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cider mad

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Their fans have been to the ground, they've protested in person, short of physically causing damage I don't see what else they can do. The fact is that Tan is not stupid about how he is turning this around, it's every day he's looking for ways to worm in the changes he wants and if the sneaky approach doesn't work he flat out lies and does it anyway.

With regards to the numbers I think you'd be surprised if the same happened to us, I think many of the Cardiff fans thought that they would all stay Blue no matter what but instead they've discovered they are not as United as they thought. You only need to see these forums from time to time to see that City fans are not as united as they'd like to be, the arguments and disagreements alone shows a divide along with the whole Robin vs crest debate.

I honestly think if a foreigner like Tan got a hold of this club and wasn't going to listen to protests and so on then we'd be in the exact same situation. A good example is when we got into the play off finals... suddenly we had 40,000+ fans was it? Yet not once this season have we only hit 15k once. Now imagine we get a rich investor in who promises Premier League and huge cash investments... the 12-15k we get week in week out suddenly don't matter because there is probably another 10-15k of fans he can bring in through those promises and small percentage of the 12-15k will attend anyway because they want to see us winning and getting into the Premier... suddenly we're Bristol FC and we're playing in white and all your complaints and protests mean nothing as Ashton Gate is full week in week out with plastic fans who just want victory and Premier League.

I think what bothers me the most is the way these forums seem to think "it'll never happen to me"... it's kind of like those guys who drive around with no seat belt on because despite many people becoming crippled or dying through not wearing a seat belt "It'll never happen to them".

I know many people on here will enjoy watching Cardiff suffer but the bottom line is a club we had a good rivaled history with are slowly disappearing into a Malaysian club who will actually be higher than us in standings, probably be playing in the top flight of football and despite being based in the English league system won't even represent anything British, let alone Welsh or English. As a Bristol City fan what happens to them is no concern to me, what is a concern is the way we seem to see ourselves as untouchable, like it is impossible for it to happen to us. Another thought is what if a foreign business owner sees Rovers in a new Stadium in League one in 3-4 years time and thinks... "Hmmmm here is a club in a very big city, no real rivals for the Premier League around it and very easy to get a hold of"... what if Rovers end up suffering what's happened to Cardiff... very funny at first, until he invests so heavily that they end up going in front of us. Maybe Swindon might be seen as a similar target etc.. my point is it's ruining not just Cardiff but football in general and no-one seems to care because it's not us... yet.

Fantastic words.

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If Cardiff City fans on the whole weren't such a arrogant, pretentious bunch I would have sympathy for them.

Sadly for them, their belief that they have a right to be a top flight club

Again, might be a good idea to look at our fans before making statements like that?

How many times have our fans said we are a major city, we should be able to attain and maintain Premiership football! How many times has this club been described as a sleeping giant etc

To me it seems like you're judging the Cardiff City fans based on the confrontational and mouthy ones you have come across. Every club has that element, even our own!

I work with five Cardiff fans and they all accepted the colour change without a whimper in exchange for promotion. They just didn't care, until now, so why should we help fans that can't help themselves? it

So what you're saying is because 5 fans have accepted it the entire club has?! Do you honestly think there wouldn't be 5 Bristol City fans who wouldn't accept the same treatment? Because if you do then you're deluded.

You work with 5 Cardiff fans who have accepted it, I live in a City that is fighting with itself because its not accepted it, I know a couple who were married for 8 years, both Cardiff City fans, who have ended their marriage over it. As I said before, just because you personally do not see it, it does not mean its not happening!

Only now the potential name change has been raised has a real Blue movement (still not the majority if their support) come forward to try and reclaim their club. Too little too late, I would say - but great timing as far as I'm concerned because it is having a massive destabilising effect on the club at a crucial stage of the season!

Again you're going off of what that its not the majority of their support? The Cardiff City fans requested the club send out a form to all Cardiff City season ticket holders asking:

Red or Blue?

Dragon or Bluebird?

Cardiff City or Cardiff Dragons?

Knowing already that only 7% of fans in a recent poll back Tan completely. The clubs response.... "It's not going to happen!". So again Tan uses plastics to fill the stadium, "fans" who aren't fans at all, just Cardiff born glory supporters who want to see their "second" team playing Cardiff next season to give a sense of the Cardiff fans supporting/accepting the red. The problem is even a plastic won't accept the name change because it was a condition that the name never changed if the colours did. Even a plastic can see that is wrong which says a lot!

Good enough for them and why should we show solidarity towards such an apethetical bunch? It will be interesting to see if there is more than 500 on the 'Blue' March they are holding before the Blackburn game. I doubt it

Maybe because my point is this isn't just about Cardiff City!! It's about football, it's about "investors" coming over here and killing the very leagues we play in by making a mockery of our history! At what point will you put aside a pathetic/silly grudge for the better of football in the English league?! Honestly sometimes I wonder if we're so petty that we'll cut off our own nose to spite out face.
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I know what your point is, Spike, and I agree that this crass re-brand shouldn't happen to any club. Hopefully Cardiff's experience will ensure that it doesn't happen to any other club. But rest assured that the Thaksin Shinawatra, Sacha Gaydamek, Carson Yeung and Vincent Tan's of this world will always cloud the view of supporters when they buy clubs with promises of success. That is all supporters see when they take over, not changing kit colours, badges and names. That is done with hindsight.

