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Just Back From Match

wayne allisons tongues

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Where do I start about that performance today. Made the 370 mile round trip from Manchester to watch what can be described as an absolute joke of a performance.

Heaton played well in goal, save in first half when 0 0 was very good. His distribution needs to be quicker though.

Foster had a poor game but as usual doesn't help when your right winger isn't on the right or tracks back to help and leaves you 2 on 1 most of game.

Fontaine had a shocker thought he was at fault for the first goal played everyone on and how is he a lb I will never know and how he went to cb and stayed on will never know. Constantly gave ball away and at least 3 times passed ball to derby players 5 yards away.

McManus and bates both were very steady and looked quite secure shame they constantly lump the ball 40 50 yards every time. Why bates came off for Cunningham is a complete mystery.

Danns and Elliott be good if they could pass or defend. Totally overran by Derbys midfield they always had an extra player in there so what was our manager doing to try and cancel them out nothing. The 2 of them looked lost.

Bryan was supposed to be lm spent most of game at lb or cm, was playing so narrow most of game we had no out ball.

Adomah what was his position today, wandered all over pitch today left foster constantly exposed and never tracked back. Should learn to play the simple ball and not try to beat 3 players everytime.

Baldock and Taylor both worked really hard but had little service up to them so couldn't do much.

Cunningham did ok but looked off pace and gave ball away quite a bit, lack of match practice.

Davies worked hard got stuck in and tried to create things.

Stead did ok cracking tackle in our own box to save a goal but why was he lw went Anderson and Pearson were on bench.

Mcinnes changed formations constantly all game 442 433 424 seemed players never knew what was happening which isn't going to help confidence.

We just look like a team with no confidence who are playing so narrow it's ridiculous. Derby got out wide and spread the game, whilst we were so narrow the whole game was played in a third of the pitch.

Till we sort out the midfield we are going to lack goals constantly and defence will be overran and that means are wingers or wide players must track back and help. The manager must get our tactics right and work out what the opposition are doing.

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If we are going to play 442 then keep the wingers outwide and let them track back. Derbys lb kept bombing down the wing and Albert would just walk back admiring the run. My son who's 13 and comes to all games with me said if that was his Sunday team and his wingers did that they would be off pretty sharp. If a 13 year old can see it why can't our highly paid pros and boss see it.

Mcinnes said on the radio we played 442 derby played 433 and we were over ran in midfield so why didn't he change it to nullify them instead they passed us off the park.

How Fontaine is captain let alone playing is beyond a joke now, after today I am seriously considering not paying my hard earned money to watch garbage week after week anymore.

The players can drive off home in there cars feet up by 6.30 whilst me and plenty of other fans have to drive home whilst there living it up allegedly tonight in London. Bet some of those cars in the car park cost more than my yearly salary, and what for constant underachievement and abjectness. It's gone beyond a joke now, I'm 40 now and been watching city 1976 and I think this team put in the least amount of effort and commitment than any team I've seen down Ashton gate.

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