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Yet Another Reason Russia Should Not Have Got The World Cup


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I particularly 'liked':

"But the Zenit fanbase denied accusations of racism: ‘We are not racists and for us the absence of black Zenit players is just an important tradition that underlines the team’s identity and nothing more.' "

Just another important tradition...

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It is totally ridiculous, and embarrasing for their club, city and country.

But with all matters like this I think it's important to take a step back from our 'liberal Britain in 2012' attitudes. just over 20 years ago, St Petersburg was Leningrad, in a fairly brutal and repressive state where liberalism was not really tolerated, so these things do take time. Just as it would not be inconceivable for British football fans to make a similar letter to a club in the early 1980s, so it's not inconceivable for fans of a Russian club to do it now.

As outrageous the sentiment in the letter is, unfortunately it's a process that their society needs to go through in order to (hopefully) come out the other end. It's not really something that Uefa or Fifa or British opinion can force on them.

Remember it's only in 1989 that a major British club (Rangers) ended their effective 'no catholic player' policy.

I just think that in order to create a more tolerant world, unfortunately it's something that people need to learn the benefits of for themselves, and that includes Russian society absorbing comments like these.

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It is totally ridiculous, and embarrasing for their club, city and country.

But with all matters like this I think it's important to take a step back from our 'liberal Britain in 2012' attitudes. just over 20 years ago, St Petersburg was Leningrad, in a fairly brutal and repressive state where liberalism was not really tolerated, so these things do take time. Just as it would not be inconceivable for British football fans to make a similar letter to a club in the early 1980s, so it's not inconceivable for fans of a Russian club to do it now.

As outrageous the sentiment in the letter is, unfortunately it's a process that their society needs to go through in order to (hopefully) come out the other end. It's not really something that Uefa or Fifa or British opinion can force on them.

Remember it's only in 1989 that a major British club (Rangers) ended their effective 'no catholic player' policy.

I just think that in order to create a more tolerant world, unfortunately it's something that people need to learn the benefits of for themselves, and that includes Russian society absorbing comments like these.

that is something that fifa should have said sort it out BEFORE awarding them the greatest football event in the world

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="CardiffBlackLabel" data-cid="1683564" data-time="1355846330"><p>

It is totally ridiculous, and embarrasing for their club, city and country.<br />

<br />

But with all matters like this I think it's important to take a step back from our 'liberal Britain in 2012' attitudes. just over 20 years ago, St Petersburg was Leningrad, in a fairly brutal and repressive state where liberalism was not really tolerated, so these things do take time. Just as it would not be inconceivable for British football fans to make a similar letter to a club in the early 1980s, so it's not inconceivable for fans of a Russian club to do it now.<br />

<br />

As outrageous the sentiment in the letter is, unfortunately it's a process that their society needs to go through in order to (hopefully) come out the other end. It's not really something that Uefa or Fifa or British opinion can force on them.<br />

<br />

Remember it's only in 1989 that a major British club (Rangers) ended their effective 'no catholic player' policy.<br />

<br />

I just think that in order to create a more tolerant world, unfortunately it's something that people need to learn the benefits of for themselves, and that includes Russian society absorbing comments like these.</p></blockquote>

I agree with tour sentiment CBL but do you not think this should be considered BEFORE awarding them the world cup? Ditto for Qatar where homosexuality is punishable by death. I see the financial logic on awarding Russia a world cup, but regardless of recent history, it's a morally bankrupt decision

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="CardiffBlackLabel" data-cid="1683564" data-time="1355846330"><p>

It is totally ridiculous, and embarrasing for their club, city and country.<br />

<br />

But with all matters like this I think it's important to take a step back from our 'liberal Britain in 2012' attitudes. just over 20 years ago, St Petersburg was Leningrad, in a fairly brutal and repressive state where liberalism was not really tolerated, so these things do take time. Just as it would not be inconceivable for British football fans to make a similar letter to a club in the early 1980s, so it's not inconceivable for fans of a Russian club to do it now.<br />

<br />

As outrageous the sentiment in the letter is, unfortunately it's a process that their society needs to go through in order to (hopefully) come out the other end. It's not really something that Uefa or Fifa or British opinion can force on them.<br />

<br />

Remember it's only in 1989 that a major British club (Rangers) ended their effective 'no catholic player' policy.<br />

<br />

I just think that in order to create a more tolerant world, unfortunately it's something that people need to learn the benefits of for themselves, and that includes Russian society absorbing comments like these.</p></blockquote>

I agree with tour sentiment CBL but do you not think this should be considered BEFORE awarding them the world cup? Ditto for Qatar where homosexuality is punishable by death. I see the financial logic on awarding Russia a world cup, but regardless of recent history, it's a morally bankrupt decision

On the contrary. I think awarding the world cup based purely on political grounds would be wrong. Argentina hosted the 1978 world cup as a military dictatorship. Welcoming the world, far from endorsing the regime, actually helps them to open up to the world and bring about positive change. Ditto, Moscow olympics in 1980.

And this isn't a state sponsored dislike of gay or black people, it's a handful of fans with extremist views. Do you really think that fringe groups like that should be able to dictate policy.

Nothing will help Russia to help itself more than 'the eyes of the world' being on it. The world cup will bring that.

Qatar was the odd decision, but Russia is long overdue a world cup and I wish them all the best for it.

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oh god, here we go again. As Euro 2012 proved, central eastern europe is not all full of boneheads. while pretty gruesome in its sentiment, this story should not be used as an indicator as to what sort of welcome foreigners will receive in russia. As Cardiff says upstairs from me, Quatar was a batshit crazy decision, but Russia, fair play to em, it's a country with a long and rich association with football, and it's high time they were given a chance to host a tournament.

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