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New Training Ground Facilities

Kid in the Riot

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I spoke to a chap the other day who recently went up and saw the new training ground facilities at Failand. He has visited many other training grounds including Cardiff and Portsmouth of late. He said that ours is the best he's ever visited, apparently it's absolute luxury and a fantastic place for players to train.

The new facilities mean that the entire first team operation has moved out of Ashton Gate meaning the players don't have to travel between the two sites which was a right pain in the arse.

With FFP coming in and the gap between wages offered by clubs tightening, things like the quality of training facilities a club has will be a big determining factor in where the top players want to be. The training ground is afterall where the players spend the majority of their time.

This is a hugely positive investment for the future of the club and if our facilities are better than one of this leagues top clubs in Cardiff then that must bode well for the future.

Here's comes the negative bit though! The club have been saying 'trust us, there's lots going on behind the scenes but we can't say much' - why hasn't this great new facility been publicised???!! We should be shouting from the rooftops, look at our fantastic new training ground! Wouldn't this help give the supporters some faith that the club is moving forwards off the pitch?

All I could find was this article in The Post, but was it even announced on the OS that we'd moved into the new facilities?!


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There was coverage of the switch on:

Bristol City Player, with the manager on December 13th (http://www.player.bcfc.co.uk/latest-news/article/3008628/date/20121213121600/page/0/name/McInnes-Pre-Derby-County)

BBC Radio Bristol, with the manager on December 14th

Bristol City Website, with quotes from the above interviews on December 18th (http://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/article/181212-trainingfacilities-568280.aspx)

Bristol Post, paper and online on December 20th

BBC Radio Bristol (again) in the season review on December 26th

Well Red programme in news for the Watford game on December 26th

BBC Points West are interested in a tour of the new facilities, which we've been unable to sort out over the Christmas period due to various diary clashes, but will be doing in the New Year, along with a tour on Bristol City Player too.

I hope that answers your question.


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Do us fans really need to know what our training facilities are like. As long as incoming players along with the current squad are happy then just let the club tick along

No. Us fans need to know ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, otherwise the gulf between the club and the fans just gets bigger.

We should get a daily e mail from the club on what is going on in case we have missed the official website or the local media.

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So what about all those Bristol City fans who don't have a computer and in turn don't have i-player?

approx 2,000 programes are sold,so that works out that one in six would see the info

local public radio broadcaster,can't be heard outside of the greater bristol aerial

very few of our young guns would go near the station except on match days and listening figures are falling

like a lead baloon

Very few residents now buy the post,which is proved by the fact that its not printed on football match days(saturday)


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No. Us fans need to know ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, otherwise the gulf between the club and the fans just gets bigger.

We should get a daily e mail from the club on what is going on in case we have missed the official website or the local media.

Funny you should say this Drew because I get a daily e mail from the Evening Post, which I don't remember subscribing too.

Presumably the club gets paid for hits on its website?

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There was coverage of the switch on:

Bristol City Player, with the manager on December 13th (http://www.player.bcfc.co.uk/latest-news/article/3008628/date/20121213121600/page/0/name/McInnes-Pre-Derby-County)

BBC Radio Bristol, with the manager on December 14th

Bristol City Website, with quotes from the above interviews on December 18th (http://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/article/181212-trainingfacilities-568280.aspx)

Bristol Post, paper and online on December 20th

BBC Radio Bristol (again) in the season review on December 26th

Well Red programme in news for the Watford game on December 26th

BBC Points West are interested in a tour of the new facilities, which we've been unable to sort out over the Christmas period due to various diary clashes, but will be doing in the New Year, along with a tour on Bristol City Player too.

I hope that answers your question.


Thanks Adam.

Player has a relatively small audience. It would be good if the video tour could either appear on the City web site for free for all to view or if Points West could put the video up on the BBC web site for all to look at.

May I also suggest a permanent section on the BCFC web site, perhaps with a couple of pics of the facilities? I feel it will help supporters see something tangible of how the club are moving forward.

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Do us fans really need to know what our training facilities are like. As long as incoming players along with the current squad are happy then just let the club tick along

So you would rather us have a kickabout in a park field, i should think any City fan would want to know how good the facilities we have to train in are any good if we hope to develop the club in any shape or form. And ultimately start winning games...

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