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January Window - What Would You Do? Who Would You Buy?


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I've just been reading an interesting article on the BBC website on the likely "movers and shakers" of this January transfer window, and this go me thinking. Who would you like the manager to bring in? What positions would you like to strengthen? Would you look at proven Championship players, which comes at a cost? Or would you look and the lower league market or even Europe?

The simple fact is Bristol City Football Club needs to Strengthen (I've lost count of the amount of times this phrase has been used in the past 3 years) and we NEED to do it in this window or we're up the creek without a paddle.

This is certainly going to be an interesting few weeks.

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If we are willing to spend 1.75 Million. Chris Wood would be a good signing. Before he came to us he was banging them in for fun at Birmingham and he's continued doing the same for at Mlilwall.

Ps I'm only extracting the urine. To me it seems the form of whoever come to Aston gate suffers !

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Marlon Pack and Shaun Hutchinson for me. Both the type of players we need who are just at the right age to play well but will still improve.

Oh and also if the funds are available, a new (decent) GK and RB too.

This season has been the fault of our defence, midfield and goalkeeper. Get new players to fill those gaps and we should be fine.

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The thing is, how many players will want to join us, bottom of the league with the chance they'll be playing in league 1 next season?

In my opinion, we need a Centre back, a defensive minded CM and I really think we need a right back.

Bates will be extended to the end of season, I doubt very much that Mark Wilson will be kept on, McManus will probably be extended till the end of season too

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A lot will depend on who goes in January. M Wilson D Wilson , Bates , Danns & McManus are all out of contract or at the end of their loan periods I believe. Pitman already a done deal , Skuse allegedly interesting Palace , Adomah linked with Swansea and Palace , Stead out of contract at the end of the season and may look to tie up a longer term deal elswhere. Nyatanga & J Wilson are not getting a look in an may also be prepared to move on (if anyone wants them)

It's going to be an interesting month but 2 midfielders are a must for me , 1 who can protect the back 4/3 and another who can pass a ball more than 5 yards. 2 centre backs , ideally 1 who can win the first header in both boxes. Any other incomings will depend on who goes and for how much but I'm pretty sure the revolving door is going to need plenty of oiling.

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The priority is to sort this defence out. Six foot plus BALL WINNING central defender, Our defenders seem to think it's ok to let the ball go over there heads without challenging for it. Sean Derry , love him or hate him, he's just the type of leader on the pitch that we desperately need. I would Not be happy about bringing in more strikers as we need to keep clean sheets rather than lose 2-3 or 3-4. Also ,Billy Davies or a Defensive Coach. If certain agent's get their way ,then ,we may lose one or two attacker's,but that would be the Only reason for bringing in more forwards.

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A lot will depend on who goes in January.

M Wilson D Wilson , Bates , Danns & McManus are all out of contract or at the end of their loan periods I believe. Pitman already a done deal , Skuse allegedly interesting Palace , Adomah linked with Swansea and Palace , Stead out of contract at the end of the season and may look to tie up a longer term deal elswhere. Nyatanga & J Wilson are not getting a look in an may also be prepared to move on (if anyone wants them)

It's going to be an interesting month but 2 midfielders are a must for me , 1 who can protect the back 4/3 and another who can pass a ball more than 5 yards. 2 centre backs , ideally 1 who can win the first header in both boxes. Any other incomings will depend on who goes and for how much but I'm pretty sure the revolving door is going to need plenty of oiling.

Thats quite interesting, 11 players going would free up a lot of cash - of of them only Adomah, Skuse and Danns would probably have any negative impact.

M Wilson

D Wilson









J Wilson

If these 11 were to go and we could get 5 players in to replace them

CB - Mouthy, Tough, Organising, Good in the air

RB - Pacey, able to play simple safe passes, eye for attacking/getting forward when possible

DM - Able to combine with the defence and midfield, good solid no nonsense safe short passer, tackler, good stamina engine

CM - Able to control pace of game, get his foot on the ball, spray accurate passes and organise the team

RW - Replace Adomah (if he goes) someone able to keep their head up, play long passes and accurate drilled crosses

As for names, that's the problem. We know Del has approached people with no luck in the past, and with our current league position it will be hard to sale the club/move to them. So it may be less a case of who do we want/like - and more who's the least worst of the bunch of those available willing to make the move.

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1) CB - Danny Seaborne, 25, from Southampton (currently on loan at Charlton) Out of contract in June.

2) CB - Eric Dier,18, from Sporting Lisbon. Out of contract in June, born in Cheltenham.

3) RB - Luke Ayling, 20, from Yeovil.

4) CM - Marlon Pack, 21, from Cheltenham. Out of contract in June, composure on the ball, good set-piece taker.

5) CM - Liam Sercombe, 22, from Exeter. Out of contract in June, good on the ball, box to box, can make a tackle.

Then, if we can move others on, I'd also try for the following to add more depth to the squad :

6) CB - Eddie Oshodi, 20, Forest Green. Out of contract in June.

7) CM - Sam Morsy - 22, Port Vale. Out of contract in June.

8) LW - Stephen McLaughlin, 22, Derry City. On trial at Forest under S'oD, try to steal him before they sign him up.

9) LB/DCM - Barry McNamee, 20, Derry City. Also on trial at Forest under S'oD.

10) RW - Chris Forrester, 19, St Patricks.

There's some young hungry players, mostly currently playing below Championship level but all perfectly capable of stepping up. See if they've got the balls and desire for it over the next 5 months, and if not then we've got ourselves a young, hungry and talented group of players who can grow up together in League 1 and get us back up, together.

Plus, with most of that lot out of contract soon, that's 10 players that would cost no more than £1.5 - £2m in total, along with relatively low wages.

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These two plus Alan Judge would be worth a shot. Wordsworth is OOC at the end of the season as well afaik

Judge looked good the other day when i went to watch Yeovil vs Notts, he stood out the most, but he is a right winger i think and we should look to strengthen other areas than there

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