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Being A City Fan

terry cooper was god

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Having watched City for to many years now i like a lot of fans have had more up and downs than most fans from other clubs,and i have a feeling there will be a lot more up and downs to come in the future,i hate to think how many times i have returned home and said thats it i am not going to watch them again, only to be there the following week cheering or booing the team, sad to say more booing this season,meeting up with my mates up the Lions or pubs around the BS3 area putting the world to right and having a couple of pts,although again at the moment need a few more pts at the moment before the game. Then come the painful or great time the game,in the east end on the corner,singing along with the rest of the old buggers. Back to the pub to moan or be happy along with mates for another couple of hours,being a city fan is not just about the football it is a great day out,yes the 90 mins mostly spoils part of the day at the moment but we will be back next week.It could be alot worse i could be sat in a pub watching prem football in a arm chair never been to a game.Yes we are not very good this season but thats the fun of being a football fan

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The point i was trying to make was,we all moan cheer,but long after this lot of wasters sorry players who wear the red shirt have gone we will still be there,before and after the game we are all managers,and hearing what the manager did right or most lately wrong,is what being a city fan is all about, it has been for the last 40 years of my life and it will be for the next god knows.Win or lose meeting up with the lads on a match day is what football is all about,

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Having watched City for to many years now i like a lot of fans have had more up and downs than most fans from other clubs,and i have a feeling there will be a lot more up and downs to come in the future,i hate to think how many times i have returned home and said thats it i am not going to watch them again, only to be there the following week cheering or booing the team, sad to say more booing this season,meeting up with my mates up the Lions or pubs around the BS3 area putting the world to right and having a couple of pts,although again at the moment need a few more pts at the moment before the game. Then come the painful or great time the game,in the east end on the corner,singing along with the rest of the old buggers. Back to the pub to moan or be happy along with mates for another couple of hours,being a city fan is not just about the football it is a great day out,yes the 90 mins mostly spoils part of the day at the moment but we will be back next week.It could be alot worse i could be sat in a pub watching prem football in a arm chair never been to a game.Yes we are not very good this season but thats the fun of being a football fan

Agreed... The MATCH is only part of the match day experience.

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Yep, don't know what many people expect.

I think there is definitely a generation of City fans who know and accept what we are as a club and don't bleat cos we haven't and won't win the premier league the year after next!

We travel everywhere to watch our team because we are proud Bristolians who support our club. We don't call for the manager's head in bad times, we don't boo the players during a game brcause we know both of these are counter-productive.

We support Bristol City and we always will, whatever division they are in. The love for a football club is not shackled by divisions.

We bump into fans of clubs like Bury, Port Vale and Doncaster in service stations and on trains. They aren't moaning - they are just having a day out proud to support a club that they know will never win the champions league!

And you know what? The generation of City fans i belong to are less stressed and know how to enjoy the whole day out on a saturday.

We are City fans - simple as that.

No less passionate than anyone on here or elsewhere, but we don't moan because life is too short and there are more important things to moan about.

Try it, you may like it!

See you saturday, and smile!

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