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Just Got Back From Bloomfield Road


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Bear with me as I've always wanted to start one of these, as I live only 40 miles away I guess here's my chance!!

I think all in all it was a good performance from the team in general, we certainly deserved at least a point and were a little unlucky not to get all three but for a (incorrectly?) disallowed goal for offside. I'd be interested to know what the possession stats were as at times it was difficult to tell which side was the home team; they did have a couple of chances and Ince does look a very good player but the back four I thought were great and contained him well for most of the game and there wasn't to many heart in mouth moments!

The state of the beach, I mean pitch, was shocking which really did make it difficult to keep the ball on the deck and play it - perhaps this was why we seemed a little goal shy at times when we seemed to be in good positions for taking a shot at goal?

It's disappointing to drop to the bottom after what would usually be considered a good point but on today's and recent form since So'D's arrival we look too good for the drop (famous last words!).

The away support was terrific and got a good clap from most of the team at the end.


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Fontaine and nyatanga were outstanding today. Think it helped due to blackpools forward line being short, and with ball on a deck near on impossible blackpool had to resort to long balls. Couldn't see the disallowed goal from where was sat other end of pitch so can't comment, but thought we were very workmanlike and apart from one wonder save from heaton second half goal wasn't really threatened.

Special mention to Anderson who I thought was a constant danger all game, and who's work rate was superb. Always back helping the defence and then ready to counter as soon as ball was won back.

The work rate from whole team was phenomenal and what a difference from mcinnes last games. All players know there role in the team and do exactly as there supposed to, which gives us a good shape and so much harder to break down. Just simple basic football 442 with 2 banks of 4, nothing flash just simple football.

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I thought we played well today and were certainly more than worthy of our point and clean sheet.

Obviously it was never going to be an exciting game, but we showed the fight, determination and desire that is needed on that pitch and will be continue to be needed if we are to give ourselves any chance of beating the drop. Neither keeper was overly worked, but I would say that Gilks was the busier of the two. Having seen the offside on TV it seems that we were hard done by there and Davies could/should have scored a header, but unfortunately aimed it straight at the keeper. A draw was probably the fair result, but if you had to try and award the game to someone on points I would say we slightly shaded it.

I thought the back four all played well and it is nice to see Liam back to playing how most of us know he is capable of. Kelly also had a very good game in midfield and at times first half was almost running the show.

My only concern is how tired we will be Tuesday night after spending all afternoon running around on that excuse for a pitch, but I guess O'Driscoll has the option to rest a few players when you see how strong our bench looked today.

Not exactly one for the neutral, but a good performance from City and effort and heart to be proud of.

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:city: It was great to see the defence clearing the ball out instead of passing for passing sake around the back or using Heaton as our playmaker by passing back to him at the first opportunity.

SOD must have got it into their heads that on a pitch like that you can't play football and just have to play percentages

.Fontaine was my man of the match,if only he could mix his usual defensive self with the no messing player we saw today.

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Fonts stood out for me . Won every header , got his foot in round the side of the forward he was picking up and generally read the game very well at the back .

I thought we never once messed around at the back trying to play the ball out when to ' hoof it ' was what was required with a pitch that mirrored pitches of the days at Derby and Chelsea of the 1970's .

Don't want to sound off about Pearson to much again but for me he has got to chase , close down , muscle in on players shielding the ball etc.. and personally although I could ' nt say he let the side down yesterday , he just continues to frustrate when you need 110 % from everyone .

As for Blackpool , the fans are still giddy of recent premiership days . On my very short journey back home up the prom to Cleveleys , the ' talk of the tram ' was of teams in the bottom 3 ' we should be beating these ' , ' they came for a point ' and ' on a decent pitch we would have won easily '.

In all that I look back on from the game , City were very workmanlike , showed passion , unlucky with the offside goal , defended very well and gave fans hope for the rest of the season .

Blackpool rely on Ince to run at defenders and create either goals for himself or feed off of him to much . If you allow him to pick the ball up on the half way line ( and I thought we did that to much ) he will look to attack you . Get the foot in early and break the attack down while the ball is around the middle third .

McKenzie at the back looked good for them to the extent that he was as prolific as Fonts at snuffing out our attacking options .

Goalkeepers never really played major parts in the game although Heaton made a good save ( but I thought he made it look spectacular ) by pushing the ball out in the second half . Could have been all so different when Gilks let the ball through his legs where all around me thought the tap in would give us victory .

The pitch was the winner stopping any good football being played . Can't see Ince putting up with that and he must have had some garantee that it would be dealt with before he signed . Their fans are obviously not happy up here with it's state and that it's stopping them from playing their fast , passing game .

All in all a good hard earned point and the battle on for us and the others for survival .

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Any fans fall through the stand or have trouble with stewards ?

About 20mins in a load came over in formation and tried to get everyone to sit down. Virtually everyone refused.

The thing that was daft though was they started with us on the back row. When one lad pointed out he wouldn't be able to see past the people in front if he sat down 3stewarts tried to forcefully remove him and if it wasn't for his mate's hauling him back they would have.

Also understand it all went off at HT when they ejected someone and from what I understand (didn't see it) it was the wrong person they ejected (admittedly they all say that).

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