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Its Not Dels Fault


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As the title says really.

Now i am not a fan of Del and never have been and have never understood the love in that some of our fans have with him. He lacked experience as a manager and certainly lacked experience of English football as a manager. He has been backed more than any other manager in the last 10 years (imo) and still does not know his best 11 or best formation. I have no doubt that we will be in League 1 next season.

I really feel that the damage that was done by Pulis that took 10 years to recover from will be nothing compared to the damage that is being done and will be done by Del before the inevitable happens and he is shown the door ( i cant remember the last time a manager did the honourable thing and walk away, so i dont think Del will do it).


The fault falls entirely at the feet of our board.

Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to allow an inexperienced manager to restructure the whole club from top to bottom, bringing in his people EVERYWHERE?

To get rid of Del now would cost us a small fortune as we would also have to get rid of more staff than i have fingers and toes if the new manager does not fancy them ( and he wont). Also the disruption this would course will take a long time to recover from, as Dels has his people in all area's of the club.

We are now in position where we can not sack him.

How any board could allow itself to get into this position is beyond me. I could understand it if it was a experienced manager to some degree ( though that can still go wrong) but to allow a manager that you may need to get rid off as he is sooo inexperienced, to restructure the whole backroom staff of the club is irresponsible at best and negligent at worst.

Now SL has put lots of cash into this club, however the amount he has put in to cover losses,is as much to do with the financial repercussions of his bad decisions than it is being generous. He will no doubt give McInnes more money over the next few weeks and when McInnes goes will will have more players that the new manager wont want and we will have to pay off ( the same as we have with GJ, SC, and Millens players)

When we go down, we will be in a worse state than when SL took over the club. We will be in a no better league position and over £50 million in debt. FFP in league 1 will rip us apart and we will have a battle to just survive if/when SL walks.

I know some will say that SL wont walk but the stick he will take from some quarters on here could easily push him over the edge. Now while i feel he has done a poor job overall, i feel that its his money and if he wants to spunk it against the wall that's his call. If he wants to right off the money and move on that will be his call but he still would have wasted his money and we will be no better for it.

So to me ( and i know i will get lots of crap for this post) the blame can only go to the board who are supposed to protect this club and have not done that.

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Indeed. Steve has got carried away and got the club in a almighty mess, albeit he's done it with the best intentions

The only way for him to turn it around is for the new ground to happen and I'm still to be convinced that's a good thing.

Personally I get the feeling that at some point in the next 5-10 years, he's going to be gone having got his money back and we will in administration

The clubs future worries me.

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To get rid of Del now would cost us a small fortune as we would also have to get rid of more staff than i have fingers and toes if the new manager does not fancy them ( and he wont). Also the disruption this would course will take a long time to recover from, as Dels has his people in all area's of the club.

However to keep him and be relegated would cost a large fortune as we would fall instantly foul of L1's FFP rules - and that's before you factor in loss of crowd and TV revenue and so forth.

I can't deny the disruption, but the disruption of getting rid of McInnes and his Scottish non-achievers is a small price to pay compared to keeping him and enduring the disruption he brings: His constant tinkering, playing of out-of-form players, failure to find exciting new players and the very poor quality coaching that is actually taking us backwards! I swear we defended corners better under Millen!

The experiment has failed and we need to act fast before we are struggling to stay in L1.

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I should clarify that comment Robbo. I should have put " the the board will feel that they can not sack him"

I think they should.

I'm hoping, as businessmen, they will realise that they can't afford not to.

Glad we're parking at the same garage BS3!

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As the title says really.

Now i am not a fan of Del and never have been and have never understood the love in that some of our fans have with him. He lacked experience as a manager and certainly lacked experience of English football as a manager. He has been backed more than any other manager in the last 10 years (imo) and still does not know his best 11 or best formation. I have no doubt that we will be in League 1 next season.

I really feel that the damage that was done by Pulis that took 10 years to recover from will be nothing compared to the damage that is being done and will be done by Del before the inevitable happens and he is shown the door ( i cant remember the last time a manager did the honourable thing and walk away, so i dont think Del will do it).


The fault falls entirely at the feet of our board.

Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to allow an inexperienced manager to restructure the whole club from top to bottom, bringing in his people EVERYWHERE?

To get rid of Del now would cost us a small fortune as we would also have to get rid of more staff than i have fingers and toes if the new manager does not fancy them ( and he wont). Also the disruption this would course will take a long time to recover from, as Dels has his people in all area's of the club.

We are now in position where we can not sack him. Not True, But Keep Going!

