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In Case You Felt Like Voting Ferguson


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Ferguson was outside the Atyeo Stand (in the Ashton Road entrance) yesterday trying to drum up support. Not many of our fans appeared to realise who he was, but I did a double take when I saw him.

There was a few of the mayoral candidates the lib dem bloke, a couple of independents. When I walked by one bloke was laying into Ferguson called him a hypocrite and liar so he'd obviously met him before

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Ferguson was outside the Atyeo Stand (in the Ashton Road entrance) yesterday trying to drum up support. Not many of our fans appeared to realise who he was, but I did a double take when I saw him.

Perhaps he was going to the game courtesy of our ex-chairman Mr Sexstone, 'coz he is supporting Ferguson for Mayor!

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Bit sillly that.

Perhaps you should write a letter to Steve Lansdown explaining why no individual involved in this Merchant Venturers should be involved in his projects e.g Ashton Vale.

silly maybe , even tho i would love us to have a new stadium at av, im looking at the rather larger picture of who's going to run this city and whether or not there accountable
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