best wide players in the division in Murray, Rouge, Brown and Goody and DW played our young left back in left midfield...?????

Murray for Miller! Should have been a staright swap Murray for Rouge! Rouge was not playing well where as Miller was having a good go, and Rouge is much better wide than upfront!

Remembering that everyone thinks it's an easy job this football management marlarky.....

I'm in complete agreement with your view of creativity. We're crying out for someone who can create chances for our forwards to do the biz, and we have enough forwards now, so signing strikers I think would be a waste of time, I have faith in who we have.

Wilkshire (that's right, Wilkshire :P)/Miller - sounding like a broken record but they need time to settle and the chance to play! And they need our backing, and not barracking.

I can't explain why Woodman was picked over Freezer on the left. That did leave me baffled.

We need 11 Tommy Ds - with added pace.

With regards to the substitution, with the bench that Danny picked his options were a bit restricted. I would be interested to know why Danny picked that bench, but that I guess we will never know.

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