How any board could allow itself to get into this position is beyond me. I could understand it if it was a experienced manager to some degree ( though that can still go wrong) but to allow a manager that you may need to get rid off as he is sooo inexperienced, to restructure the whole backroom staff of the club is irresponsible at best and negligent at worst.

Now SL has put lots of cash into this club, however the amount he has put in to cover losses,is as much to do with the financial repercussions of his bad decisions than it is being generous. He will no doubt give McInnes more money over the next few weeks and when McInnes goes will will have more players that the new manager wont want and we will have to pay off ( the same as we have with GJ, SC, and Millens players)

When we go down, we will be in a worse state than when SL took over the club. We will be in a no better league position and over £50 million in debt. FFP in league 1 will rip us apart and we will have a battle to just survive if/when SL walks.

I know some will say that SL wont walk but the stick he will take from some quarters on here could easily push him over the edge. YEP Now while i feel he has done a poor job overall, i feel that its his money and if he wants to spunk it against the wall that's his call. If he wants to right off the money and move on that will be his call but he still would have wasted his money and we will be no better for it.

So to me ( and i know i will get lots of crap for this post) the blame can only go to the board who are supposed to protect this club and have not done that. FYI Landsdowne is not on it!


Been saying this for ages!

I think SL wanted the board, he put in place to run the club for him, giving some family members some experience. Problem is if I read the situation correctly and this will be denied, DM was not SL's pick he was in fact the pick of the board that SL eventually sanctioned!

Now he is in the unenviable position of, let this play out and probably end up back where we/he started, tell the board sack him and risk upsetting the members who up till now have been frozen like a Rabbit in the headlights or Just tell them I am back on the board as a director but you better do as I say!

Who would run a family business Eh! As that is what we are....(Not that I'm complaining I think SL has been great for us and has a vision of what he wants, he just cant find the guys who can get us there either in the dressing room or board room)

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However to keep him and be relegated would cost a large fortune as we would fall instantly foul of L1's FFP rules - and that's before you factor in loss of crowd and TV revenue and so forth.

I can't deny the disruption, but the disruption of getting rid of McInnes and his Scottish non-achievers is a small price to pay compared to keeping him and enduring the disruption he brings: His constant tinkering, playing of out-of-form players, failure to find exciting new players and the very poor quality coaching that is actually taking us backwards! I swear we defended corners better under Millen!

The experiment has failed and we need to act fast before we are struggling to stay in L1.

Indeed fed-up with argument that it would cost too much to sack Del, it will cost us much more to keep him. His initial team selection for Millwall, not for the first time this season, was clueless. A new manager may not save us, but sticking with Del will see us down without question.

SL has always acted with the best interests of BCFC at heart, yes some of the decisions have proven to be bad ones, but tbh most fans were delighted when Coppell was appointed and most fans wanted Del over Robbins - as has been said further up SL preferred Robins but his board did not. SL / the board did lamently recognise they got it wrong with Tinnion and Millen's appointments they now need to urgently see that Del needs to go NOW while we still have a chance to save ourselves.

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I'm hoping, as businessmen, they will realise that they can't afford not to.

Glad we're parking at the same garage BS3!

That's the real crux of the matter, the board needs someone on it thats knows about football who can advise these business men!

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Disturbing analysis, BS3, but I can't argue with it. Very worrying indeed.

Up to yesterday, I was in two minds, but that team selection convinced me that the man is totally clueless.

Will the board grasp the nettle and get shot? Even if they do, where go we go from here?

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As the title says really.

Now i am not a fan of Del and never have been and have never understood the love in that some of our fans have with him. He lacked experience as a manager and certainly lacked experience of English football as a manager. He has been backed more than any other manager in the last 10 years (imo) and still does not know his best 11 or best formation. I have no doubt that we will be in League 1 next season.

I really feel that the damage that was done by Pulis that took 10 years to recover from will be nothing compared to the damage that is being done and will be done by Del before the inevitable happens and he is shown the door ( i cant remember the last time a manager did the honourable thing and walk away, so i dont think Del will do it).


The fault falls entirely at the feet of our board.

Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to allow an inexperienced manager to restructure the whole club from top to bottom, bringing in his people EVERYWHERE?

To get rid of Del now would cost us a small fortune as we would also have to get rid of more staff than i have fingers and toes if the new manager does not fancy them ( and he wont). Also the disruption this would course will take a long time to recover from, as Dels has his people in all area's of the club.

We are now in position where we can not sack him.

How any board could allow itself to get into this position is beyond me. I could understand it if it was a experienced manager to some degree ( though that can still go wrong) but to allow a manager that you may need to get rid off as he is sooo inexperienced, to restructure the whole backroom staff of the club is irresponsible at best and negligent at worst.

