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Morris And Anderson

The Humble Realist

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This has to be my biggest bug bear at this club. Constantly signing players that can't keep Skuse, Elliot and Fonts out of the team. No disrespect to those players but we never improve the heart of the team. Only Paul Hartley was able to dislodge them and we all saw what quality he brought to the team.

How many Centre midfielders have come, gone or sit on the bench.

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Well I just don't get it. Bobby Reid is keepin morris off the bench...why did we sign morris?!

As for Anderson ...how bad can the guy be? Surely worth a try...I give up

For me I would rather the likes of Reid, Bryan, Edwards etc are given a try rather than clog the squad up with players we don't need!? I am no expert but all seems a little pointless to me.

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As for Anderson ...how bad can the guy be? Surely worth a try...I give up

He's looked handy every time I've seen him play. He can't get into the side though as Pearson is an 'undroppable' and the only way to play him in side featuring Marv/Kilkenny/Danns/Albert is to play him on the wing.

As for Morris. A classic case of signing your mate, I fear. I'd rip up his contract.

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I was absolutely flabbergasted that Pearson stayed on the pitch, It was clear he is too slow and too much of a donkey to play on the wing, how are we meant to win matches at home with basically one attacking winger(Adomah) and a striker, with he other winger defending the full back? Anderson and Adomah would be such a dangerous combination aswell I feel!

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I'm not defending the fact that Morris should have been signed or not, but I thought he was injured at the moment? if so that makes the debate slightly different doesn't it.

Yes, Morris is alleged to be in professional recovery from a short term hamstring injury. So is Matthew Bates who took the field at Brighton on Tuesday and again yesterday.

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I will say this for Morris, hes very good on twitter - if the guy put as much effort and has as much ability in tweeting as he does his football then we have no problems !! he doesnt shut up, generally banging on about music -

As for Anderson, the reserve games i have seen he has played very well, him and reid have always been exceptional, i have no idea why he doesnt get a look in.

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Two strange signings for me.

Its as though we were offered them by agents rather than going out to get them.

After all how many times have we heard from the club "any new signings must be better than what we have already"

Anderson better than Bolasie? I think not.

Morris better than??? Cisse?? I think not.

I am struggling to find a far worse signing than that joker Morris

(cue the start of a new thread)

who is taking the piss out of anybody connected to this club of ours by getting paid a large sum of money under the false pretense of being a championship footballer

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Nuff said.

To be fair, few tears were cried when he departed. He looked very raw - and his main achievement over the last season was to run full-pelt, head-on into various opposing players. Few saw his potential under a good coach.

And it has to be said, if you recall Woolford's performances early season, when he had Cunningham linking up with him, he looked very good. Scroll back to August's threads on here and see how many voices were calling for Wooly to be dropped for Bolassie....

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We all know our deficiencies and have done for many a season, quite how we have shiped out crap

only to aquire more crap and more remarkably fail to address our central defensive failings is just

simply criminal. We had a great oportunity this year with 8 or 9 palyers out of contract to slim the squad

and replace with better quality in an area we have been weak for many a year. Do we take advantage,

NO, we fill the bench and beyond with high earners and then complain the likes of Bikey was making

excessive wage demands, Morris, Anderson, Baldock = proberbly twice the wage demands of Bikey.

Do we need Morris, Anderson, Baldock, NO,Do we need a decent Centre Back in the mould of Bikey,

Yes we bl00dy well do. We have fu-ked up big time, which will cost us our championship status.

Who is responsible Del or has his hands been tied, either way Back Water Bristol City has lived up to

glorious history of failure.

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To be fair, few tears were cried when he departed. He looked very raw - and his main achievement over the last season was to run full-pelt, head-on into various opposing players. Few saw his potential under a good coach.

And it has to be said, if you recall Woolford's performances early season, when he had Cunningham linking up with him, he looked very good. Scroll back to August's threads on here and see how many voices were calling for Wooly to be dropped for Bolassie....

I said on an earlier thread in all his time here Woolford has probably put in 4 good performances pretty much all this season.

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