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Never To The Tart Side


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Just watched ITV's FA cup round up.

Message to producer, never let a woman anywhere near a microphone as overdubber.

Apparantly Bradford PARK AVENUE are a LEAGUE TWO side, and York play at BOOTH Cresent.

Those are the ones I spotted, probs more, but what do I know about non league !

To be fair, it is probably the scriptwriter who is at fault.

But as football doesn't exist under the Premier League, they should jolly well be grateful for getting any sort of mention - particularly as they don't have an amateur player whose full time job is a taxidermist or something and so we can all fall about laughing as they tell us how said taxidermist "stuffs" the oppostion. Or make up an amusing nickname for a player, such as the "Leatherhead Lip".

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