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Swindon Administration?


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Birmingham City just over 8,000 against Leeds with 1,500 Leeds fans. deep in debt with the far east chairman facing money laundering charges... Coventry City bailed out by the council to pay ground rent.

Rovers building a ground that they are never going to fill.

Now a club with genuine promotion hopes wiping out a good seasons work because of a debt Manchester City pay in wages to players who don't give a toss if they play or not.

Is it any wonder fans have had enough of being ripped off £34 for Elland Road.Swindon seem to have a self destruct button with their boardroom.

Talk of redeveloping the County Ground one minute and cutting their throat the next . So beating Tranmere and Portsmouth 5-0 will count for nothing .

Football is in a serious melt down there is more than a top half Premiership amount of teams playing but soon there won't be.

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The whole football league structure seems unsustainable in it's present form. Unless you're one of the top 6 or 7 'big boys', you will always be chasing and overspending to achieve. I think the reset switch needs to be hit on wages, ticket prices etc. and look into the possibility of reluctantly following some sort of NFL type model. Nostalgia and tradition aside, it won't happen because of the power the larger clubs have.

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Might sound harsh, but this will be the third time Swindon will enter administration, is a 10 point deduction a viable punishment for clubs who have already screwed over the tax payer/ various small companies etc before! Clearly they have learnt jack shit from previous experiences. Automatic relegation would be a more viable punishment IMO.

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Birmingham City just over 8,000 against Leeds with 1,500 Leeds fans. deep in debt with the far east chairman facing money laundering charges... Coventry City bailed out by the council to pay ground rent.

Rovers building a ground that they are never going to fill.

Now a club with genuine promotion hopes wiping out a good seasons work because of a debt Manchester City pay in wages to players who don't give a toss if they play or not.

Is it any wonder fans have had enough of being ripped off £34 for Elland Road.Swindon seem to have a self destruct button with their boardroom.

Talk of redeveloping the County Ground one minute and cutting their throat the next . So beating Tranmere and Portsmouth 5-0 will count for nothing .

Football is in a serious melt down there is more than a top half Premiership amount of teams playing but soon there won't be.

To be fair to swindle the investment went when they changed chairman and board
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Might sound harsh, but this will be the third time Swindon will enter administration, is a 10 point deduction a viable punishment for clubs who have already screwed over the tax payer/ various small companies etc before! Clearly they have learnt jack shit from previous experiences. Automatic relegation would be a more viable punishment IMO.

Not harsh at all, you're right. At the very least they should be deducted enough points to ensure this seasons promotion chances for them are gone.

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In order to reduce debts...

Things are bad when administration is used to reorganise your finances.

The 10 point penalty is supposed to discourage against that but it doesn't seem to work. Swindon have enough points to be pretty certain of safety even with a deduction and there's nothing to stop them pulling the same trick in future.

Maybe automatic relegation would be a better punishment.

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Birmingham City just over 8,000 against Leeds with 1,500 Leeds fans. deep in debt with the far east chairman facing money laundering charges... Coventry City bailed out by the council to pay ground rent.

Rovers building a ground that they are never going to fill.

Now a club with genuine promotion hopes wiping out a good seasons work because of a debt Manchester City pay in wages to players who don't give a toss if they play or not.

Is it any wonder fans have had enough of being ripped off £34 for Elland Road.Swindon seem to have a self destruct button with their boardroom.

Talk of redeveloping the County Ground one minute and cutting their throat the next . So beating Tranmere and Portsmouth 5-0 will count for nothing .

Football is in a serious melt down there is more than a top half Premiership amount of teams playing but soon there won't be.

Are we not trying to build a stadium we can not fill?

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It makes a mockery of the current punishments when a club chooses to go into administration to restructure it's debt. It really does show how little a 10pt penalty matters if you're in the top half of the table

From our point of view, are there any good players at Swindle we might be able to get for a good price? There was talk of Caddis but he seems committed to another 4 months at Brum. Any decent centre halves?

PS someone has mentioned the regular 'love in's' with Di Canio. Could we please remember that the guy is a card carrying facist? Mussolini made the trains run on time but that doesn't mean I'd want him in charge of my country so just because he's done well at Swindle doesn't make me want him in charge of my club

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Well, Well, Well Swindle the eternal administration club once more and about a year ago dear old rich our resident Swindle fan tried to convince us all that was a thing of the past and would never happen again and yet here we are once more, surprise, surprise we only need Palarse again and we have the 3 usual suspects of Portsmouth, Swindon and Palace in league so to speak once more, sympathy? absolutely not.

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From our point of view, are there any good players at Swindle we might be able to get for a good price? There was talk of Caddis but he seems committed to another 4 months at Brum. Any decent centre halves?

They have the best defence in League One, only conceded 8 goals at home all season.

I don't even know who their centre halves are, but obviously capable of doing a good job at that level.

