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Ashton Fred

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Well, not seen this forum so upbeat for a long time, and with good reason. Going to the game on Saturday with four mates we were saying it's like going to the dentist. It's going to hurt, just how much. All agreed to renew season tickets next season before the game, BCFC will still be here and the social side is worth loads. Game went as expected but the following few days did not. The board has stood up to be counted. Decisive action, albeit maybe too late, but one I fell 99.9% of fans will get behind. As with most of the posts since Saturday if relegation happens we almost expect it, however, if so, it will be the manner in which it happens that will sway fans. Fight or no fight.

I also think the way in which Jon Lansdown has conducted interviews concerning the situation have been exemplary, very calm and professional. Well done.

Looking forward to a brighter future!

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