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The Day After Yesterday....


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Well, our day of destiny had come......and has most definitely gone!

Another year of hard work, highs and lows, good and bad has reached an end and the result............nothing!

Another year of high expectations, empty promises, hollow words, clichés and what do we have........nothing!

35,000 city fans turn up expecting, surely we can do it this time, with all due respect its Brighton.....we haven't lost to any of the top six teams home or away all season, we beat them on their own patch 4-1, they were there for the taking, a defensive side with one main threat, mark him out of the game and we have the players that can perform but what happens......nothing!

They keep telling us they have learnt from past seasons, past experiences, that they have the players to do it, that they have good team spirit and the mental strength and on the day.......nothing!

Bottlers? chokers? whatever! We've heard it all before.

Leeds v BHA, West Ham v BHA, Sunderland v BHA, Leicester V BHA etc etc.......Hartlepool v BCFC, Torquay Utd v BCFC, Doncaster v BCFC.....etc, etc, etc....the difference 90 mins makes. The difference between talking the talk and walking the walk.

Wilson has had four years....the Academy.....probably the most amount of money any like for like manager has had to spend........one of the highest average attendances for the lower divisions.......the boards backing....the fans backing....and after four years we haven't progressed a step. They will tell you each year the team/club has improved/advanced.......cr*p.......we're still in debt and still in the 2nd division.........football is simple.....win promotion!!

Another big day our ruined by the football......and to be honest, deep down.....I almost knew we wouldn't do it......if your a die hard city fan you would of probably felt the same! It appears to be the Bristol mentality.....we're not winners......think of one Bristol team, one Bristolian sports man/woman who is at the top of their sport, who excels in what they do.......who is a winner........I'm waiting! We seem to except second best.....City, Rovers.....about 6 seasons in the top flight in well over 100 years of football!

The whole sorry saga has only hit me today (as you can tell)...and after all the years of disappointments, this one seems to really hurt, I kept walking round the office shaking my head, sighing heavily....I cant seem to shake this one out of me.

I have yet to renew my season ticket.....but no worries, I definitely will be, because for some silly reason you do. You find the money, you make the sacrifice, you make the journeys down to the gate, the journeys away, take time off work, not see your kids......no matter what, you do!

I'm not advocating for Wilson to stay or go, for the board to make changes or for wholesale team changes.......but what's the answer, we're being left behind! Just think of the teams we've been regularly playing over the last few years.....Watford, Rotherham, Stoke, Cardiff, Wigan, Gillingham, Reading to name a few and a bit further back Middlesborough, Leicester, Bolton, Sunderland.....I could go on.....all have passed us and have at least consolidated in the division we just can get into! What did they have to achieve their goal that we obviously haven't got........money, luck, class, divine inspiration?

This email was not meant to be so long winded but once I started letting off steam I couldn't stop. I've end up with more questions than answers......but its the same questions we ask ourselves each year......how long are these devoted, hardcore, loyal fans going to have to wait until this supposed "sleeping giant", this potentially"big club" delivers what we all crave?..............See you in August folks!

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