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How many of you will still be following City next season?. Having read the Ask Steve L site allot say they will not be renewing membership/season tickets. :dunno:

But.... I bet you will still be supporting them, some may just buy tickets to certain games, others who say they won't go to any of the games ..... you won't be able to keep away from a radio. teletext even if it's just for a sneaky peak. :wacko:

It's in your blood, it's what you live for, those Saturday afternoons, and cold Tuesday nights, the rush of fear as the opposing team head for goal, or the excitement as our team make a push for goal... the shouting abuse at the ref, ..... do you really think you can give all that up?. I know I couldn't, and i'm a female, one of those who is supposed to know nothing of the game or the feelings that go with it. so.. can you REALLY give up on the City?.


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"Can I really give up on city" - nope. Season ticket already bought, will be there for pre-season friendlies (home and poss away) and all home games, and many away as this season, last season, season before etc etc.

And I'm sure many others will be too.

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