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Could This Be Translated Into English?!


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Who reported that? McInnes actually said according to bcfctweets

DM: "I thought the support was brilliant today. The players should be embarrassed, the fans deserve better."

DM: "The fans applauded the players off the pitch and I thank them for their backing."

So whoever reported that is talking shite?

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="CiderArmyy" data-cid="1682100" data-time="1355611007"><p>

Couldn't believe how many people in the Atyeo were clapping.. Un-believable.. even a few clapping at HT..</p></blockquote>

Couldn't believe how many people were booing Fontaine when he got the ball second half, but there you go.

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ive just read quote from dm. he thought our support was brilliant today. WHAT SUPPORT. mostly all singing was done by away fans. i think dm is watching a totally different game to us.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Derky4City" data-cid="1682121" data-time="1355611750"><p>

Adomah hardly had a great game.. NEVER looks up, constantly runs into trouble, tries to do to much</p></blockquote>

Too much? Poor bloke was the only player trying today. I don't blame him, I wouldn't look up to these gutless ****

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... and if you're having a bad day at work does people yelling abuse and telling you you're crap improve things?

Would you eat a dodgy meal and risk food poisoning, so as not to upset the chef who might be having a bad day?.

Football keeps on being described as an entertainment, would you applaud a band if they were all pissed and falling about unable to sing or play their instruments, so as not to upset them in case they might be having a bad day?.

Would you accept smack around the ear from an old bill having a bad day?.

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Would you eat a dodgy meal and risk food poisoning, so as not to upset the chef who might be having a bad day?.

Football keeps on being described as an entertainment, would you applaud a band if they were all pissed and falling about unable to sing or play their instruments, so as not to upset them in case they might be having a bad day?.

Would you accept smack around the ear from an old bill having a bad day?.

I understand your sentiments, but would just point out that a chef doesn't have an opposing, better chef attempting to put him off or poison his food whilst he's cooking. Nor does a band have a different band on the same stage, playing completely different music, at a much louder volume.

The old bill are just bastards. ;)

But the inevitable and typical comparison to other jobs has to take the above points into consideration.

I'm not defending any performances of our beloved City, they have been woeful more often than I wish to remember, but a lot of these "if I screwed up in my job I'd be sacked" comments get a bit tedious for me.

(I'm also not directing it solely at you, at all, this is just the one to which I've decided to reply. I see them countless times, in countless discussions about countless areas of football).

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I understand your sentiments, but would just point out that a chef doesn't have an opposing, better chef attempting to put him off or poison his food whilst he's cooking. Nor does a band have a different band on the same stage, playing completely different music, at a much louder volume.

The old bill are just bastards. ;)

But the inevitable and typical comparison to other jobs has to take the above points into consideration.

I'm not defending any performances of our beloved City, they have been woeful more often than I wish to remember, but a lot of these "if I screwed up in my job I'd be sacked" comments get a bit tedious for me.

(I'm also not directing it solely at you, at all, this is just the one to which I've decided to reply. I see them countless times, in countless discussions about countless areas of football).

i'm sorry about the tediousness, but as I said football is an entertainment and the paying public are fully entitled to vent their feelings especially after 9 winless home games, DMC is right it's embarrassing.

and as for the point about the sack (that I didn't mention) would your employer be so understanding if you screwed up week after week.

The manager and his players are very well paid and if there is a hint of players not putting in a shift, fans are entitled ask why and vent their feelings, for me the BCFC fans have been far too patient something that DMC alluded to today and by the same token if fans question decisions by the manager they are entitled to more than a surly brush off, because the fans will still be here long after DMC has finished his well paid gardening leave.

Edit:- Also if there was any honour in DMC he should at least offer his resignation to the board, at least that way he would know whether they really support him or just cannot afford to bin him.

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i'm sorry about the tediousness, but as I said football is an entertainment and the paying public are fully entitled to vent their feelings especially after 9 winless home games, DMC is right it's embarrassing.

and as for the point about the sack (that I didn't mention) would your employer be so understanding if you screwed up week after week.

The manager and his players are very well paid and if there is a hint of players not putting in a shift, fans are entitled ask why and vent their feelings, for me the BCFC fans have been far too patient something that DMC alluded to today and by the same token if fans question decisions by the manager they are entitled to more than a surly brush off, because the fans will still be here long after DMC has finished his well paid gardening leave.

Edit:- Also if there was any honour in DMC he should at least offer his resignation to the board, at least that way he would know whether they really support him or just cannot afford to bin him.

No need to apologise - as I said, it wasn't really a specific reply to your post, hence the more general reference to the sacking type comment. It just reminded me of those kind of statements, but I realise you weren't saying that, so apologies.

And I'm neither condoning nor condemning any reaction from the fans - each to their own, and as you say fans are entitled to their opinions and how they express those.

I'm just pointing out that in most jobs you don't have someone else directly trying to hinder your progress. If I did a poor job in an individual role, then yes, I'd expect to be on the receiving end of some sort of punishment.

But if I were up for a promotion, say, and, despite doing a perfectly good job throughout my time and putting forward a good case, someone else got the job due to their better performance overall, I'd have to take it on the chin - and would be appalled if I then got sacked from my original position.

I just feel that's a slightly closer comparison, due to the competition involved.

And as I say, not defending or referring to our recent performances at all. Just a general thought about those kind of comments (not you in particular, you're just the unfortunate soul I decided to use as my catalyst :aok2: )

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