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Refusing To Panic And Delirium Setting In.....

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Morming all,

I totally share all the frustrations and upset and anger and passion demonstrated on here over the past few weeks.

Just wanted to take a step back and give my take on it all in the hope that it may strike a chord with some on here.

I have watched City home and away for 38 years now and I suppose you could say i've seen it all from winning at Old Trafford to seeing the Reds at the bottom of Div 4.

I suppose this means i am able to just let this current situation wash over me a bit more as i refuse to panic.

Just a few things to consider:

In my opinion the best fans in the premier league are Everton fans; they have won nothing for over a decade and they have often flirted with relegation yet they never call for the manager's head and they support their team like crazy. A few years ago they took over 6,000 to Southampton on a tuesday night when they were lower mid table. Patience and gratitude and dignity as supporters.

GJ lost 9 games in a row, we had players sent off for fighting with each other on the pitch (Northampton away), we had players jailed for off the pitch stuff. A dreadful situation for the manager to cope with yet we stuck with him and he took us to one game from the premier league.

The injuries we have suffered to key players in key positions this season represent appalling bad luck. I know every club can moan about injuries and many use ut as an excuse but come on - which managers could cope with the things that have happened to Cunningham, Elokobi, McManus, Skuse (twice)??? For people on here to rejoice in Skuse's injuries is beyond belief. He is a Bristolian lad who gives his all for his hometown club, yes he has limitations to his game, but so did Glyn Riley yet he was loved unconditionally on the terraces because of his attitude.

There is absolutely no point in changing the manager before mid November. What do people expect? Top 2 in the championship? Premier league football in a brand new stadium? A fantastic dream but the reality is that we were all born with a lower mid table championship club in our blood. That is our true position at the moment so let's at least get to Xmas before we all panic.

After the Cardiff game people were convinced we were going up. Last season there was talk of the play offs after Del's first few games in charge (at 2500 to 1 !!!!!) Now we are doomed and there is no point carrying on! I have seen enough of this club to think that a reaction somewhere between the two points of view is probably appropriate at this moment in time.

Also, i actually love away games where all the pressure is off, the other team and its supporters assume we are rubbish and everyone following the Red boys relaxes in the away ends and just has a laugh. This has often seen us ruffle a few feathers and it is a great feeling! Yes, there is a bit of a delirious feeling, but it is somehow refreshing knowing that at a time like this the guys n gals following City up and down the country are true fans who know we are struggling but who feel this is the etime to really support their club.

Sorry to have rambled on, but it aint over yet.

Shoot me down but it has been much much worse than this and we have come through.

Just don't give up.

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