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City Legends On The Board?

fka dagest

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Firstly I apologise for providing a link about Man Ure on a football forum...

However, I note Ferguson is proposing to become a director of their board upon retiring. When considering that Bobby Charlton has been on the board for years in a period of distinct success (not that I'm suggesting the link is entirely causal), is it something that City should adopt?

Who could join the board as honorary members in an advisory capacity? Surely an informed voice from a City legend would be advantageous. Who would you pick?

As an aside to what extent does the Board consult past players on footballing matters?

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How many of our legends have stayed in the game? I'm guessing not many. Recent legends maybe. Our big legends are either dead, or so far removed from football nowadays, you would be hard pushed justifying a place on the board for them.

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Didn't this forum go into meltdown about giving "old boys" jobs out of kindness? Now there is a suggestion to make an "old boy" a director? Honestly I can't keep up with what "the fans want" on these forums because it changes so frequently, no wonder SL and the club struggles in general, even the fans can't make their minds up and keep arguing with each other over petty "banter/jokes".

I can understand opinions and views change but to me there seems to be total confusion on the matter of ex players and club jobs, I personally think we shouldn't be giving ex players/current players any higher position in the club unless its as a coach and they show promise at improving players.

Tinnion is the best example of why you don't give a player a managers job unless he shows a lot of potential. Giving Murray a job as a director... directors are supposed to direct, as much as I like Scotty he's our kit man and the cringeworthy video he did not long ago shows he's loyal but a follower, not a leader or director. Don't get me wrong I'm not putting Scotty down but some people are meant to lead and inspire and others are meant to be the engine, the hard worker, Scotty is the latter, as was Tinnion, as is Carey and as will most players be. Can't we just leave the directors position to someone who knows how to give a club direction, the managers job to someone who can manage and bring in some players who show desire to play and be rid of the rest?

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