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His personal politics are relevant how? But just to give some context here - Italy has basically been in a state of 'soft fascism' for years now. Berlusconi owns vast chunks of the media (TV networks, newspapers, popular magazines - they all are very strongly censored for anti-Berlu comment), he owns football clubs and thus influences the fans, he elects his own tarts as ministers as the ultimate piss take of the parliament, and he has a lot of {cough} influence in the judiciary - just check his wiki page for a list of the court cases against him that have 'timed out'.

Now there is Monti, called in by the President after 'a word' from the UE, and un-elected but running the country. He has opted-out of the PM position now until after the election, because he doesn't want to get involved in something as dirty as an election campaign, but he doesn't need to because he has offered to come back and run things as Prime Minister, pretty much irrespective of who people vote for, and he will get that job.

As far as I can tell from living here they need a dictator to get the place sorted-out because parliamentary democracy hasn't worked for years here.

It's deffo la dulce vita and I wouldn't be anywhere else, but it's funny to see someone complaining about Di Canio being a fascist in this context.

And the politics of Italy are relevant how? I'm fully aware that Italy is a political basket case and has been for many years but why does that mean I should ignore the fact that a bloke managing a club down the road has repeatedly expressed his admiration for Mussolini; a man who assisted in the Nazi persecution of various races across Europe as well as undertaking his own fairly vigorous persecution of Roma and Slovenian populations, the summary execution of civilians in both Central Europe and Ethiopia and the assassination and eventual banning of political opposition. Now I appreciate that Italy is a country of continuing quasi-facist sympathies, but I don't live in Italy and I don't want those views associated with me or my club. Di Canio was a fantastic player and appears to be a decent manager in the making but I personally could not reconcile his abilities as a manager with his outspoken political views and if he were in charge of City I don't think I would be able to go to a game until he was gone. That's my personal feeling and I don't expect you to share it. As a society we're too keen to forget and turn a blind eye to those who we find distasteful if it suits 'the mobs' purpose; look at the recent Saville revelations. Singer R Kelly is a convicted paedophile who made videos of him and his mates 'gang-banging' his 14 year old cousin, yet still sells millions of records. (EDIT: i'm not comparing PDC to those men directy in any way) I make a choice to put my personal and political views ahead of Di Canio's obvious passion and probable abilities as a manager

As an aside, Monti's rule has nothing to do with fascism, communism or any other political mandate; he is only a 'dictator' by virtue of being unelected. This doesn't make him a facist by any stretch and we should remember that both Musollini and Hitler came to power via democratic processes and so were elected leaders

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And the politics of Italy are relevant how? I'm fully aware that Italy is a political basket case and has been for many years but why does that mean I should ignore the fact that a bloke managing a club down the road has repeatedly expressed his admiration for Mussolini; a man who assisted in the Nazi persecution of various races across Europe as well as undertaking his own fairly vigorous persecution of Roma and Slovenian populations, the summary execution of civilians in both Central Europe and Ethiopia and the assassination and eventual banning of political opposition. Now I appreciate that Italy is a country of continuing quasi-facist sympathies, but I don't live in Italy and I don't want those views associated with me or my club. Di Canio was a fantastic player and appears to be a decent manager in the making but I personally could not reconcile his abilities as a manager with his outspoken political views and if he were in charge of City I don't think I would be able to go to a game until he was gone. That's my personal feeling and I don't expect you to share it. As a society we're too keen to forget and turn a blind eye to those who we find distasteful if it suits 'the mobs' purpose; look at the recent Saville revelations. Singer R Kelly is a convicted paedophile who made videos of him and his mates 'gang-banging' his 14 year old cousin, yet still sells millions of records. (EDIT: i'm not comparing PDC to those men directy in any way) I make a choice to put my personal and political views ahead of Di Canio's obvious passion and probable abilities as a manager

As an aside, Monti's rule has nothing to do with fascism, communism or any other political mandate; he is only a 'dictator' by virtue of being unelected. This doesn't make him a facist by any stretch and we should remember that both Musollini and Hitler came to power via democratic processes and so were elected leaders

Very relevant actually. When you have faceless, colourless, petty minded incompetnt politicians ****..sorry ruining a country, the politician who isnt grey colourless, corrupt, or incompetent stands out..The Italians have never before or since Mussolini exactly stood out. Paulo De Canio's politics are and should be irrelevant in the face of things as we currently stand. We (And the Italians) live in democracies, and are perfectly entitled to their views as as those whos politics are of the left, and sundry religious bigots . They only start becoming relevant if he, or they start inciting the breaking of the law, or in the case of Germany, by wearing, possession of materials, of the Nazi era,glorifying, or denial of the Holocaust. Being a Fascist is certainly not big or clever, but is not illegal, anymore than being a Communist, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, or Hindu Extremists, or others Break the law and its an issue. That is the way it is living in a democracy.

