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Training Competitions, Your Thoughts

Tall King Blox

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Having read about how Albert was allowed to take the free kick last saturday due to the fact that he won a free kick competition on the training ground prior to the game,

Well this got me thinking, what other competitions do you think the squad should have on the training ground to improve our dire position and our dire performances on the pitch....over to you, bring it on !

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on fridays when they get their pay packets,it should all go in a hat,if they win on a saturday,get it all back,as with a hard fought draw,any dire performances to result in the whole lot being spent on scratch cards and dished out in the stands

Intresting thought but not quite what i had in mind...mind

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Having read about how Albert was allowed to take the free kick last saturday due to the fact that he won a free kick competition on the training ground prior to the game,

Well this got me thinking, what other competitions do you think the squad should have on the training ground to improve our dire position and our dire performances on the pitch....over to you, bring it on !

I could not believe it when I heard it

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Having read about how Albert was allowed to take the free kick last saturday due to the fact that he won a free kick competition on the training ground prior to the game,

Well this got me thinking, what other competitions do you think the squad should have on the training ground to improve our dire position and our dire performances on the pitch....over to you, bring it on !

Christ on a bike, you could hold competitions for so many things in training! Only person in the club able to take a decent corner; only person in the club to be able to find an unmarked red shirt from a throw in; ability to make a pass to feet from more than one yard; ability to take a shot on goal from open play with your head held up; ability to recognise a goal threat and close him down.

We could hold training competitions for all these and call it - coaching!!!

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Christ on a bike, you could hold competitions for so many things in training! Only person in the club able to take a decent corner; only person in the club to be able to find an unmarked red shirt from a throw in; ability to make a pass to feet from more than one yard; ability to take a shot on goal from open play with your head held up; ability to recognise a goal threat and close him down.

We could hold training competitions for all these and call it - coaching!!!

That was where i was coming from when posting this last night, did Baldrick win the "penalty taking" compo ?

did the defence as a man win the "how not to mark at set peices " compo

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How about some cement trapping, any one who can trap two consecutive bags of cement gets a automatic start

Jesus TRL! You'd be a tough taskmaster as a coach! Expecting our players to complete a tough challenge like that.

How about a spotting a red shirt contest though. That one would be a particular toughy for Elliott who regularly mistakes white, blue, gold and various other colours for red. In fact I'm sure he's passed to the ref on a few occasions....

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A competition sounds childish and unproffesional.

By all means....practice them and give them to who takes them best on a regular occasion, but a competition??I used to do that when I played kids football

I'd rather see the lads enjoying their football than the heads down, no smiles, no confidence crap we've seen for so long.

I can't remember who it was, but I swear at a pretty big club two players played Rock Paper Scissors to decide who got a free kick.

Why so serious?

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I'd rather see the lads enjoying their football than the heads down, no smiles, no confidence crap we've seen for so long.

I can't remember who it was, but I swear at a pretty big club two players played Rock Paper Scissors to decide who got a free kick.

Why so serious?

Agreed , if it brings a bit of light-hearted relief into the session , wheres the problem ?

Besides which , it worked !!!!!! Albert scored a beauty which he probably would not have tried or even taken on another day. Long may it continue.

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I'd rather see the lads enjoying their football than the heads down, no smiles, no confidence crap we've seen for so long.

I can't remember who it was, but I swear at a pretty big club two players played Rock Paper Scissors to decide who got a free kick.

Why so serious?

Hey, I must be wrong...as it worked didnt it?

I dont mind having competitions and a laugh, but I would like to think that our set piece takers will be taken by the best person....and not someone who won a competition in training. Thats all.

As for the rock paper scissors....maybe....but you sure it wasnt to people who were perfectavly capable at taking free kicks??

Adomahs free kick was a cracker...but he is hardly David Beckham, I bet he wont score another free kick this season :icecream:

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I dont mind having competitions and a laugh, but I would like to think that our set piece takers will be taken by the best person....and not someone who won a competition in training. Thats all.

If they beat the rest of the team in training.. they're not going to be crap are they.**

**This applies for any team other than Bristol City

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I'd rather see the lads enjoying their football than the heads down, no smiles, no confidence crap we've seen for so long.

I can't remember who it was, but I swear at a pretty big club two players played Rock Paper Scissors to decide who got a free kick.

Why so serious?

Pretty sure this was Ribery for Munich?

Sounds like a good way of finding out who is best to me (free kicks not rock paper scissors!) as well of improving morale.

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Hey, I must be wrong...as it worked didnt it?

I dont mind having competitions and a laugh, but I would like to think that our set piece takers will be taken by the best person....and not someone who won a competition in training. Thats all.

As for the rock paper scissors....maybe....but you sure it wasnt to people who were perfectavly capable at taking free kicks??

Adomahs free kick was a cracker...but he is hardly David Beckham, I bet he wont score another free kick this season :icecream:

Like I said though, I highly doubt the likes of Lewin and James Wilson were involved in said competition. We're lucky enough to have Davies as the set in stone set piece taker, but after that there's three or four lads who are capable of occasionally hitting a decent free kick. Baldock, Adomah, Wooly (He was signed as a set piece specialist!!!), Bryan etc. There isn't much to choose from those guys, so a little competition to sort out an order makes perfect sense to me.

Adomah did hit the bar the other week from a free-kick too didn't he? Anderson scored the rebound. He can hardly be described as a mug from a dead ball situation. not a specialist, but he's capable.

I don't know how early you arrive to the Gate on a match day, But I'm usually there pretty early (I usually can't face a pint until gone 7 on a saturday on account of over doing it on a friday!) and I tend to give a lot of attention to the pre-match warm ups and training drills. I've seen Baldock, Adomah, Woolford, Stead and Joe hit a few beauties into an empty net... I've also seen them fluff just as many... Like I say, there's very little difference between each of our second choice free kick takers, so I've got no problem with this sort of action helping decide who takes what.

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Jesus TRL! You'd be a tough taskmaster as a coach! Expecting our players to complete a tough challenge like that.

How about a spotting a red shirt contest though. That one would be a particular toughy for Elliott who regularly mistakes white, blue, gold and various other colours for red. In fact I'm sure he's passed to the ref on a few occasions....

If Elliott can do that 5 times in a training session, they he wins some bendy boots to help his passes find the target.
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