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What Happened?


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Rebuilt server but as ever never went smoothly, had to drag the server from the data centre to office..and then back again. Anyway was all going to plan until that fatal error which IPS fixed about 23:30

Hopefully should be more stable now on match days. We shall see, may need some adjusting to get right.

Well done, Tom; thanks very much. And it stayed up all game today!!

Horace says "Thank you, Tom". Well, actually he said "Snort, Snort, Snuffle", but I know what he means...

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Rebuilt server but as ever never went smoothly, had to drag the server from the data centre to office..and then back again. Anyway was all going to plan until that fatal error which IPS fixed about 23:30

Hopefully should be more stable now on match days. We shall see, may need some adjusting to get right.


I thought that was case and was going to tweet you just in case.

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