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The whole football league structure seems unsustainable in it's present form. Unless you're one of the top 6 or 7 'big boys', you will always be chasing and overspending to achieve. I think the reset switch needs to be hit on wages, ticket prices etc. and look into the possibility of reluctantly following some sort of NFL type model. Nostalgia and tradition aside, it won't happen because of the power the larger clubs have.

Good post here but then football has been unsustainable for many years and has just been since the recession have we seen the real effects of how badly all football teams have been over spending. I really would love one of the top 4 teams in the prem would lose there backer and go bust as something as crazy as this would actually make changes come into place.

Funny thing is that in this case it seems the Swindon owner just can't be bothered with Swindon and the little venture he has had. So thinks by threatening that the club will go into admin a buyer will come in. Even though there is no profit in football at all ,which he knew he this before taking on Swindon.

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We are all entitled to our opinions and if you couldn't stomach a self-declared fascist as manager of City, even if he was not linking his political beliefs to the club (that would be unprofessional) then it's your choice what you do with that.

There's a lot in your post but some comments off the top of my head:

Hitler - there's more to that dude than meets the eye and a lot of it isn't widely know. For example he was the world's biggest bad-ass Catholic.

Mussolini - his birthplace is about half an hour drive from where I live. I've been there and to his tomb and it's a very surreal experience. He is loathed and loved in Italy and I can see why. I am thinking about reading-up how Muzzy dealt with the Mafia.

The Roma people - I've spent years working in Romania and as far as I can tell (how can I put this) they are the most destructive force I've seen in a nation (and I've worked around Africa and Central America for comparisons sake) - they totally wreck everything. Go visit a Roma village sometime, it's like going into the middle ages. I'd drive them all from Europe into the farthest corner of Moldavia if I had the chance, where they could self-destruct to their black-heart's content, rather than ruin the lives of ordinary people.

There's not much difference in net effect between the Roma and the Mafia. They are both anti civil society in different ways and both cultures should be purged as much as possible.

Monti - nothing to do with fascism. That made me smile, not at you personally, but at the naivety of your comment. He's a EU place-man and do you seriously think the EU is a democracy?

Sorry if the above is somewhat non-PC. I used to be a liberal but then I started travelling the world.

Well it comes down to tolerance in the end. I agree with you that Di Canio is allowed to hold the views he has in exactly the same way as I'm allowed to dislike them. PDC would be as entitled to take the City job as anyone else but I for one wouldn't set foot in a stadium we were playing in if he was in charge. It wouldn't be a massive loss; I live up north so only go to 8-10 games a year (boycotting Leeds unless I get a freebie off a mater too over the price), but my conscience would be clear. That said, I wouldn't criticise others for not doing that nor cease to take an interest in the club so I'm not quite the martyr I'd like to think I am!

Your points on Hitler and Musolini are pertinent, but I do think history has rendered them moot. If you were White German or White Italian living under them in the 1930s it was an almost golden age; productive economies, strong international influence, high employment... It's only with hindsight that their true character was revealed. For me personally, your point about Hitler's Catholicism merely deepens the mans evil; the Catholic church are as much as danger to the modern world as fundamentalist Islam or anything else the Daily Mail tells me is going to come and get me

On the EU, plutocratic they may be but facist they are not. In terms of global politics, Europe is a region largely dominated by socialism over the last 50 years. Even our right wing conservatives could be described as socialist compared to the position of governments in north/south America (Venezuala excepted) or Asia (China excepted). I'm largely pro-EU but they have been over-extending their reach of late and it'd be nice to see someone bring them back in line and remind them why they were set up in the first place

I think the fact that we can even have this debate is the most damning idictment of 1930s facism; if they'd won our views would no doubt be embargoed and at least one of us would be breaking rocks in a Prussian labour camp!!!

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A monthly playing budget of just over £250k is only about 60% of what we were spending in that division when we were there more than five years ago.

It says " which is believed to be in excess of £250,000" that excess could be anything - so it may not just be "just over" it could be well over that.

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It says " which is believed to be in excess of £250,000" that excess could be anything - so it may not just be "just over" it could be well over that.

Yeah, whilst technically correct that is very unlikely, because if it was they'd say "believed to be in excess of £300k/£400k/£500k".

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We're not in administration and haven't been for 11 years - we were on the brink in 2007. The media let the club down in that respect. We all have debts, we're in a similar position than Bristol City in that respect. I'm not justifying it, I'd love for Swindon to find a sustainable solution, wouldn't we all?

Our big debts are with the owner (not with banks/HMRC), he wants to sell and parties are interested in buying.

The latter has been missed by the general public.

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but with the potential to fill it in better times....... Jeeeez I've been down the gate for normal matches where there were over 36,000 in attendance.

Jeeeez .So have i but those were the 1970s and football has changed.We would not get 36,000 attendance if we were in the Premier League.Sad but true !

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