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Heavy Rain In Bristol From 3Pm

Mr Banos

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With weather warnings in place, I hope we have more than 2 blotters working today on the pitch.

Chance of a second cancellation?

depends on the amount thats due to fall,

its not often we get a game called off due to a waterlogged pitch, that boxing day one if they would of listened to our ground staff and delayed kick-off til 4 it may of gone ahead, but if there is a massive deluge then now amount of blotters on earth will get the game to go ahead

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A guy sitting next to me at the cancelled game had driven down from Norwich to be there. Four hours in the pissing rain.

He looked like his soul had imploded when the officials came out that second time and could be seen shaking their heads.

You'd have to be made of stone not to laugh at that :rofl2br:

I think there's some confusion here. When the Met Office forecasts heavy rain, it doesn't mean the monsoon that hit Bristol on Boxing Day. People I know who've been in India say that "monsoon" was no exaggeration; if anything, an understatement.

I would say there's a 99% chance of the game being on. Wish we had the same chance of winning...

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Damn... they need to get those covers off.. watch those Iti's sliding around the pitch and we cruise through to pop a couple of winning goals ala UK muck and fodder style.

I hear that several lorry loads of West Country mud are already on the way from Severn Beach...

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