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Charles Green


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Has there ever been a bigger tool in football (Gasheads aside)? His latest rant is that he wants Rangers out of Scottish football because the restructuring will render their almost certain winning of Division Three pointless. However, as things stand Rangers would be in the third tier come Next season, under the restructuring they would still be in the third tier next season!

Of course chairman should fight their club's corner but this guy comes across like some sort of village idiot. Even McCoist and Walter Smith seem embarrassed that he is figure head of such a great club.

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Exactly my thoughts, guy's a complete idiot. Has got a HUGE chip on his shoulder and his bitter whinings about everything to do with the heads of scottish football are just embarassing.

Doesn't seem to realise that under this new system Rangers will be 2 promotions from the spl, and if they get promoted under the current system guess what? 2 promotions from spl.

You don't see any clubs from the second division complaining - it's more like a relegation for them than anything else!

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Isn't he the Yorkshire businessman who knows nowt about footy, brought them on the cheap with a view to making a nice profit ? Just the sort of person you want in the game, another Ken Bates

He makes Ken Bates seem like Socrates (not the footballer). He just spouts the biggest load of nonessential rubbish day after day. Rangers fans have had enough to put up with recently without that clown at the head of their club.

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