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Uefa Predictable Behaviour


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So Serbia got a minimal fine and the two abused England U21 players got a suspension. Did anyone expect any different from the corrupt wasters at UEFA?

Anyone care to guess what would have been done to England if the abuse had happened here?

Nope i'm not surprised and England would probably have been expelled from competition if it was the other way round. UEFA and FIFA are both corrupt with an obvious agenda against England it seems.

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Pathetic by UEFA. The fine for Serbia is £15000 less than they fined Bendtner for showing an unauthorised sponsors logo. Disgrace.

Exactly this. It makes a total mockery of it all. This needs to be dealt with properly, what acceptable reason could they give for that?

Break Sponsorship Rules...80k fine.

Racism and Violence.....65k fine.

Not that anyone expected anything other than that from UEFA but they need to be pulled up on this, what kind of message does than send out?

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I think it's about time that black players stop talking about it and actually started to take direct action through it's new association and refuse to play in UEFA initially international games and if that has no effect UEFA club games. Who knows perhaps even some of the other european black players might join in and even white players and even if the white players don't the sight of white only teams representing England or English clubs might bring some action.

i'm afraid to say football is in a shocking state far too much money in the game, abuse of the rules and FIFA and UEFA are two disgraced organisations who are more interested in brown envelopes or perhaps that should read white envelopes than what is actually happening.

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I did say they'd only get a fine,

I can see why our players got punishments I don't agree with it mind,

if it was the otherway round we'd be banned from international football for 3 years UEFA and FIFA are corrupt and anti english always have been

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It's a disgrace.

I seem to remember UEFA threatening to kick England out of a competition during qualification one year over abusive chanting?

Why is it that they seem able to implicate hard hitting punishments to us and not to others? I understand that Platini was at Heysel and therefore holds some anger towards English teams.... but what about the rest of them?

Still I suppose that they are saint-like in comparison to the mob at FIFA. Sure Sepp would have been happy for them all to shake hands and forget about it.

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Sounds like even Platini is embarrassed by this one! http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/20725608

We'll see, after all he is only the president of UEFA and would have had no idea whatsoever of what sort of punishment his minions would hand out would he?, yeah right. Like most people who gain access to one of the gravy train boys club so far he's been full of shit.

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