Whilst I may only know these five Cardiff fans, they are telling me that the rebrand was accepted very quickly by nearly everyone they know. These guys have been season ticket holders for donkeys years and they, and all their mates and family, went along with it. Well I say all their mates - one that I met after we played them a month ago said that he was boycotting games until they played in blue again, until it was revealed that he was actually banned.... So you can see from my perspective why I have this apathetical view of their fans.

And can I say that my "pathetic/silly grudge" will always remain, no matter what happens to their silly/pathetic club and their equally silly/pathetic owner. They weren't so concerned when they were ramming promotion down my throat a few months back. They made their bed, now they can lie in it.

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Make no bones about it, if City got in the same boat, there would be little different in their reaction. Remember all the hot air about McInnes out protests?

The mass of fans would do the same as the mass of Bluebirds fans, just stop going. loads of plastic fans would replace them, the kind of fans the PL needs to help pay the bills.

Personally I would simply stop going, but I do live 100 miles away, folks down there may do it differently. Others would go start supporting the Mangos or other brizz teams. The blue few would be the same, as would Swinetown. Indeed the mass of clubs in the League would be exactly the same. How many fans even bother boycotting the MK Mongs games. I seem to recollect 600 plus fans going to each of the games we played em in..

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Make no bones about it, if City got in the same boat, there would be little different in their reaction. Remember all the hot air about McInnes out protests?

The mass of fans would do the same as the mass of Bluebirds fans, just stop going. loads of plastic fans would replace them, the kind of fans the PL needs to help pay the bills.

Personally I would simply stop going, but I do live 100 miles away, folks down there may do it differently. Others would go start supporting the Mangos or other brizz teams. The blue few would be the same, as would Swinetown. Indeed the mass of clubs in the League would be exactly the same. How many fans even bother boycotting the MK Mongs games. I seem to recollect 600 plus fans going to each of the games we played em in..

Sorry can't have that. Put our chaps in a blue home kit a mob would storm down the hill from Bedminster like the peasants burning frankensteins castle.

Tuther news Scouers not happy about prices in the promised land.





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There's one comment which sums up a split growing between modern football fans and the traditional support.

He basically says 'yeah, lets go back to being rubbish'. But to me this misses the point, success, 'rubbish', are all relative terms.

If we ever make it back to div 1, then so be it. But you shouldn't have to sale your soul to do so.

If maintaining your, soul, heritage and pride means playing in Div 2, then so be it. It's worth far more than a season in Murdoch's play thing.

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There's one comment which sums up a split growing between modern football fans and the traditional support.

He basically says 'yeah, lets go back to being rubbish'. But to me this misses the point, success, 'rubbish', are all relative terms.

If we ever make it back to div 1, then so be it. But you shouldn't have to sale your soul to do so.

If maintaining your, soul, heritage and pride means playing in Div 2, then so be it. It's worth far more than a season in Murdoch's play thing.

Well said, sir. You'll be murdered by the plastic kiddies, though...

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Spike, do you know how financial fair play will affect Cardiff? as I understand it, Sam Hamman's is owed £5m if they go up plus the original £18m (and interest) and that's due to be paid in 2016? due to this Tan has provided loans to the club but won't turn it into equity unless Sam Hamman does the same, which Sam won't as his £18m will give him a fairly small equity holding in a club that he won't have any influence over and no one to sell his shares to, because Tan owns the vast majority of shares, if the loans are turned into equity.

Do the financial fair play for the premiership force all the loans from the owners be turned into equity? if so that will leave Tan still facing Sam Hamman's £18m+ interest in 2016.

Cardiff have been ****** up for years by it's owners and their loyal fans have had to put up with it, as the owners from Sam Hamman, to the rugby boys and now Tan are too arrogant to listen and take note of their fans

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The likes of Spike can go on and on about Tan and the re-brand,but Cardiff's support have spent the last 10 years being apathetic.

They were warned ( on here especially) about Sam Hamman,did they do anything? Yes, they doted over him.

He was the start,then along comes Risdale the crook,did they do anything then? No, they just accepted him and fell for all his lies, this without a single protest.

So,Cardiff fans have form in not doing anything and accepting everything.

The Malaysians as far (as I'm aware?)were bought in by Risdale,he obviously briefed them on the Cardiff's fans lack of protest and fight and they obviously liked what they were told.

So Spike,you can defend them and try the old trick of "it could happen to us", but I will tell you that it would not.

We would stop it at source.

You have obviously lived in Cardiff for too long and accept things easily like the rest of that City does.

Cardiff fans had 2 chances to stop there club being treated like shit even before the latest owner,they didn't and now are paying the price for there lack of fight and the willingness to accept everything without protest.

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