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Which Mayor Will Bring Us Closer To The Stadium/to Vote For?


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Too many of these Mayor candidates are promising all the right things, 'A stadium is the most important thing and is what this city needs' seems to be the phrase whichever way you look at it. Which mayor do you think will actually deliver? the scrutiny is high, with both clubs in Bristol looking to build on proposed land which has been held back by planning laws. Some candidates biased to City and some to Rovers, i'm struggling to determine which would be the best candidate for the City generally..

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Rees & Stoney are the only ones that have come out and stated that they will make a stadium happen, all the rest just either pay lip service to it or are against it.

Don't think any of them are a perfect candidate for mayor of our fine city but I certainly wont be voting for red trousers because, however you look at it, he tried to stop AV in it tracks by championing the 'NO TESCO/SAINSBURYS' campaign.

And going on last nights loacl BBC programme, the mayor could be given powers like Boris has and I am sure that if the mayor backs AV, he will get it through via Government.


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In Rees' manifesto that came through the post he openly backed the idea of two "Premier League stadiums" and a Bristol arena.

Did it actually say "idea"? I bet it did. :) if it did what a wishy washy non commuted space filler!

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I don't understand the thought process of voting for someone because they may or may not be in favour of a stadium. There are far bigger issues on the table in Bristol, than our poxy bloody stadium!

I want the incoming mayor to stick one up the NIMBYs/Greens/Tony Dyers/Pippas big time, the stadium debacle has had a negative effect on my club.

There are many issues that the mayor needs to sort out (transport, care facilities, investment, jobs etc, etc) and NIMBYs are one of them.


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I don't understand the thought process of voting for someone because they may or may not be in favour of a stadium. There are far bigger issues on the table in Bristol, than our poxy bloody stadium!

Actually the fact that Bristol is so underdeveloped compared to other cities needs to be addressed and a solution is on the cards believe it or not. So yes it is an issue up there with the rest.

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Marvin Rees backs both stadiums and an arena the only one apart from Stoney to do so .

The other candidates are backward looking an insular in their approach. Rees and Stoney are the only ones who want to get Premier League football in this City and they understand what a world wide Premier League audience can do for a place like Bristol.

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People moan about how shit our city is. Well no wonder when you look at the bunch of muppets running for mayor! It's even worse that you lot are going to vote for them. Stoney? Give me a break, just because he's a city fan and wants to back the stadium. what a load of bollocks.

Surely the only real choice is Marvin Rees?

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People moan about how shit our city is. Well no wonder when you look at the bunch of muppets running for mayor! It's even worse that you lot are going to vote for them. Stoney? Give me a break, just because he's a city fan and wants to back the stadium. what a load of bollocks.

Surely the only real choice is Marvin Rees?

Boris Johnson was always seen as a bit different and certainly a bit of a muppet a while back but look at him now. Not your stereotypical Mayor yet is someone who is not scared to be different , to be himself and to do what he believes in. He has been a great Mayor for London. Stoney is also a bit different and not one of your more convential candidates ! Because of that he gets my vote - i can see it being a bit of a helter skelter ride along the way should he get in but would prefer that than the safe , conventional and ultimately boring options that are also in the running


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I want the incoming mayor to stick one up the NIMBYs/Greens/Tony Dyers/Pippas big time, the stadium debacle has had a negative effect on my club.

There are many issues that the mayor needs to sort out (transport, care facilities, investment, jobs etc, etc) and NIMBYs are one of them.


Snap. The tail has wagged the dog for far too long. These tiny groups are listened to, because they are the ones that can be bothered to petition the council. The council must have thought these people were representative of the people, they are not, they are the minority.

Hopefully they will be ignored, now that the mayor will not be subservient to these minority pressure groups and worried about elections every two or three years.

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Martin Rees is leaps and bounds above the rest, he'll be my first choice. Stoney second for a bit of fun!!! God there's some muppets going for mayor mind

Saw him earlier on HTV news, he didn't know the average cost of council tax or had no explanation where he was going to save money that needs to be cut next year. Surely these people should do some homework before appearing on these things.

I think he was just the best candidate that labour could put forward. Same old, same old from the 90's if this fella gets in.

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Actually the fact that Bristol is so underdeveloped compared to other cities needs to be addressed and a solution is on the cards believe it or not. So yes it is an issue up there with the rest.

And the solution to all of Bristols problems is a Mayor ????????????

Oh come on this is just lip service from this crap goverment and just another drain on the council tax of the citizens of Bristol.

Our councils been crap for as long as I can remember and a Mayor wont change it.

And with all respect to Stoney, Spud Murphy and the rest even if they get in they will never change a thing it will be one of the main stream party candidates who will spout the same shite as the goverment they represent.

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total surprise :dunno::D

For me Reese and Stoney !

Anything swinging a shade to the left or liberally green will constrict and choke any hopes of dragging our beloved Brizzle into the 21st centry

And again.................. wont make a blind bit of difference its the people who make Bristol, half arent from the area any more and the other half dont give a toss. If Stoney did get in (It will never happen) I would feel sorry for him he does care but he will just become a face wheeled out for the TV cameras every time they want a laugh.

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total surprise :dunno::D

For me Reese and Stoney !

Anything swinging a shade to the left or liberally green will constrict and choke any hopes of dragging our beloved Brizzle into the 21st centry

Rees definitely 'swings to the left' - he's the Labour Party candidate!

Labour have been choking and constricting Bristol for most of the last 30 years.

It surely has to be one of the Independant candidates if we want progress for Bristol free of party politics.

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