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Defence Tonight


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Not there, but suspect in achieving that they had to defend and work as a team, closing down. Much much better.

Can only hope we get the results that keep us up. If not to be, still as confident in the future as been for a while.

Good in a way to be disappointed about not winning, rather than in being stuffed.

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Makes it so much more frustrating that we are in this position.

Based on the last month we should be nowhere near the bottom.

Exactly! the previous manager turned us into an awful team. We now have belief again that Fontaine is a good player and Nyatanga is like a new signing....

Ten games to play and the fixture list has turned up some hummdingers between now and the end...keep the faith, we gained a point on Sheff Wed and Ipswich and look at some of what they have to come....A bloody long way to go...Fingers crossed for boro!

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Can anyone remember us EVER restricting an opposing team to 0 shots during a match? I've been following City for 18 years now and can't remember an instance of it occurring, surely it would stick in the mind?)

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I thought the defence were pretty average like the rest of the season. Many occasions the Brighton forwards waltzed between Fonts and Nyatanga. Luckily the ball was over-hit on each occasion.

The difference is the midfield who were outstanding. Kelly, Pearson and Elliot never stopped closing down (and stuck to their pre-planned roles). Elliot especially seems to have rediscovered some form.

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The defence was average like the rest of the season.

What a statement.

I thought they did their jobs well. Liam and Lewin commanded the centre pairing, the full/wing back never got exposed at attacked well. If you consider that 'average' then please, tell me what you'd consider a good performance.

As for 'the rest of the season' comment, clearly you've forgetting the number of games when the players were shot on confidence and consistently failing to get the basics right.

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Under S O'D they are suddenly more composed on the ball. Fonts and Tangs just need to work on the clearances. there were a number of pointless hoofs up field - understandable when under pressure, but not in these cases. In terms of positioning and closing down their man, both CBs looked like different players from the McInnes nightmare - and Moloney and Cunningham were excellent as ever.

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Distribution from all 4 was gack, I thought CMS was causing us problems getting in behind down the sides, so his injury was a blessing.

I thought the defence was solid. Nothing more. This is the sort of performance we should EXPECT of our defence, that we've been so horrendously bad is what makes people get a bit rosy eyed. Lets not forget some of the insulting 90 minutes we've received from Liam and co this season....

The outstanding performers were undoubtedly in our midfield.

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Under S O'D they are suddenly more composed on the ball. Fonts and Tangs just need to work on the clearances. there were a number of pointless hoofs up field - understandable when under pressure, but not in these cases. In terms of positioning and closing down their man, both CBs looked like different players from the McInnes nightmare - and Moloney and Cunningham were excellent as ever.

Difficult for them when they've clearly been instructed to clear their lines if pressure is anywhere near, and they only had Steady to aim for. Had Davies been there too then all clearances would've at least been competed for up top. Nyatanga & Fonts very good indeed last night, CMS unnerved them with his pace but when the bigger guy came on he barely had a sniff, did he even win one header from the balls we let their defence pump up?

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If the defenders keep up the recent high level of performances, both individually and collectively, City will continue to be a very hard team to score against..

That's half the battle so let's hope they all keep fit - if so the confidence and understanding will improve still further and the defence picks itself for the rest of the season.

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Difficult for them when they've clearly been instructed to clear their lines if pressure is anywhere near, and they only had Steady to aim for. Had Davies been there too then all clearances would've at least been competed for up top. Nyatanga & Fonts very good indeed last night, CMS unnerved them with his pace but when the bigger guy came on he barely had a sniff, did he even win one header from the balls we let their defence pump up?

I do see what you're saying, but I was concerned at the aimless punts taken when they were not under any pressure.

Compare and contrast with the Brighton baldy full-back who was allowed to play the ball up to the half-way line and then pick out a pass every time. How sporting of us to do that!!!

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I do see what you're saying, but I was concerned at the aimless punts taken when they were not under any pressure.

Compare and contrast with the Brighton baldy full-back who was allowed to play the ball up to the half-way line and then pick out a pass every time. How sporting of us to do that!!!

Yes, a pass to nowhere.

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