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Six Points Out Of The Next Twelve, Or It Will A Case Of Come Into The Office For Chat

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In normal circumstances I would agree with you, but have a feeling that so much time and effort has been put into Derek shaping the U21's and lower, add into that the expansive backroom staff he brought in, I think that the club will stick with him regardless of the short term problems

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i think he will be here at the end of the season and sadly we will be relegated too xmas is very important we will know more in jan with the results over xmas and the new players that come and go out but im not confident we can save ourselfs this season im afraid.i just wanna see the players fight get stuck right in and show some passion over xmas ill be happy even if we do lose a few ill be satisfied that they gave it a go !

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With Peterborough beating Cardiff away on Saturday they far from doomed.

At the moment it looks like the bottom 4 are cut adrift but things can change quickly and I'm hoping a few other sides can be brought back into it.

I would say Huddersfield but even they are 11 points in front of us which is a massive gap.

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Things can change so dramatically in this league with a couple of wins, people need to remember its only December, many many points to be played for yet.....

No way in sacking Derek will do us any good, he obviously knows the defence situation needs addressing, it seems his hands were tied in bringing in the players targeted over the summer

The team owes us, the fans, some improved performences at AG - and it needs to start on boxing day

We will stay up, get behind the team like we did last April/May....once the home form is sorted we will shoot places up the league

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Were not gonna get anywhere by numpties coming on here saying we will be relegated..............grow some backbone and show a bit of FIGHT

utterly pathetic attitude some on here

Sorry to say, the fight needs to be on the pitch, not the forum or stands. You cannot effect your league position from a forum or in the stands.

Time to wake up and smell the coffee.

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Really hope City stay-up obviously, but it's looking bleaker by the week. There's a bunch of clubs at the bottom of the division who are now pretty much cut-off from the rest. I think (and hope) that Peterborough are doomed. The rest? Who knows. Either way I am pretty sure DM is in place for the long-haul.

I agree with this post.

The last two home games v Wolves and Derby saw us up against teams who have not been performing very well recently in the NPC but both sides were easily worthy winners against us at AG.

After Derby, me and my mates came away convinced we are going down this season, but who knows ?

Maybe DMC can pull off escape again. A lot depends on the next four or five games.

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