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Help A Fellow City Fan Out!


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Alright everyone!

Could you do me a favor and have a listen to this track please.


I'm currently managing a group of friends band, and we could do with some support.

They are a Rock, Blues, Indie 5 Piece, based up in Kidderminster, Worcs.

If you could give a quick listen and let me know what you think, that would be brilliant! Any feedback is much appreciated.

If its not your cup of cider, but know of someone who would like it, please pass it on to them.

Hope you enjoy the track



P.S If you do like please like the Facebook page www.facebook.com/adornuk

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Nothing like the Peter Green I remember. More like The Hoax (former Devizes blues band, who had a big following in the USA) meets Elbow. Not my sort of ting, but nothing wrong with it.

Peter Green how very dare you.

Agree with the Elbow comaprison , just thought the guitar had a Green feel about it. Mind you I m tone deaf.

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