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Who's The New Pope ?

Tall King Blox

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Who cares? I can't stand religion generally and the Catholics in particular.

The twisted idea that priests should be celibate has led to thousands of incidents of sexual abuse as we all know.

Feel sorry for the many victims.

When it comes to religion, I believe passionately in Aethism.

That is, apart from my love of BCFC, which could be described as a sort of religion.

Not really, more of a love affair.

With all the ups and downs that love affairs have.

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Are people who believe in Aethism aesthetes? Seriously, I think you're dead right.

The daft thing is that there are plenty of married Catholic priests - Protestants who have converted.

Furthermore, Russian and Greek Orthodox and Coptic priests can marry, as well as all the Protestant sects.

When you add in the Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus, all of whose clerics can marry, it begins to look very odd indeed.

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Who cares? I can't stand religion generally and the Catholics in particular.

The twisted idea that priests should be celibate has led to thousands of incidents of sexual abuse as we all know.

Feel sorry for the many victims.

When it comes to religion, I believe passionately in Aethism.

That is, apart from my love of BCFC, which could be described as a sort of religion.

Not really, more of a love affair.

With all the ups and downs that love affairs have.

Prowed to be an aethist?

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Not according to the senior left-footer interviewed on the Today programme this morning.

St F of Assisi is a good role model for Catholic priests. He's one of the last of their number who fancied birds.

....perhaps the new Bishop of Rome will allow his priests to marry once again after nearly a thousand year ban on marriage. All those 'virgin' nuns to take his pick from. :D

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After St Francis Xavier. Co-founder of the Jesuits - those lovely people who brought you the Spanish Inquisition.

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition...............................

The commentator I listened to at the time of the announcement said Francis of Assisi. I have no inside knowledge. The Catholics have a lot to answer for, not least the elimination of the Cathars. I'm not religious but I'm sure the world would have beeen a better place for more Catharism and less Catholicism.

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With regard to Argentinian Pope Francis' claim to the Falkland Islands as being part of the Argentine, God has already made his decision known in this matter. If God had wanted the Argentinians to capture the Falklands, he would have been sure to have helped them win the Falklands' War. As it stands, God was on the side of the British military and he helped them smite the Argies against the odds. So, why does Pope Francis now question God's decision?

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With regard to Argentinian Pope Francis' claim to the Falkland Islands as being part of the Argentine, God has already made his decision known in this matter. If God had wanted the Argentinians to capture the Falklands, he would have been sure to have helped them win the Falklands' War. As it stands, God was on the side of the British military and he helped them smite the Argies against the odds. So, why does Pope Francis now question God's decision?

What Bollocks

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What Bollocks

I was using the analytical thought process of the European medieval mind. If there was a dispute between countries in medieval times then they went to war and the outcome was then decided by God. Pope Francis is a kind of Chief Executive Officer of God in the Roman Catholic Church - a church with its thinking very much in medieval times - so why is the Bishop of Rome - as a man of God - questioning the outcome of the Falklands' War? Over to you Maltshoveller........

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I was using the analytical thought process of the European medieval mind. If there was a dispute between countries in medieval times then they went to war and the outcome was then decided by God. Pope Francis is a kind of Chief Executive Officer of God in the Roman Catholic Church - a church with its thinking very much in medieval times - so why is the Bishop of Rome - as a man of God - questioning the outcome of the Falklands' War? Over to you Maltshoveller........

May be he is an Argy 1st

and a catholic 2nd

Or his mind is in the 21st century

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May be he is an Argy 1st

and a catholic 2nd

Or his mind is in the 21st century

To be fair to the new Bishop of Rome, maybe he'll be true to the core principals of the Christian faith afterall.......

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis, giving his clearest indication yet that he wants a more austere Catholic Church, said on Saturday that it should be poor and remember that its mission is to serve the poor.

The pope made his comments in an audience with journalists, explaining why he chose to take the name Francis, after St. Francis of Assisi, a symbol of peace, austerity and poverty.

He called Francis "The man who gives us this spirit of peace, the poor man," and added "How I would like a poor Church, and for the poor".

Since his shock election on Wednesday, the pope has made clear that he would be introducing a different style to the papacy following the resignation of Pope Benedict last month.

On the night he was elected he shunned the papal limousine and travelled on a bus with other cardinals who had elected him.

The next day he returned to the Church-run hotel where he had been staying before the conclave and insisted on paying the bill.

In other parts of his Italian address, much of it unscripted, he said that Catholics should remember that Jesus is the centre of the Church and not the pope.

Francis is taking the helm of the 1.2 billion-member Church at a time of crisis over the worldwide sexual abuse scandal as well as scandals involving intrigue and alleged corruption in the Vatican bureaucracy.

He said the Church, like any institution, had "virtues and sins" and urged journalists to focus on "truth, goodness and beauty" in the course of their work.

(Reporting By Philip Pullella and Catherine Hornby)

Source: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/pope-says-wants-poor-church-church-poor-104233960.html#2LvNpsh

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