Now SL has put lots of cash into this club, however the amount he has put in to cover losses,is as much to do with the financial repercussions of his bad decisions than it is being generous. He will no doubt give McInnes more money over the next few weeks and when McInnes goes will will have more players that the new manager wont want and we will have to pay off ( the same as we have with GJ, SC, and Millens players)

When we go down, we will be in a worse state than when SL took over the club. We will be in a no better league position and over £50 million in debt. FFP in league 1 will rip us apart and we will have a battle to just survive if/when SL walks.

I know some will say that SL wont walk but the stick he will take from some quarters on here could easily push him over the edge. Now while i feel he has done a poor job overall, i feel that its his money and if he wants to spunk it against the wall that's his call. If he wants to right off the money and move on that will be his call but he still would have wasted his money and we will be no better for it.

So to me ( and i know i will get lots of crap for this post) the blame can only go to the board who are supposed to protect this club and have not done that.

its been said before,i know,but if you have a specific management role to fill and wish to be successful you employ a person with the experience,skills and proven track record within that field-dont know why you would do it any other way..cant see why SL doesent make the initial outlay on experience the priority-get the top man right and other things tend to follow.

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Guest Jungle Jim

To be fair though, when we appointed McInnes, two of the only other credible options seemed to be Dave Jones or Mark Robins, both of which are doing even worse this season. The only contender who had a good season was O'Driscoll, who still got sacked, and we'll never know whether any of those three would have kept us up last season.

It's still not obvious who could come in and do a better job, O'Driscoll or Billy Davies would seem the only two available, although on the other hand a 10 year old with some experience of Football Manager would know you should find room in the squad for your top scorer and don't drop a guy who has just scored two in the last game.

On FFP/League One, yes we would have to undergo some serious cutbacks initially to get the wages nearer to turnover. But once that is done, our attendances would be amongst the top 3 or 4 in that division so turnover should be at a similarly high level, which ought to leave us well placed to bounce back quite quickly as we should be able to pay more than the lesser supported clubs.

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As the title says really.

Now i am not a fan of Del and never have been and have never understood the love in that some of our fans have with him. He lacked experience as a manager and certainly lacked experience of English football as a manager. He has been backed more than any other manager in the last 10 years (imo) and still does not know his best 11 or best formation. I have no doubt that we will be in League 1 next season.

I really feel that the damage that was done by Pulis that took 10 years to recover from will be nothing compared to the damage that is being done and will be done by Del before the inevitable happens and he is shown the door ( i cant remember the last time a manager did the honourable thing and walk away, so i dont think Del will do it).


The fault falls entirely at the feet of our board.

Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to allow an inexperienced manager to restructure the whole club from top to bottom, bringing in his people EVERYWHERE?

To get rid of Del now would cost us a small fortune as we would also have to get rid of more staff than i have fingers and toes if the new manager does not fancy them ( and he wont). Also the disruption this would course will take a long time to recover from, as Dels has his people in all area's of the club.

We are now in position where we can not sack him.

How any board could allow itself to get into this position is beyond me. I could understand it if it was a experienced manager to some degree ( though that can still go wrong) but to allow a manager that you may need to get rid off as he is sooo inexperienced, to restructure the whole backroom staff of the club is irresponsible at best and negligent at worst.

Now SL has put lots of cash into this club, however the amount he has put in to cover losses,is as much to do with the financial repercussions of his bad decisions than it is being generous. He will no doubt give McInnes more money over the next few weeks and when McInnes goes will will have more players that the new manager wont want and we will have to pay off ( the same as we have with GJ, SC, and Millens players)

When we go down, we will be in a worse state than when SL took over the club. We will be in a no better league position and over £50 million in debt. FFP in league 1 will rip us apart and we will have a battle to just survive if/when SL walks.

I know some will say that SL wont walk but the stick he will take from some quarters on here could easily push him over the edge. Now while i feel he has done a poor job overall, i feel that its his money and if he wants to spunk it against the wall that's his call. If he wants to right off the money and move on that will be his call but he still would have wasted his money and we will be no better for it.

So to me ( and i know i will get lots of crap for this post) the blame can only go to the board who are supposed to protect this club and have not done that.

This is such a sensible post. It is glaringly obvious that the managerial appointment is the most important one for the board to make and they consistently mess it up. Our board reminds me of that famous chapter from the Len Shackleton autobiography, 'What the average director knows about football'............................contents...................a blank page.

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Owen Coyle raved about McIness prior to his appointment, I would like to see a temporary appointment of Coyle to help DMc out.

