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Esmond Million's Bung

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So the arrogant Lib Dem scum bag Chris Hunhe who protested his innocence and vowed to fight the charges all of the way is what most of us actually suspected he really was just another greedy, lying piece of shit politician, another scum bag not fit to be an MP I suspect he has done a deal that will keep him out of prison.

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The indignation that he showed over these claims, the lawyers trying to silence people, the cries of innocence and he will fight the allegations - taking it all the way through the investigation, CPS case put against him, going to court, still pleading innocent and now.......... finally pleads guilty - what a low life.

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Thought it was going to be about Cilla Black for a moment then.

If there was one example of why politicians simply can't be trusted then this it. His performance tars all of them with the same brush i'm afraid.

Keep up, the lovely Holly Willoughby does that series now!

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Politicians wonder why less and less people bother to vote at elections?.

Still for younger forum members there is at least a very good life lesson to be learnt here, 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned', not only did this grubby little man cheat on his wife, by claiming his innocence he was also calling her a liar. The good news is that his ex wife has pleaded not guilty and hopefully she will now dish the rest of the dirt on this disgraced former politician and really make him squirm even more in open court.

PS:- should be made to pay back every penny he ever earned as an MP since the offence was committed.

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Politicians wonder why less and less people bother to vote at elections?.

Still for younger forum members there is at least a very good life lesson to be learnt here, 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned', not only did this grubby little man cheat on his wife, by claiming his innocence he was also calling her a liar. The good news is that his ex wife has pleaded not guilty and hopefully she will now dish the rest of the dirt on this disgraced former politician and really make him squirm even more in open court.

PS:- should be made to pay back every penny he ever earned as an MP since the offence was committed.

Well clearly Huhne is now destined for a spell as a guest of Her Majesty. I would think his wife is also in serious danger of going the same way. It seems that she did him this 'favour' years ago and was happy with it upto their split, which was around 2010. Only after the split did she become vocal about it, presumably as a very badly thought out act of revenge. Now she's claiming a defence of 'marital coercion'. We'll see, but as a long-married man the idea of me getting my wife to do something she thought was wrong or illegal is laughable. People think that this 'point swapping' is fairly trivial, apparently 330,000 are estimated to have done it last year alone, but actually you get charged with 'perverting the course of justice' - a very serious offence. Good riddance to both of 'em, IMO.

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Well clearly Huhne is now destined for a spell as a guest of Her Majesty. I would think his wife is also in serious danger of going the same way. It seems that she did him this 'favour' years ago and was happy with it upto their split, which was around 2010. Only after the split did she become vocal about it, presumably as a very badly thought out act of revenge. Now she's claiming a defence of 'marital coercion'. We'll see, but as a long-married man the idea of me getting my wife to do something she thought was wrong or illegal is laughable. People think that this 'point swapping' is fairly trivial, apparently 330,000 are estimated to have done it last year alone, but actually you get charged with 'perverting the course of justice' - a very serious offence. Good riddance to both of 'em, IMO.

i'm not so sure about her being found guilty tbh, the press have today released a series texts between Huhne and his son from last year, where the son is very hostile towards his father and keeps telling him to do the right thing and Huhne pretty much bats it away every time, I think she and her son and other witnesses will paint a very nasty picture of him being very controlling and let's be honest the way he has handled this sort of proves the point, a man who was prepared at one stage to feed his ex wife to the wolves, I hope she get's tbh and just shits all over him.

PS:- I suspect a bloke like Huhne would only plead guilty if he had already struck a deal for a non custodial sentence, but we can hope.

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PS:- I suspect a bloke like Huhne would only plead guilty if he had already struck a deal for a non custodial sentence, but we can hope.

Would be very surprised if that's true - he's not in a position to strike a deal any more.

It is generally the case that people tend to get lower sentances if they plead guilty than if they go through a full trial and then get found guilty. In this case he's pleaded guilty before even a jury was sworn in. Would imagine that Huhne got to the conclusion that he was going to be found guilty, especially given his son's likely testimony and the text messages, and just made the calculation. It won't stop him going down, but maybe it will reduce the amount of time he will spend inside.

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Well clearly Huhne is now destined for a spell as a guest of Her Majesty. I would think his wife is also in serious danger of going the same way. It seems that she did him this 'favour' years ago and was happy with it upto their split, which was around 2010. Only after the split did she become vocal about it, presumably as a very badly thought out act of revenge. Now she's claiming a defence of 'marital coercion'. We'll see, but as a long-married man the idea of me getting my wife to do something she thought was wrong or illegal is laughable. People think that this 'point swapping' is fairly trivial, apparently 330,000 are estimated to have done it last year alone, but actually you get charged with 'perverting the course of justice' - a very serious offence. Good riddance to both of 'em, IMO.

'Marital coercion' my arse. I hope she goes down with him.

Spare a thought for the voters of Eastleigh. A previous incumbent, Tory Steven Milligan accidentally dies playing an auto-erotic sex game and then they get saddled with Huhne, a disgraced lying slime-ball. Not just on this issue either as he had previously denied all knowledge of the 'Calamity Clegg' paper written during the leadership contest by his partner Carima Something. Apparently Nigel Farage is thinking of standing in the by-election which should add some interest to the contest.

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Well clearly Huhne is now destined for a spell as a guest of Her Majesty. I would think his wife is also in serious danger of going the same way. It seems that she did him this 'favour' years ago and was happy with it upto their split, which was around 2010. Only after the split did she become vocal about it, presumably as a very badly thought out act of revenge. Now she's claiming a defence of 'marital coercion'. We'll see, but as a long-married man the idea of me getting my wife to do something she thought was wrong or illegal is laughable. People think that this 'point swapping' is fairly trivial, apparently 330,000 are estimated to have done it last year alone, but actually you get charged with 'perverting the course of justice' - a very serious offence. Good riddance to both of 'em, IMO.

Ain't that the truth! :laughcont:

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