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How Sh*t Must You Be We're Winning At Home


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Just to let you know, there were a LOT of people in the East End shouting at those singing this to shut the f up.

Wrong song, wrong timing. Thankfully, we quickly stifled it out with a rendition of "We love you City, We do"

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Please, please, please. If we are lucky enough to be winning any other games at home this season DONT feel the need to sing the above.................................tempting fate comes to mind !

Well said. I thought exactly the same yesterday. It's also pretty disrespectful to the mgr and players. They're well aware of how we all feel about performances this season. But when they've got something right we should be positively reinforcing this and recognising their efforts, not belittling them for what's gone before.

I'm sure SOD will be making the players feel better about themselves as one of his priorities, we all have to do the same.

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I usually stand around the blocks that are nearer the away fans, this chant has always been sung as soon as we score a goal/they score (you've only scored one chant). What kind of SUPPORT do we have when we, THE FANS are putting our team down at any opportunity? Should we not be getting behind the team... We have a new manager now so these chants aren't necessary.

On a side note, I actually heard one of the lads from near the netting try to get a chant going calling the Ipswich fans, Quote 'BATTY BOYS', who even says that now-a-days!

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Funny to sing songs like that when del was still here to get a point across. Now with sod there is no need.

Not as bad as singing let's pretend we scored a goal though. That really winds me up an is beyond embarrassing!

but were talking about people that dont have a great deal going on upstairs..wherever you go you will always get a small percentage.

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Its called trenches humour. That is all it is. There are far worse things in life to get wound up about.

Does it effect the players? Judging by the score line yesterday.... no.

I get that it's a West Country thing to use self deprecation on the terraces and its bloody funny when were losing and makes the hurt of being stuffed all the more easy to bare, but not in that situation, I don't usually believe in crap like 'fate' but I don't like to tempt it!!

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I get that it's a West Country thing to use self deprecation on the terraces and its bloody funny when were losing and makes the hurt of being stuffed all the more easy to bare, but not in that situation, I don't usually believe in crap like 'fate' but I don't like to tempt it!!

To be fair, I would never sing it, but have no problems with those that do. I kind of agree, this being S'ODs first game, the focus should have been on him. But hey Ho, a win is a win, it didn't do any harm

As it is I am on a self imposed boycott for the rest of the season anyway :) So there will be little singing from me!

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LOOK no matter what song choice there will always be people that don't like/agree with what you're singing, now that's not a bark at our fans that is just the reality of being a human we all have different opinions... Don't like it just accept it and move on, complaining won't stop it. It actually will encourage people to do it just to p1ss the moaners off.,. Personally I can't stand doobie dum, but I understand that other people do so I just join in and try to have a laugh. Moaning about song choices is pointless just join in or be quiet. If you're brave enough how about start off another chant that you prefer instead.

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The chant is bollox. Sick to death of the negative shit.

When the gate is on form it is superb

Get together, get behind the team and play your part.

Come what may, I will be happy I done my best as a FAN and showed my SUPPORT and provided the players give there all then whatever will be will be.

Get behind the club, its amazing what a positive and vociferous Ashton Gate could do to our season.

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Thing is, a lot of songs (old and new) typically have an element of 'pride' or 'quality' about them - neither of which seem that relevant at the moment. Add to those the songs which are just a bit of messing about when we have scored (infrequent!), and the remaining repertoire is bound to be a bit limited. It's bloody hard for the EE to try and lift the whole ground when, week after week, there is so little to appreciate on the pitch. It's pretty depressing to sing about your team, then watch keystone cop defending gift yet another goal to your opponents.

I think we should cut the EE a bit of slack to be fair! Appreciate that we have a new manager that we all want to support, but even he acknowledges that AG must have been a difficult place to watch football in recent months.

It doesnt take much to get the EE going again - a bit of quality play, the team looking like they're up for it, a few goals etc.

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