To be fair Shepton, I could tell you some really nice things about my best mate - but I doubt if you'd want him to take over your company

Unless you're into insurance and / or mortgages, then you're laughing. He's ******* brilliant at all that

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Fair point, but I have always been impressed with Owen Coyle. if he could temporarily assist then I would at least sound him out to see if he had a plan that could see us out of this mess.

I'd take help off anyone right now, we are in a right pickle

I really don't see us getting out of it this time either

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As the title says really.

Now i am not a fan of Del and never have been and have never understood the love in that some of our fans have with him. He lacked experience as a manager and certainly lacked experience of English football as a manager. He has been backed more than any other manager in the last 10 years (imo) and still does not know his best 11 or best formation. I have no doubt that we will be in League 1 next season.

I really feel that the damage that was done by Pulis that took 10 years to recover from will be nothing compared to the damage that is being done and will be done by Del before the inevitable happens and he is shown the door ( i cant remember the last time a manager did the honourable thing and walk away, so i dont think Del will do it).


The fault falls entirely at the feet of our board.

Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to allow an inexperienced manager to restructure the whole club from top to bottom, bringing in his people EVERYWHERE?

To get rid of Del now would cost us a small fortune as we would also have to get rid of more staff than i have fingers and toes if the new manager does not fancy them ( and he wont). Also the disruption this would course will take a long time to recover from, as Dels has his people in all area's of the club.

We are now in position where we can not sack him.

How any board could allow itself to get into this position is beyond me. I could understand it if it was a experienced manager to some degree ( though that can still go wrong) but to allow a manager that you may need to get rid off as he is sooo inexperienced, to restructure the whole backroom staff of the club is irresponsible at best and negligent at worst.

Now SL has put lots of cash into this club, however the amount he has put in to cover losses,is as much to do with the financial repercussions of his bad decisions than it is being generous. He will no doubt give McInnes more money over the next few weeks and when McInnes goes will will have more players that the new manager wont want and we will have to pay off ( the same as we have with GJ, SC, and Millens players)

When we go down, we will be in a worse state than when SL took over the club. We will be in a no better league position and over £50 million in debt. FFP in league 1 will rip us apart and we will have a battle to just survive if/when SL walks.

I know some will say that SL wont walk but the stick he will take from some quarters on here could easily push him over the edge. Now while i feel he has done a poor job overall, i feel that its his money and if he wants to spunk it against the wall that's his call. If he wants to right off the money and move on that will be his call but he still would have wasted his money and we will be no better for it.

So to me ( and i know i will get lots of crap for this post) the blame can only go to the board who are supposed to protect this club and have not done that.

Agreed the Board are to blame ultimately but you cannot keep a bloke managing the club who is so clearly not capable or fit for purpose.

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Agreed the Board are to blame ultimately but you cannot keep a bloke managing the club who is so clearly not capable or fit for purpose.

I agree about Del and feel he needs to go but the point of the thread is about how the board have to take responsibility for all of this and how next season we will back back to square one, no better off than when SL first to become chairman and 50 million in debt.

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Guest Bristolgoc

Some very good points from all on this post, I have been saying it for many seasons now that the club don't have any really football men running it and it shows, hard hard times ahead and if we don't wise up the whole club could be in real trouble

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No, it isn't all the fault of McInnes, not by a long way.

For instance, McInnes was roundly applauded for the way the team played at Ipswich and should have won. He selected the same team (bar Foster) for the Millwall away game in the same formation and gets roundly abused following a shameful first half performance. He was entitled to think that the players would approach the game as per Ipswich, but no, the gobshites rolled over in that first half.

Same players (bar one), totally different attitude to the game by them (with a couple of exceptions) and totally unacceptable. And how often has that happened this season ?

The cards have been marked for some players here, I've no doubt about that - its just a shame that the manager has been too loyal to them and trusted them for too long.

Quite frankly, I'd rather see the back of some of the lily livered, gutless little shites that masquerade as footballers here than the manager.

Other than one who was handed a new contract (Fontaine, who should just be paid off), we should be able to get shot of a lot of 'em this summer, or January hopefully - and if it means being relegated to get rid and get some proper professional players in, then I'm all for it. And I couldn't give a toss who the manager is, just get rid of the free loading shites who love the idea of being a footballer and all it gives them, but don't like the ugly hard working side of it.

Dispite our prev run ins nice to read a bit of down to earth posting.

As for the board and SL can we really be confident that if Del did go (I dont think he will) we would bring in anyone much better as DM himself was hardly on many fans radar when he came here? the chances of any of the board being replaced are nil as is SL coming back fulltime.

Changes are a must at the club if we are not to go into freefall and the manager is not that high on the list, our liason chappie is currently contemplating.

I await responses to many crucial questions which hopefully will bring us all closer together because divided for much longer, we fall..

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